Myrica, Bayberry
Myrica, Box Myrtle, Wax-Myrtle, Candleberry, WaxberryTuffah Alajaib, Ood al-Barg Tandol, Kaayaphal (Unani)
Katphala (Ayurveda)
Marudam (Siddha)
The Family Flora and Materia Medica Botanica, Good, 1847
1, Portion of the bark without the corky layer. 2. Piece of the corky
layer. 3, Cross-section of the bark. 4, A thick piece of the bark.
Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919
Botanical name:
Myrica cerifera
In the U.S., others are used similarly including M. californica, M. gale, M. ocuba, M. jalapensis.
In Unani, M. cerifera is used along with Box Myrtle, M. nagi (syn. M. esculenta) and M. sapida.
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Bitter, Sour, Pungent
“It is Hot in the first degree and Dry from the last phase of the second up to the third degree”. (Avicenna)
1. Stops Leakage, Clears Damp:
-diarrhea with mucus, mucus colitis
-leukorrhea, candida (as a douche)
2. Warms the Stomach, Clears Damp:
-poor Appetite, Gastritis, chronic Gastric Ulcers
-Atonic Diarrhea, Irritable Bowel and Dysentery.
-Malabsorption (Unani)
3. Clears Cold-Phlegm and Damp:
-phlegm of the Throat, Mouth, Stomach, Bladder or Bowels.
-Rhinitis, Sinusitis
-It has cured several cases of Goiter. (Dr. J.W. Martin)
4. Stops Bleeding:
-bleeding of the Lungs, Stomach or Bowels.
-Uterine Bleeding
-has been advocated as a tonic during pregnancy (Christopher)
-Postpartum Bleeding.
-“A decoction made of Box Myrtle, is useful in hemoptysis”. (Avicenna)
5. Emetic:
-Full doses have been used as an emetic (1 dram)
6. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis:
–promotes sluggish Uterine Contractions in Labor
-Prolapse of the Uterus
7. Settle Wind, Stops Spasms:
-spasmolytic, hypotensive, anti-arrhythmic
-used for Atherosclerosis
8. Externally:
i. used in tooth powders to cleanse the mouth and gums, and tonify the gums. (U.S. and Unani)
ii. powder is applied to Toothache (apply to tooth and gums)
iii. as a snuff for Nasal Polyps and Catarrh
iv. as a douche or Pessary for Prolapse of the Uterus, Candida, Amenorrhea and atonic Leukorrhea (U.S. and Unani)
v. for slow-healing Ulcers and Leg Ulcers, apply the powder topically then bandage
vi. “It is useful in creeping and putrid ulcers”. (Avicenna)
vii. applied to Piles (Unani)
viii. a strong decoction has been used for Anal Fistula.
ix. “Sprinkling of this drug is useful in hardness and the spreading ulcers of perineum and male organ” (Avicenna)
x. Sore Throat as a gargle; Diptheria dusted on the Throat.
xi. powdered bark is applied to dry and heal Wounds (Unani)
xii. powdered bark mixed with Sesame oil is massaged over Paralyzed parts (Unani)
500mg–3 grams of the powder, three times daily (2–5 grams in Unani)
Fresh Plant Tincture (1:2 in 95% alcohol): 5–60 drops
Dry Plant Tincture (1:5 in 60% alcohol): 5–60 drops
Fluid Extract (1:1 in 45% alcohol): 0.6–2mls, three times daily
Mastic (Unani)
1. Valerian wallichi (Unani)
2. Aristolchia bracteata (Unani)
3. “The substitute of Box Myrtle is Nabatean carob amounting to two-third of its quantity. For optimum beneficial effect on nerves, equal quantity of Indian Valerian and half quantity of Doronicum and fruit of Tamarisk should also be taken as its substitute”. (Avicenna)
Main Combinations:
1. Cold Phlegm:
i. Bayberry bark with Ginger
ii. Bayberry bark with Horehound
2. Wind-Cold Common Cold and Flu:
i. Bayberry bark with Angelica
ii. Bayberry bark with Ginger, Clove (as in Composition Powder)
3. Opium habit: Bayberry root-bark (16 parts), Ginger (8 parts), Capsicum (1 parts). Powder, mix. This was said to have been effective.
4. Sore Throat, Cough, Asthma, Bayberry bark with Cyperus rotundus, Picrorhiza, Zedoary with Ginger juice and Honey (Unani)
5. Prostatitis from Cold-Damp, Bayberry bark with Thuja
6. Colitis, Bayberry bark with Agrimony, Golden Seal
7. Diarrhea:
i. Bayberry bark with Tormentil
ii. chronic Diarrhea, Bayberry bark with Agrimony, Yarrow, Cinnamon
8. Leukorrhea, Bayberry bark with Golden Seal
9. Topically to Piles, Bayberry bark with Camphor and Asafetida. (Unani)
10. Chronic Catarrh, Nasal Polyps, Bayberry as a snuff with Bloodroot
Major Formulas:
Eight-Limbed Electuary
1. Large doses may cause mineral corticoid-like effects (hypertension, sodium and water retention etc.). It should therefore be used cautiously in Hypertension, Edema and Pregnancy.