Moringa, Shigru

‘Miracle Tree’, Bean Oil Tree, Horse Radish Tree, Drumstick Plant, Ben
Shigru, Sahunjana, Harita Chada (white-flowered variety) (Ayurveda)
Sahajan (Unani)
Murungai (Siddha)
Pho ba ris dkar po (Tibetan)
Picture Moringa oleifera
F.P. Chaumeton, Flore médicale, vol. 2 (1829)

Picture Seed Cases (Glans ungentaria)
M. de Lobel, Plantarum seu stirpium icones, vol. 2 (1581)

Picture Moringa seed
(Adam, 2024)

Botanical name:

Moringa oleifera (syn. M. pterygosperma, Ben oleifera)
Three varieties of Shigru are mentioned in Ayurvedic texts:
  1. White-flowered variety: M. oleifera
  2. Yellow or Pink-Red flowered variety: M. concanensis
  3. Blue-Black flowered variety: unidentified

Parts used:

Leaf, Seed
Also the Gum

Temperature & Taste:

Very Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter, slightly Sweet


1.. Warms the Kidneys, Clears Damp, Promotes Urine (Ayurveda, Unani, Tibetan)
-Edema, Dysuria, Obesity
-dissolves and prevents Urinary Stones
-Arthritis, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Osteoarthritis (Ayurveda, Unani)
-Moringa is used in Tibetan medicine to restore body heat, clear Cold and Phlegm diseases.
-increases Sperm; Aphrodisiac (especially Seed, Leaf; also the root)
-Diabetes (Unani, Ayurveda; confirmed by modern research)
-Leaf, Root-bark, and Seed are used for this function

2. Settles Wind, Regulates Heart: (Ayurveda, Unani)
-Hypertension, Hypotension
-Cardiac complaints, Heart disease; Heart and circulatory tonic (Root, Stem-bark)
-leaf has hypotensive and bradycardiac effects
-Paralysis, Epilepsy, Tetanus (Leaf, Unani)
-Numbness and tingling (Myanmar)
-Nervous diseases, Insomnia (Seed, Ayurveda)
-restriction of Jaw movement (root-bark, seed)
-all types of pain (stem-bark)
-Root, root-bark, and stem-bark are used for this function

3. Clears Wind-Phlegm, Resolves Masses: (Leaf, Bark, Seed)
-Scrofula, Goiter
-recently used for various Cancers (proven efficacy against various cell types; see below)

4. Warms and Strengthens the Stomach: (Leaf, root-bark, Seed)
-promotes digestion; bloating, indigestion, colic, flatulence
-hardness of the Spleen; Abdominal masses
-Gastric Ulcers (leaf powder; proven to kill Helicobacter)
-used as a nutritional tonic in weakness and deficiency

5. Kills Worms: (Leaf, Bark, Root, Seed)
-intestinal worms
-oil of the seeds is Vermifuge

6. Benefits Brain and Senses:
-classically regarded as improving vision and strengthening the eyes
-improves Memory (Myanmar)

7. Resists Poison:
-Colds; Fever; Intermittent Fever; Small Pox
-obstinate skin diseases
-abscesses, cysts
-used for HIV
-Hepato-protective effect

8. Promotes Menstruation, Inhibits Conception: (root-, stem-bark)
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea from Cold
-root has been used to inhibit conception

9. Externally:
-leaf paste is applied to Wounds
-abscesses, swellings (leaf, root, seed)
-applied to Rheumatism; stiffness of the Body (root, bark)
-roasted and ground seeds are made into a poultice for Arthritis (Thailand)
-earache (root)
-Seed paste is applied to Warts
-Fistula-in-ano (stem-bark)
-the steam is used to disperse tumors
-bath of the leaf decoction for Arthritis and Rheumatism
-oil of the seed is rubefacient
-Seed used as a wash for Dandruff (Nigeria)
-Snake bite


Leaf Juice: 10–20mls. (API)
Seed Powder: 5–10 grams
Stem-Bark Powder: 2–5 grams


1. Moringa is a very important medicinal plant with numerous health benefits and medicinal uses in traditional texts. All parts of the plant are used for various purposes. The leaves and Seeds are regularly used as foods by village people. The plant is rich in vitamins and minerals, and is regarded as a health tonic.
2. The various parts of the Tree have been used similarly, according to comparision of various authors. Seeds appear stronger for spasms and nervous complaints; Root is most used for Arthritic and Rheumatic complaints; Root and Root-bark are stimulant and stomachic.


The seeds have been used as a substitute / adulterant of Black Pepper.

Main Combinations:

1. Hardness and obstruction of the Spleen, Colic, Moringa gum, Ginger, Asafetida, Borax, Salt (as in Habb-e-Baogola)
2. Infection, Moringa leaf, Neem leaf
3. Increase immunity and fight infection: Moringa leaf, Bdellium, Emblic Myrobalan, Tinospora, Madder
4. To enhance speech, intelligence and memory, Moringa root-bark, Calamus, Chebula, Long Pepper as in Sarasvata Ghirta of Ayurveda)
5. Kidney inflammation:
i. Moringa, Tinospora
ii. Moringa, Rhubarb, Tribulus, Chebula, Tinospora, Withania (Unani)
6. Edema from Liver disease, Sal Ammoniac with Moringa infusion. (Nadkarni)
7. Leukorrhea, Potassium nitrate with Infusion of Moringa. (Nadkarni)
8. Worms: Seeds are boiled in water with salt, and taken with Honey (Ayurveda)

Major Formulas:

Habb-e-Baogola (Unani)
Sudarshana Churna
Sarasvata Ghrita
Vastyamayantaka Ghrita
Kshara Taila
Prabhanjana Vimardana Taila
Vishatinduka Taila


1. Avoid the leaf, root, bark and flowers during pregnancy. Root and Root-bark are abortifacient, causing strong uterine contractions.
The fruit is safe and regarded as a tonic during pregnancy.
2. Not used in heat-conditions, burning sensations, gastritis, heat-type bleeding etc.
3. Root and Bark have shown significant anti-fertility effects. Moringa seed decreases sperm motility, count and testosterone. Leaf powder showed a dose-dependent reduction in the concentration of serum FSH, LH and estrogen, while high doses significantly increased progesterone levels. Semen volume, sperm count and motility were significantly increased with the leaf powder in a dose dependent manner.
4. Large doses of the root-bark can cause kidney and liver dysfunction

Review of the Safety and Efficacy of Moringa oleifera.

Main Preparations used:

  • Extra Info
  • Research
RESEARCH FROM: 2012–07/2019
Treatments and uses of Moringa oleifera seeds in human nutrition: A review.
Evaluating Moringa Oleifera as a Nutritious and Acceptable Food Fortificant (P10-022-19).
Nutritional compositions of Indian Moringa oleifera seed and antioxidant activity of its polypeptides
Investigation of medicinal plants traditionally used as dietary supplements: A review on Moringa oleifera.
Qualitative Microbiological Risk Assessment of Moringa oleifera Leaf Powder To Be Used To Treat Undernutrition in Infants and Children in Cambodia and India: A Review.
Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Moringa oleifera Lam
Nutritional characterisation of Zambian Moringa oleifera: acceptability and safety of short-term daily supplementation in a group of malnourished girls.
Bioactive Components in Moringa Oleifera Leaves Protect against Chronic Disease.
Phytochemicals of Moringa oleifera: a review of their nutritional, therapeutic and industrial significance.
Review of the Safety and Efficacy of Moringa oleifera.
Health benefits of Moringa oleifera.

UPLC-Q-Orbitrap-MS2 analysis of Moringa oleifera leaf extract and its antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities.
Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Effects of Moringa oleifera (Moringa) and Azadirachta indica (Neem) Methanolic Extracts against Strains of Enterococcus faecalis.
Novel Compound from Flowers of Moringa oleifera Competently Active against Multi-Drug Resistant Gram-negative Bacilli.
Antibacterial activity of bark extracts of Moringa oleifera Lam. against some selected bacteria.

Evaluation of antiviral activity of plant extracts against foot and mouth disease virus in vitro.

Capacity for ethical and regulatory review of herbal trials in developing countries: a case study of Moringa oleifera research in HIV-infected patients.

In vitro antihypertensive and antioxidative properties of trypsin-derived Moringa oleifera seed globulin hydrolyzate and its membrane fractions.
Amino acid composition and antioxidant properties of Moringa oleifera seed protein isolate and enzymatic hydrolysates.
Antioxidant activities of Moringa oleifera leaf extract against pendimethalin-induced oxidative stress and genotoxicity in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.).
An Investigation of the Antioxidant Capacity in Extracts from Moringa oleifera Plants Grown in Jamaica.
Assessment of the Anti-Hyperglycaemic, Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities of the Methanol Extract of Moringa Oleifera in Diabetes-Induced Nephrotoxic Male Wistar Rats.
Subcritical ethanol extraction of flavonoids from Moringa oleifera leaf and evaluation of antioxidant activity.
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of a combination of cannabidiol and moringin in LPS-stimulated macrophages.
Antioxidant Activity and Induction of mRNA Expressions of Antioxidant Enzymes in HEK-293 Cells of Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract.
Direct and indirect antioxidant activity of polyphenol- and isothiocyanate-enriched fractions from Moringa oleifera.
Attenuation of lead-induced oxidative stress in rat brain, liver, kidney and blood of male Wistar rats by Moringa oleifera seed powder.

Characterization of Moringa oleifera roots polysaccharide MRP-1 with anti-inflammatory effect.
Identification of β-Sitosterol as in Vitro Anti-Inflammatory Constituent in Moringa oleifera.
Hepatoprotective, Antihyperlipidemic, and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Moringa oleifera in Diabetic-induced Damage in Male Wistar Rats.
Assessment of the Anti-Hyperglycaemic, Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities of the Methanol Extract of Moringa Oleifera in Diabetes-Induced Nephrotoxic Male Wistar Rats.
Moringa oleifera, a species with potential analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities.
Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Moringa oleifera in Downregulating the NF-κB Signaling Pathway in Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Macrophages.
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of a combination of cannabidiol and moringin in LPS-stimulated macrophages.

Moringa oleifera, a species with potential analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities.

Antipyretic activity of hydro-alcoholic extracts of Moringa oleifera in rabbits

Hypolipidemic Effect of Moringa oleifera Lam Leaf Powder and its Extract in Diet-Induced Hypercholesterolemic Rats.

[Preparation optimization of extract of Moringa oleifera leaves and its immune regulation effect on immunosuppressed mice].
Immunomodulatory Effects of the Water-soluble Lectin from Moringa oleifera Seeds (WSMoL) on Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC).
Activation of Cellular Immunity in Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1-Infected Mice by the Oral Administration of Aqueous Extract of Moringa oleifera Lam. Leaves.
Immunomodulatory activity of methanolic leaf extract of Moringa oleifera in Wistar albino rats.

Roles of Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract in Improving the Impact of High Dietary Intake of Monosodium Glutamate-Induced Liver Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Genotoxicity, DNA Damage, and PCNA Alterations in Male Rats.
Isolation of a novel compound (MIMO2) from the methanolic extract of Moringa oleifera leaves: protective effects against vanadium-induced cytotoxity.
Oral administration of Moringa oleifera oil but not coconut oil prevents mercury-induced testicular toxicity in rats.
Sperm abnormalities induced by pre-pubertal exposure to cyclophosphamide are effectively mitigated by Moringa oleifera leaf extract.
Co-administration of adjuvants along with Moringa oleifera attenuates beryllium-induced oxidative stress and histopathological alterations in rats.
Moringa oleifera Supplemented Diets Prevented Nickel-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Wistar Rats.
Protective effects of Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves against arsenic-induced toxicity in mice.
Chemotherapeutic efficacy of an ethanolic Moringa oleifera leaf extract against chromium-induced testicular toxicity in rats.

The radioprotective effects of Moringa oleifera against mobile phone electromagnetic radiation-induced infertility in rats.

Cardioprotective effect of magnetic hydrogel nanocomposite loaded N,α-L-rhamnopyranosyl vincosamide isolated from Moringa oleifera leaves against doxorubicin-induced cardiac toxicity in rats: in vitro and in vivo studies.
Cardiac Protective Effects of Moringa oleifera Seeds in Spontaneous Hypertensive Rats.

In vitro/in vivo hepatoprotective properties of 1-O-(4-hydroxymethylphenyl)-α-L-rhamnopyranoside from Moringa oleifera seeds against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury.
In vitro/in vivo hepatoprotective properties of 1-O-(4-hydroxymethylphenyl)-α-L-rhamnopyranoside from Moringa oleifera seeds against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury.
Ameliorative effects of Moringa oleifera leaf extract on levofloxacin-induced hepatic toxicity in rats.
Hepatoprotective, Antihyperlipidemic, and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Moringa oleifera in Diabetic-induced Damage in Male Wistar Rats.
An aqueous extract from Moringa oleifera leaves ameliorates hepatotoxicity in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
Anti-hyperglycaemic activity of Moringa oleifera is partly mediated by carbohydrase inhibition and glucose-fibre binding.
Protective effect of Moringa oleifera oil against HgCl2-induced hepato- and nephro-toxicity in rats.
Hepatoprotective activity of Moringa oleifera against cadmium toxicity in rats.

Protective effect of Moringa oleifera oil against HgCl2-induced hepato- and nephro-toxicity in rats.
Renoprotective effects of Moringa oleifera pods in 7,12-dimethylbenz [a] anthracene-exposed mice.

Moringa oleifera seed extract protects against brain damage in both the acute and delayed stages of ischemic stroke.
Moringa oleifera phytochemicals protect the brain against experimental nicotine-induced neurobehavioral disturbances and cerebellar degeneration.
Neuroprotective effects of Moringa oleifera: Bio-guided GC-MS identification of active compounds in diabetic neuropathic pain model.
Neuroprotective effect of Moringa oleifera leaf extract on aluminium-induced temporal cortical degeneration.
A Review on the Possible Neuroprotective Effects of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extract.

Evaluation of the antidepressant activity of Moringa oleifera alone and in combination with fluoxetine.

Moringa oleifera Seed Extract Alleviates Scopolamine-Induced Learning and Memory Impairment in Mice.
Moringa Oleifera Alleviates Homocysteine-Induced Alzheimer’s Disease-Like Pathology and Cognitive Impairments.
The Isothiocyanate Isolated from Moringa oleifera Shows Potent Anti-Inflammatory Activity in the Treatment of Murine Subacute Parkinson’s Disease.

Consumption of Moringa oleifera Lam Leaves Lowers Postprandial Blood Pressure.
In vitro antihypertensive and antioxidative properties of trypsin-derived Moringa oleifera seed globulin hydrolyzate and its membrane fractions.
Moringa oleifera leaf extract lowers high blood pressure by alleviating vascular dysfunction and decreasing oxidative stress in L-NAME hypertensive rats.
Moringa oleifera-rich diet and T cell calcium signaling in spontaneously hypertensive rats.

Effect of Moringa oleifera stem extract on hydrogen peroxide-induced opacity of cultured mouse lens.

Hormonal changes, semen quality and variance in reproductive activity outcomes of post pubertal rabbits fed Moringa oleifera Lam. leaf powder.

The beneficial effects of Moringa oleifera leaf on reproductive performance in mice.
Erectogenic and Aphrodisiac Property of Moringa oleifera: Involvement of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Enzyme.
Phenolic Extract from Moringa oleifera Leaves Inhibits Key Enzymes Linked to Erectile Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in Rats’ Penile Tissues.
Moringa oleifera extract enhances sexual performance in stressed rats.

Effects of Moringa oleifera on Insulin Levels and Folliculogenesis in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Model with Insulin Resistance.

The Use of Traditional and Complementary Medicine for Diabetes in Rural Guatemala.
Moringa Isothiocyanate Activates Nrf2: Potential Role in Diabetic Nephropathy.
Wound healing of diabetic rats treated with Moringa oleifera extract.
Effect of Moringa oleifera consumption on diabetic rats.
Effect of Moringa oleifera Leaf Capsules on Glycemic Control in Therapy-Naïve Type 2 Diabetes Patients: A Randomized Placebo Controlled Study.
Neuroprotective effects of Moringa oleifera: Bio-guided GC-MS identification of active compounds in diabetic neuropathic pain model.
Preliminary phytochemical screening, antioxidant and antihyperglycaemic activity of Moringa oleifera leaf extracts.
Hypoglycemic Potential of Aqueous Extract of Moringa oleifera Leaf and In Vivo GC-MS Metabolomics.
Moringa oleifera from Cambodia Ameliorates Oxidative Stress, Hyperglycemia, and Kidney Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetic Mice.
An aqueous extract from Moringa oleifera leaves ameliorates hepatotoxicity in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
Assessment of the Anti-Hyperglycaemic, Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities of the Methanol Extract of Moringa Oleifera in Diabetes-Induced Nephrotoxic Male Wistar Rats.
A Protein Isolate from Moringa oleifera Leaves Has Hypoglycemic and Antioxidant Effects in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice.
Potential hypoglycaemic activity phenolic glycosides from Moringa oleifera seeds.
Insulin-like plant proteins as potential innovative drugs to treat diabetes-The Moringa oleifera case study.
Evaluation of wound healing properties of bioactive aqueous fraction from Moringa oleifera Lam on experimentally induced diabetic animal model.
The antidiabetic effect of low doses of Moringa oleifera Lam. seeds on streptozotocin induced diabetes and diabetic nephropathy in male rats.
Isothiocyanate-rich Moringa oleifera extract reduces weight gain, insulin resistance, and hepatic gluconeogenesis in mice.
Anion Gap Toxicity in Alloxan Induced Type 2 Diabetic Rats Treated with Antidiabetic Noncytotoxic Bioactive Compounds of Ethanolic Extract of Moringa oleifera.
Moringa oleifera leaf extract ameliorates alloxan-induced diabetes in rats by regeneration of β cells and reduction of pyruvate carboxylase expression.
Moringa oleifera leaf extract ameliorates alloxan-induced diabetes in rats by regeneration of β cells and reduction of pyruvate carboxylase expression.

Isothiocyanate-rich Moringa oleifera extract reduces weight gain, insulin resistance, and hepatic gluconeogenesis in mice.

In vivo anti-arthritic and anti-nociceptive effects of ethanol extract of Moringa oleifera leaves on complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA)-induced arthritis in rats.

Antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and toxicological evaluation of semi-synthetic molecules obtained from a benzyl-isothiocyanate isolated from Moringa oleifera Lam. in a temporomandibular joint inflammatory hypernociception model in rats.

Antioxidant and Antifatigue Properties of the Aqueous Extract of Moringa oleifera in Rats Subjected to Forced Swimming Endurance Test.

Moringa oleifera Seeds Improve Aging-Related Endothelial Dysfunction in Wistar Rats.

Re: Potential of Moringa oleifera in the Treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia: Role of Antioxidant Defence Systems.
Potential of Moringa oleifera in the Treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia: Role of Antioxidant Defence Systems.

Three Constituents of Moringa oleifera Seeds Regulate Expression of Th17-Relevant Cytokines and Ameliorate TPA-Induced Psoriasis-Like Skin Lesions in Mice.

Cytotoxic and apoptotic effects of different extracts of Moringa oleifera Lam on lymphoid and monocytoid cells.

Moringin from Moringa Oleifera Seeds Inhibits Growth, Arrests Cell-Cycle, and Induces Apoptosis of SH-SY5Y Human Neuroblastoma Cells through the Modulation of NF-κB and Apoptotic Related Factors.
Bis (Isothiocyanatomethyl) Benzene, A Plant Derived Anti-Neoplastic Compound: Purified from Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extract.
The In Vitro and In Vivo Anticancer Properties of Moringa oleifera.
Moringa oleifera and their phytonanoparticles: Potential antiproliferative agents against cancer.
Moringa oleifera seed lectin inhibits Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cell growth by inducing apoptosis through the regulation of Bak and NF-κB gene expression.
Moringa oleifera Root Induces Cancer Apoptosis more Effectively than Leave Nanocomposites and Its Free Counterpart
Evaluation of antioxidant and anticancer activity of copper oxide nanoparticles synthesized using medicinally important plant extracts.
Moringa oleifera’s Nutritious Aqueous Leaf Extract Has Anticancerous Effects by Compromising Mitochondrial Viability in an ROS-Dependent Manner.
Anticancer activity of glucomoringin isothiocyanate in human malignant astrocytoma cells.
A potential oral anticancer drug candidate, Moringa oleifera leaf extract, induces the apoptosis of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells.
In Vitro Anticancer Activities of Anogeissus latifolia, Terminalia bellerica, Acacia catechu and Moringa oleiferna Indian Plants.
Cytotoxicity, Antioxidant and Apoptosis Studies of Quercetin-3-O Glucoside and 4-(β-D-Glucopyranosyl-1→4-α-L-Rhamnopyranosyloxy)-Benzyl Isothiocyanate from Moringa oleifera.
Soluble extract from Moringa oleifera leaves with a new anticancer activity.
The antiproliferative effect of Moringa oleifera crude aqueous leaf extract on cancerous human alveolar epithelial cells.
Moringa oleifera as an Anti-Cancer Agent against Breast and Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines.
Anticancer activity of Moringa oleifera mediated silver nanoparticles on human cervical carcinoma cells by apoptosis induction.
Moringa oleifera as an Anti-Cancer Agent against Breast and Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines.
The Antiproliferative Effect of Moringa oleifera Crude Aqueous Leaf Extract on Human Esophageal Cancer Cells.
Moringa oleifera Aqueous Leaf Extract Induces Cell-Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Human Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells.
Moringa peregrina Leaves Extracts Induce Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
A Combination of Moringin and Avenanthramide 2f Inhibits the Proliferation of Hep3B Liver Cancer Cells Inducing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Apoptosis.
The chemo-prophylactic efficacy of an ethanol Moringa oleifera leaf extract against hepatocellular carcinoma in rats.
Re: Potential of Moringa oleifera in the Treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia: Role of Antioxidant Defence Systems.
Moringa oleifera fruit induce apoptosis via reactive oxygen species-dependent activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases in human melanoma A2058 cells.
Cytotoxicity of the coagulant Moringa oleifera lectin (cMoL) to B16-F10 melanoma cells.

Efficacy and safety of Barg-e-Sahajna (Moringa oleifera Lam.) in primary hypothyroidism

Dietary Moringa oleifera improves growth performance, oxidative status, and immune related gene expression in broilers under normal and high temperature conditions.

Anthelmintic efficacy of Moringa oleifera seed methanolic extract against Fasciola hepatica.
Anthelmintic activity of Moringa oleifera seed aqueous and ethanolic extracts against Haemonchus contortus eggs and third stage larvae.