Minium, Red Lead, Qian Dan 铅丹

Saturn Red, Mineral Red
Qian Dan (TCM)
Sindura (Ayurveda)
Suranj (Unani)
Li khri  ལི་ཁྲི, Sin dhu ra (Tibetan)
Picture Picture
Picture Minium or Cerussite matrix
(Photo by Rob Lavinsky,

Mineralogical Name:
Red Lead Oxide, Deutoxide of Lead, Lead tetroxide

Temperature & Taste:

Cold, dry. Salty, Pungent. Toxic
It is Cold and Dry”. (Avicenna)



T. External Medicines


1. Clears Poison, Promotes the Growth of Flesh: (TCM, West, Ayurveda)
-topically for Toxic Swellings, Malignant Sores, Foul and Chronic Sore and Ulcers.
-decreases pus and promotes healing.
-used in Ayurveda for Erysipelas, Eczema, Leprosy, Pustular Eruptions, Herpes and Scabies
-promotes maturation of Boils and Abscesses.
-Bhasma is also regarded as being useful for certain Poisons.

2. Clears Phlegm, Calms Fright, Stops Convulsions:
-Convulsions, Spasms, Epilepsy
-Madness, Insanity associated with excess internal phlegm, or Phlegm-Heat
-Convulsions or Epilepsy induced by Fright
-Melancholy (due to its associated with Saturn)

3. Clears Phlegm, Dispels Accumulations:
-Vomiting (especially when associated with hard masses below the heart)
-regurgitation, internal stagnancy
-Dysentery. (TCM, HY)

4. Kills Parasites:
-used tpically and internally for various Worms and Parasites

5. Clears Wind-Damp, Strengthens the Bones:
-Arthritic pain
-Bhasma is used in Ayurveda to aid the healing of Fractures.

6. Stops Bleeding:
-“It stops Bleeding”. (Avicenna)


Traditionally, 300–600mg (up to 1 gram daily) not used for more than
If Minium is used today it is only used externally.


Red oxide of lead resembles the blood stone [Hematite] in action but it is more potent” (Avicenna). Therefore, Hematite may be used in its place.

Main Combinations:

1. Spasms, Convulsions:
i. Minium with Pearl, Red Coral
ii. Minium with Oyster Shell, Dragon Bones (TCM)
iii. Minium with the classical TCM formula Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Tang (TCM)
2. Sores, Ulcers, Burns:
i. Minium with calcined Gypsum (TCM)
ii. Minium with Zinc oxide and Camphor as an Ointment
3. Chronic Ulcers:
i. Minium, Myrrh, Frankincense, Calomel, calcined Gypsum topically
ii. Minium, Calomel, calcined Gypsum, Borneo Camphor topically
3. Eczema:
i. Minium with Black Pepper and Butter as an Ointment (Ayurveda)
4. Skin diseases, Minium with Oil of St. Johns wort
5. Arthritis pain, Minium with Henbane oil, Poppy oil, Linseed oil, Elder Water, boil and add Yellow Wax to form an Ointment. (Pharmacopoeia Wirtembergica, 1798)
6. Ulcers of the Nostrils:
i. Aloes, Myrrh (1 ½ oz.), Quicklime (1 dram), Minium (half dram), Alum (4 scruples), Pomegranate rind and flowers (2 drams), Oil of Myrtle, Rose Water (2 ½ oz.), Plantain Water (sufficient). Mix. (Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1824)


This is largely obsolete for internal use today but can occasionally be used externally.
1. Accumulative poison. Should not be used internally today. If it is used it should not be used for more than 2 weeks without a break.
2. Not used during Pregnancy or in the very young.

1. Milk, Soy Milk or Egg Whites can immediately be given. (TCM)
2. Milk and Sugar (Ayurveda)
3. Decoction prepared with 100–200 grams of Mung Bean (Lu Dou)
4. Decoction of Seaweeds Sargassum Hai Zao and Laminaria Kun Bu (TCM)
5. Decoction of Licorice, Chrysanthemum Ju Hua, Lysmachia Jin Qian Cao (TCM)
6. Lemonade containing sulphur has been used by lead workers to prevent lead poisoning. Lemon juice with sugar has been used the same.
7. Pomegranate juice (Ayurveda)
8. Radish seed and Dill seed (Ayurveda)
9. Acute poisoning, Epsom salts dissolved in water, then promote vomiting.

Main Preparations used:

1. Ointment of Red Lead:
i. White Wax (1 part), Oil (2 parts); melt together, then ad Minium triturated with a little oil (half part). (Pharmacopee Usuelle, Louvain, 1821)
ii. Oil of Rose (1 ½ lbs.), Minium (3 oz.), Litharge (2 oz.), Ceruse (1 ½ oz.), Zinc oxide (3 drams), Camphor (2 drams), Wax (1 ½ oz.)

2. Cerate of Red Lead Camphorated:
i. Yellow Wax, Stags Suet (half pound each); melt over a slow fire, when nearly cold incorporate Minium (6 oz.) triturated with Rose oil (half pound), and lastly add Camphor (1 ½ drams). Primarily applied to burns. (Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764)

  • Extra Info
  • History
Salmon, Seplasium:
‘It Cools, binds, dries, fills Ulcers with flesh, stops Fluxes of Humors in Wounds, helps Ulcers of the Fundament [anus], Hemorrhoids, Inflammations, skins old Sores which are difficultly cured; gives ease in pains of the Gout, and other pains, and therefore is used in Oils, Ointments, and Plasters, for those purposes’.

‘You may mix it thus: Boil it in Oil, till the Oil begins to change color, viz. Oil 2 lbs. Red Lead 12 oz. White Wine Vinegar a pint; boil the Lead and
Vinegar together first, then put in the Oil, in which Camphor 4 oz. is dissolved; boil them together till the Vinegar in wholly wasted, and the Minium perfectly mixed with the Oil, and becomes blackish, which put into a Gally Pot, and keep for use. It is an admirable thing against the Gout, and all manner of Pains; it helps Lameness, and strengthens weak Limbs. Apply it spread on Leather, and as the Pain moves, so move the Plaster’.