Momordica cochinchinensis, Mu Bie Zi 木鳖子Momordica seedMu Bie Zi (TCM) Karkataka, Karavella-jalaja (Ayurveda) |
Houtte, L. van, Flore des serres et des jardin de l’Europe (1845)
Momordica fruits sold in Thailand where it is called Gac
The fresh fruit and juice are sold as a health food
The seeds can be seen in the center. (Photo, Adam, 2019)
Momordica seed
(Adam, 2024)
Botanical name:
Momordica cochinchinensis (syn. M. mixta, M. meloniflora, M. macrophylla)
Parts used:
Seed (externally); prepared seed (internally)
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Bitter, slightly Sweet. Toxic
T. External Medicines
1. Clears Toxin, Resolve Swelling:
-topically applied to Toxic Swellings, Boils, Abscesses
-Mastitis, Breast Abscess
-Non-healing sores
-Scrofula, chronic Eczema, Neurodermatitis
-Hemorrhoids, Anal Fistula
-applied topically to Throat swelling and pain
-swelling and pain of the gums, Toothache
-topically for Tinea and other fungal infections
2. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis:
-swelling, pain, sprains, bruises from Trauma, including injuries to the joints or bones
-Lower Back Pain; Wind-Damp joint pain (Rheumatism)
-obstruction of the Liver or Spleen
-also to promote Menstruation (Ayurveda)
Prepared Momordica Mu Bie Zi Shuang: 900–1200mg in pills or powders
The unprepared seed is generally only used topically, made into a paste with oil or vinegar for topical application.
The root is also used occasionally in TCM and is called Mu Bie Gen. It has similar functions and uses externally to the seed.
:Prepared Momordica Mu Bie Zi Shuang (lit. ‘Momordica frost’): the Seed kernels are dry-fried, powdered, and pressed between absorbent paper to extract the oil. This process is repeated with fresh absorbent paper until no more oil stains appear and the powder looks whitish in color. The remaining powder is dried and powdered. This reduces toxicity and makes it appropriate for internal administration.
Main Combinations:
1. Toxic Sores, Boils, Abscesses:
i. topically with Scutellaria Huang Qin, Trichosanthes Radix Tian Hua Fen
ii. to help suppuration of pus-filled toxic sores, with Croton Ba Dou, Frankincense (Ru Xiang) Alum (Bai Fan)
2. Painful, swollen Sore Throat, topically as a powder with Sophora tonkinensis Shan Dou Gen
3. Toothache, Gum swelling and pain, make a paste with vinegar and apply topically
4. Acne, Acne Rosacea, topically with Sulphur (Liu Huang), Calomel (Qing Fen)
1. Not used in Pregnancy
2. Not used in the weak
Overdose when ingested may cause nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, diarrhea, blood in the stool, restlessness, shock.