Sulphur, Liu Huang 硫磺

Gandhaka (Ayurveda)
Gandhak (Unani)
Liu Huang (TCM)
Mu Zi   མུ་ཟི  (Tibetan)
Picture Hortus sanitatis, 1491

Picture Sulphur, from Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704

Picture Sulphur crystals
Photo by Oscar
Picture Lumps of Raw Tibetan Sulphur (Adam, 2009)

Mineralogical Name:
Sulphur, Sulfur

Parts Used:
Native (raw) Sulphur may be used externally; Purified Sulphur is better for internal use.
The names of the several preparations used in the Western Tradition:
  1. Sulphur: Alcur: Aluzar: Alcubrith: Aneric: Alcebris Vivum: Balm of Nature: Sal Terminator
  2. Sulphur Viv: Brimstone: Natural Sulphur; Sulphur which has not been burnt or purified
  3. Flowers of Sulphur: Sublimed or Refined Sulphur
  4. Lac Sulphuris: Milk of Sulphur: Precipitated Sulphur;
The first 2 refer to native (natural) Sulphur, the last 2 refer to the purified product

Purified Sulphur can be in several forms:
  1. Flowers of Sulphur (sublimed Sulphur)
  2. Lac Sulphuris, ‘Milk of Sulphur’, precipitated Sulphur
  3. Prepared according to Traditional practice, such as Ayurvedic preparation.

Three forms are generally available:
  1. Raw Sulphur in mass or crystals
  2. Rolled Sulphur: cylinders of dull or grayish-yellow
  3. Flowers of Sulphur, Sublimed Sulphur: fine yellow-colored powder

Temperature & Taste:

Hot, dry. Pungent, Sour, Sweet, slightly Toxic
Hot and dry up to the fourth degree” (Avicenna)

Nature: crystalline lumps
Color: sulphur yellow
Streak: Yellow-white
Cleavage: poor
Fracture: Conchoidal
Luster: Resinous
Tenacity: Brittle
Transparency: Translucent
Hardness: 1.5–2.5

Specific Gravity: 1.9–2.1
Fluorescence: none


Laxative, Purgatives and Cathartics
T. External Medicines


1. Resists Poison and Toxin (TCM, West, Ayurveda, Tibetan):
-‘Leprosy, Scabs and Itch’
-internally in Tibet for infectious and epidemic diseases, poison and toxic conditions
-epidemic diseases including Influenza; preserve from and treats Infectious and Epidemic disease
-traditionally for diseases caused by Evil Spirits (Tibet)

2. Warms and Strengthens the Yang (TCM, West, Ayurveda, Tibetan):
-cold diseases, including painful lower back, Impotence, Asthma, chronic Arthritis, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago (TCM, West);
-arthritic and rheumatic conditions in various medical systems. 
-regarded as Aphrodisiac
-diseases of old age; ‘For as Sulphur is of itself incorruptible, and preserves Dead Bodies from Putrefaction; so also it hinders the Corruption and Decay of Living bodies, and restores the Defects of the Radical Balsam of Life, when once it is altered’ (Salmon).
-purified Sulphur increases Semen, Nutrition, Strength and Digestion (Ayurveda)
-Some Vedic texts state that it is a greater tonic than Gold.

3. Purgative (TCM, West, Ayurveda, Tibetan):
-Sulphur and its various preparations have been used for their purgative quality
-Yellow Jaundice (cold and damp type).

4. Stops Cough and Wheezing:
-Cough, Wheezing and Asthma from Cold, Phlegm, or Kidney deficiency

5. Warms the Stomach:
-promotes appetite and digestion (Ayurveda).

6. Kills Worms
-topically and internally in various systems to Kill Worms and Parasites

7. Yogavani
-Sulphur is recognised in Ayurveda as being a medicine capable of dramatically enhancing the effects of the medicines it is combined with.

8. Counters Melancholy:
-Effective to reduce and absorb Black Bile (Unani)

9. Used in Pharmacy and Alchemy:
-Sulphur is used in various processes in Pharmacy and Alchemy
-burning with Sulphur or dissolving in Sulphuric acid helps reduce minerals and metals
-In alchemical medicines, Sulphur is nearly always combined with Mercury. They correct each other, as well as enhancing the effect of each other; used in the treatment of obstinate and otherwise incurable diseases.

10. Externally:
-Kills Worms and Parasites: topically to Scabies, Ringworm
-“useful in Ulcerated Scabies”. (Avicenna)
-“used for treating leukoderma but is effective only when it does not come in contact with fire” (Avicenna)
-Boils, Abscesses, Carbuncles, festering Sores
-promotes rapid healing of Wounds and Ulcers (West, Ayurveda, TCM, Tibetan Medicine)
-mixed with with resin and applied to Scorpion bites, and also mixed with Vinegar and applied to poisonous bites.
-in gargles for sore throat, Tonsillitis and Pharyngitis
-‘Wearing day and night next the skin in a muslin bag bits of Sulphur acts sufficiently as a preventative and curative of Lice’. (BMJ, 1915)
-Sulphur has been burned in enclosed rooms to sterilise after infectious diseases.
-‘being suffumigated, it draws out the Embryo’ (Dioscorides).
-a roll of Sulphur under the pillow is stated to prevent cramps at night.
-‘it helps Lethargies being snuffed up the nose’. (Culpeper)


1. Often taken with Honey, Molasses. Milk or Ghee
2. Smaller doses are alterative, larger doses are purgative.
3. According to traditional Ayurvedic texts, the following should be avoided while taking Sulphur: Alkalis, Sours of all kinds, fermented liquids, fried and roasted foods, and all types of Pulses
Purified Sulphur (Milk or Flowers): 500mg–2 grams as an alterative; 2–4 grams as a purgative
Sulphur Powder (TCM): 500mg–2 or 3 grams
Purified Sulphur of Ayurveda: 125mg–1 gram, generally taken with Milk or Ghee.
Used topically in powders, pastes, oils and ointments.


1. Tragacanth (Unani)
2. Violet (Unani)
3. fresh Milk (Unani)
4. Licorice


Only refined or purified Sulphur is used internally. It is usually washed in some manner.
1. Washed Sulphur:
  It can be boiled in water, then dried to wash it.
2. Prepared Sulphur (TCM):
  For internal use in TCM Sulphur is boiled with Tofu until the Tofu becomes dark green; this preparation reduces its heat and toxicity.
3. Purified Sulphur (Ayurveda):
  In Ayurveda, Sulphur is heated in an iron pan smeared with ghee, and when melted, it is slowly poured into a basin of milk. When cool and solidified, it is washed briefly, dried and is ready for use.
4. Purified Sulphur (Tibet):
  Sulphur is broken into pieces, well washed, then added to a decoction of Calamus. Bring to the boil, then remove from the heat and leave it to sit in the decoction for 24 hours. The following day, bring to the boil, then drain off the liquid. Wash thoroughly with cold water until the smell disappears. Then dry and keep for use.
5. Purification from Paracelsus:
  ‘Take pounded Sulphur, pour on it Acetum and Wine, let it boil for a day, and skim it. Then pour in Urine and boil a further 2 hours. Do this until it ceases to froth’.
6. Flowers of Sulphur:
  Sublimed Sulphur (Flowers of Sulphur) may be used internally (see below).
7. Precipitated Sulphur:
  Precipitated Sulphur (Lac Sulphuris) can likewise be used. (see below)
See below under “Preparation” to find more preparations of Sulphur.

Main Combinations:

As a Tonic:
1. Yang deficiency with wheezing, lower back pain, impotence:
i. Sulphur with Licorice and Cinnamon. (TCM)
ii. Sulphur with Velvet Deer Horn. (TCM)

For The Lungs
2. Cough and Asthma:
i. purified Sulphur, Licorice, Orris root
ii. purified Sulphur, Licorice, Orris root, Benzoin, Aniseed
iii. Sublimed Sulphur, Fennel (½ oz. each), Licorice (1 oz.), form an electuary with Syrup of Red Poppy. (Pharmacopee Usuelle, Louvain, 1821)
iv. Sublimed Sulphur, Elecampane, Licorice, Rose Water (2 drams each), Honey (8 oz.) (Nouveau Formulaire Medicale et Pharmaceutique, 1820)
v. purified Sulphur with Saffron, Myrrh, Mastic, Cardamon, Cinnamon, Licorice, Elecampane (as in Elixir of Sulphur)
vi. purified Sulphur with Tragacanth, Licorice, Ginger, Orris, Hyssop, Saffron (as in Compound Troches of Sulphur)
vii. purified Sulphur with Diareos Powder, Diatragacanth Frigidum (½ oz.), Licorice, Marshmallow (3 drams each), Armenian Earth, Sublimed Sulphur (2 drams each), Sealed Earth (1 ½  drams), White Sugar Candy (6 oz.). Powder. (Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764)
3. Shortness of Breath, Asthma:
i. Sulphur with Aniseed, Senna, Cream of Tartar
ii. Purified Sulphur, Orris root, Musk
iii. Sulphur, Aconitum Fu Zi, Cinnamon (Rou Gui), Aloeswood (Chen Xiang) (TCM)
iv. flowers of Sulphur with Pearl, Musk, Benzoin, Cinnamon, Saffron (as in Asthma Powder of Sennertus)
v. Arum, Orris, Cinnabar, Sublimed Sulphur (equal parts) (2 drams), Benzoic acid (½ dram), Sugar dissolved in White Lily Water (8 0z.). Form troches. (Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1824)
vi. Pulp of Marshmallow roots, pulp of Comfrey roots (1 oz. each), Sublimed Sulphur
vii. Conserve of Celery, Extract of Elecmapane (1 dram each), Sublimed Sulphur, Gum Ammoniac (½ dram each), Oxymel of Squill (sufficien to make Boluses of 10 grains each). Dose: 1, 2 or 3, 5 times daily.
viii. Sulphur, Wild Rue seed, Birthwort, Wormwood, Frankincense, Gum Ammoniac (equal parts) (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913)
ix. Sulphur, Aniseed (6 drams each), Gum Ammoniac, Castoreum, Nigella (4 drams each). Powder, mix with water and form pills the size of a bean. Take 5 pills morning and night with oxymel. (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913)
4. Catarrh:
i. Sublimed Sulphur, Licorice (6 drams), Camphor (½ dram). (Pharmacopoeia Castrensis Borussica, 1823)
ii. Sugar (3 oz.), Orris (3 drams), Sublimed Sulphur (4 scruples), Saffron (1 dram), Gum Arabic, Starch, Licorice (1 scruple each). (Formulaire Magistral et Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1823)
iii. Flowers of Sulphur, Saltpeter, Licorice, Fennel seed (as in Powder for Catarrh)
5. Consumption, mix Flowers of Sulphur with Conserve of Rose

For the Joints:
6. Rheumatism, Gout:
i. put 500 grams of powdered roll Sulphur into a pot and add 4 liters of boiling water. Stir well, let sit 24 hours and pour off the clear water. Drink half a pint before breakfast and before bed. ‘A radical cure will be effected in the space of a few weeks’. (Madame Young’s Guide to Health, 1858)
ii. Sulphur, Bdellium (8 parts each), Decoction of Triphala (72 parts), Castor oil (32 parts); mix, boil together until reduced to a confection. Dose: 1 dram twice daily. Useful in chronic rheumatism, lameness, cough, asthma, skin diseases. (Ayurveda)
iii. Sulphur with Cream of Tartar, Rhubarb, Guaiacum, Saltpeter, mixed with Honey (as in ‘Chelsea Pensioner‘)
iv. Guaiacum, Rhubarb (2 drams each), Cream of Tartar (1 oz.), Sublimed Sulphur (2 oz.), Nutmeg (1 in number), Honey (1 pound). (Niemann)
v. Purified Sulphur with Bdellium and Triphala (Ayurveda)
vi. purified Sulphur (4 scruples), extract of Aconite, Magnesium carbonate (1 scruple each), Sugar (1 oz.). Mix. Dose: one ‘knife-tip’ three times daily (Vogler’s Gout Powder)

7. As a purgative:
i. sublimed Sulphur (½ oz.), Confection of Senna 1 ½ oz.), with syrup form an electuary.
ii. combine Sulphur with Senna, Fennel, Licorice
iii. Sulphur, Aniseed (equal parts), Senna (half as much). Honey sufficient to form a bolus. (Formulaire Pharmaceutitique a l’usage des Hospitaux Militaires de France, 1821)
iv. with equal parts of Cream of Tartar. (Ratier)
8. Purgative for Hemorrhoids:
i. purified Sulphur with Cream of Tartar
ii. purified Sulphur with Camphor and Oleosaccharum of Aniseed.
9. Hemorrhoids or Worms:
i. combine Sulphur with Niter and Sugar for internal administration
ii. Sublimed Sulphur (4 scruples), Electuary of Rhubarb (8 scruples). Make 4 boluses. (Nouveau Formulaire Medicale et Pharmaceutique, 1820)
iii. Sublimed Sulphur (2 scruples), Confection of Senna (2 drams), Syrup of Buckthorn (sufficient to make 2 boluses), one every morning. (Saunders)

Against Infection:
10. To preserve from Infection, Sulphur with Aloe, Myrrh, Olibanum, Saffron
11. Boils and Carbuncles, combine Flowers of Sulphur with Cream of Tartar for internal administration
12. Scabies, Eczema, Psoriasis (Itchy skin diseases):
i. Sulphur, Licorice (6 drams each), Camphor (½ dram). Dose: ½ dram twice daily. (Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, Augustin, 1822)
ii. Sublimed Sulphur, Cinnabar (equal parts).
iii. Sublimed Sulphur (1 ½ oz.), Cream of Tartar (6 drams), Potassium nitrate, Sugar (2 drams each). (Pharmacopee Usuelle, Louvain, 1821)
iv. Sulphur, Yavakshara (impure potassium carbonate) is mixed with Mustard oil and applied (Ayurveda)
v. Madder, the Three Myrobalans, Lacca, Turmeric, Orpiment, Sulphur (equal parts), Sesame oil (4 times the weight of the rest). Mix, expose to the sun. Applied topically. (Ayurveda)
13. Diaphoretic Powder:
i. Sublimed Sulphur (4 drams), Camphor (1 scruple). Make 12 doses, one or 2 daily. (Nouveau Formulaire Medicale et Pharmaceutique, 1820)
14. Dysentery, Sublimed Sulphur (8 parts), Fennel (1 part), Gum Arabic, White Sugar (16 parts each) (Pharmacopee Usuelle, Louvain, 1821)
15. Cystitis, Sublimed Sulphur (1 dram), Venice Turpentine (2 scruples). Make 6 doses, one every 2 or 3 hours. (Picettario Clinico, Padua, 1825)

16. Herpes, Sublimed Sulphur (1 dram), pulp of Dock root (1 oz.), Lard (2 oz.), Lemon juice (2 spoonfuls). Mix. (Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1824)
17. Scabies and Itch Ointment:
i. “A body wash with sulphur and sodium nitrate proves to be useful in Scabies” (Avicenna)
ii. Sulphur, Zinc sulphate, Juniper berry powder (2 drams each), Oil of Laurel (qs), form an ointment.
iii. Sulphur (1 oz.), Ammonium chloride (1 dram), Lard (2 oz.), form an Ointment. (Hufeland)
iv. Sulphur, Realgar (Xiong Huang), Lard, form an ointment. (TCM)
18. Ringworm, Sulphur, Gum Terebinth Vinegar (Avicenna)
19. Pityriasis, Sulphur is mixed with Vinegar and applied (Avicenna)
20. Scrotal Eczema:
i. Sulphur, Alum
ii. Sulphur, Indigo as a dusting powder.
21. Tooth powder, Sublimed Sulphur, Lacca (equal parts)
22. Gout: “painted with sodium nitrate and water on Gout” (Avicenna)

Major Formulas

Powder for the Lungs
Powder for Catarrh
Pills Proven for Coughs (Galen)
Pills for Asthma and Shortness of Breath (Unani)
Pills for Difficulty Breathing and Asthma
Antidote Suitable for Cough (Nicholas)
Antidotum Asclepiadus Minus (Nicholas)
Electuary of Sulphur (Unani)
Compound Guaiacum Confection (Chelsea Pensioner)
Tincture for Throat Ulcers

Great Death-defying Pills (Maha Mrutyunjaya Rasa) (Ayurveda)
Notopterygium 29 Pills (Spru nag nyer dgu) (Tibetan)
Rhubarb 8 Ointment (Zab lag brgyad pa) (Tibetan)

1. Troches of Sulphur
For Cough and Asthma
i. Sublimed Sulphur (1 part), White Sugar (8 parts), Mucilage of Tragacanth (sufficient). Make Troches. (Pharmacopoeia Gallica, 1818)
ii. Licorice, Orris, Sublimed Sulphur (1 dram each), Saffron (10 grains), White Sugar (½ oz.), form troches of ½ scruple with mucilage of Tragacanth. (Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, Augustin, 1822)
iii. Orris (½ oz.), Licorice (8 scruples), Angelica (2 scruples), Sublimed Sulphur (1 dram), Extracts of Elecampane, Horehound (2 scruples each), Saffron (1 scruple), White Sugar (16 oz.), Essential oil of Fennel (15 drops), Form Troches. (Dispensatorium Pharmaceuticum, 1777)

2. Electuarium ad Tussim Mirable (Miraculous Electuary for Cough) (Fioravantus)
  Marshmallow root  8 oz. ea.
  Quince                    16 oz.
  Honey                      3 lbs.
Form Electuary, add the following in fine powder and mix well:
  Saffron                     1 scruple
  Cinnamon               1 dram
  Sulphur                   4 oz.
  Licorice                   1 scruple
  Musk                       ½ scruple


1. Not used during Pregnancy
2. Not used in large doses or long-term
3. Not used for Yin deficient Heat or excess Heat conditions (unless corrected).
4. According to Indian Rasa Shastra texts, the following should be avoided while taking Sulphur: Alkalis, Sours of all kinds, fermented liquids, fried and roasted foods, and all types of Pulses.


1. LD50 for mice via oral administration is 20 g/kg.
2. Sulphur usually contains traces of arsenic in greater or lesser amounts. Processing with fire (as in sublimed sulphur, ‘Flowers of Sulphur’) greatly reduces or eliminates the arsenic content.
3. Toxic dose in humans is 10–20 grams. Symptoms of mild toxicity include poor appetite, difficulty breathing, burning pain in the throat and mouth, and sensitivity to light. Moderate overdose symptoms may progress to headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, cyanosis, jaundice and impaired liver function. Large overdose progresses to restlessness, anxiety, palpitations, delirium, possibly leading to death by respiratory paralysis.

1. Mung Bean (Lu Dou) 15 grams in powder in warm water.
2. Black Soy (Hei Dou) 30 grams, Licorice 15 grams as a decoction.
3. Mung Bean (250 grams), Licorice (60 grams) as a decoction.

Main Preparations used:

Purified Sulphur; Flowers of Sulphur (sublimed Sulphur), ‘Liver of Sulphur’, ‘Milk of Sulphur’ etc.; Compound Troches of Sulphur

1. Washed Sulphur:
i. Sublimed Sulphur (1 pound). Pour boiling water upon it and wash it several times so the acid may be entirely washed away. (London)
ii. Sublimed Sulphur (1 part), Water (4 parts). Boil the Sulphur in the water for a short time; pour off this water and by repeated effusions of cold water, wash away all the acid; finally, dry the Sulphur. (Edinborough)

2. Precipitated Sulphur:
Dose: 12–20 grains
i. Sublimed Sulphur (1 pound), fresh-burnt Lime (2 lbs.), Water (4 gallons). Boil the Sulphur and Lime together, then filter through paper. Then drop into it Hydrochloric acid, sufficient to precipitate the Sulphur. Wash repeatedly  with water until it becomes tasteless.

3. Tincture of Sulphur.
i. Sulphur (1 ½ oz). Fuse it slowly in an earthen dish, then gradually add to it Potassium subcarbonate (3 oz.). Increase the heat until they flow, then pour into a heated mortar, powder, then add concentrated Alcohol (10 oz.). Digest, strain. Used for Lung diseases and Pruritus etc. Dose: 50–60 drops in an appropriate vehicle. (Pharmacopoeia Wirtembergica, 1798)

4. Oil or Balsam of Sulphur:
i. Washed Sulphur (2 oz.), Olive oil (1 pint). Add the sulphur gradually to the oil heated in a very large pot, stirring well until united. (London)
ii. Olive oil (8 parts), Sublimed Sulphur (1 part). Boil with a gentle heat in a large Iron vessel stirring constantly until united. (Edinborough)

  • Extra Info
  • Preparations
  • History
  • Research
  According to Traditional Rasa Shastra texts, Sulphur must be purified for internal use. Any of the following methods may be employed:
i) Melt the Sulphur over a low fire and pour into Cow’s Milk. While melting, add a few drops of Cow’s Ghee. Repeat the process 10 times.
ii) Cow’s Ghee is heated in an Iron vessel to which an equal quantity of Sulphur powder is added. When the Sulphur is smelted, it is poured through a straining cloth into a large vessel two-thirds full of Milk. After a while, the solidified Sulphur is removed, washed with warm water, and dried. This is repeated 3 times to purify the Sulphur, each time using fresh milk. The dried Sulphur is then stored in a dry glass bottle for use. If this process is repeated 100 times, the Sulphur will at last be freed from its smell. This is the most preferred method.
iii) Sulphur is melted and poured through cloth into the juice of Eclipta alba. It is then powdered and boiled with the same juice for some time. It is then melted again, and again poured into the same juice. Purified like this, it can be used for all the purposes of Sulphur.
iv) Sulphur and a quarter its weight of Borax is rubbed with the juice of Citrus medica, then powdered carefully. It is then immersed in Castor oil for some time under the hot Sun. It is thus purified.

Purified Sulphur is useful in skin disorders such as Eczema and Scabies. It stimulates the digestive fire, and is Aphrodisiac. It is also good for Lung diseases including Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. It is also important in counteracting the defects of Mercury, and is also said to enhance other medicines when combined with them.
Dose: 125-250mg, twice daily, taken in Honey, Milk or Ghee. However, when used for the purpose of Rejuvenation, dosage is gradually increased.

-Taken every morning with Triphala, Ghee, the juice of Eclipta alba and Honey, causes the person who takes it to have a long life, being free from all diseases and to have eyes as strong as a Vulture.
-taken with Ghee for Consumption and Leprosy
-take with a ripe Banana for various skin diseases.
-taken with Plumbago zeylanica root, it strengthens
-taken with Triphala decoction for loss of Appetite
-all types of diseases of the upper body are cured by using Purified Sulphur
-taken for a month with Milk, it increases strength and semen
-taken for 6 months, it cures various diseases, increases longevity and eyesight
-with Long Pepper and Chebulic Myrobalan to make strong, healthy, with a very clear and good eyesight.
-with an equal amount of Black Pepper, and 6 times as much Triphala, all triturated with the juice of Cassia fistula root cures all sorts of Leprosy, if Sulphur rubbed with the same juice is applied topically to the lesions.

The following should be avoided: Alkalis, Sours of all kinds, fermented liquids, fried and roasted foods, and all types of Pulses.
  ‘Brimstone purged from all dross, is mingled with calcined Vitriol, and torrified Salt, and put into a vessel, and is forced with hot sand, until yellow flowers appear. If you do this often, the flowers at last will be white, which given alone, or else reduced into Oil, are a remedy for many diseases.’ (Wecker, The Secrets of Art and Nature)

  The Flowers are used as Sulphur, but are a better form to use internally.
  The Flowers have long been used as a Laxative, Alterative and Diaphoretic. Used for Liver congestion, chronic Rheumatism, Gout and various skin diseases. It is also used internally for Hemorrhoids. Externally, it is used for skin diseases such as Scabies, Eczema, Acne and Ringworm.

From Royal Chemistry (1670):
i) ‘In the Pest [Plague] it is a principal curative and preservative, for it resists the impression, and preserves from putrefaction; with Extract of Elecampane (1 scruple-1 dram), it operates in time of Infection almost to a miracle. Dose: 1 dram in Water of Carduus bened., or in 1 oz. of Syrup of Citron, and 2 oz. of Water of Melissa. This draught preserves and cures without any other Medicines … the Pest, Pleurisy, all putrefactions and impostumes.
ii) ‘Its daily use is … a Conservative of Nature and Health.
iii) ‘It is given in all Diseases, that have great need of drying.
iv) ‘It causes Sweat in Lues venerea [Syphilis].
v) ‘In all affects of the Lights [Lungs], in the Asthma, Cough newly taken, and inveterate. In pectoral Catarrhs, Phlegms, &c.
vi) ‘In the Pleurisy.
vii) ‘In the Colic.
viii) ‘In Impostumes and Putrefactions of the body.
ix) ‘In all Fevers it preserves, takes away Febrile impurities, and the more light Peri-pneumonick affects, safely and suddenly.
x) ‘It is a preservative also in the Epilepsy.    
xi) ‘Its a conservative of Wine, if mixed therewith, it hinders generation of the Stone.

Dose: 1-4 grams; ‘1 dram to the Robust, to the younger 0.5 dram’.


1. Geber made it by boiling Sulphur with slaked Lime (Thion Hudor) and precipitating with an Acid;
2. in Modern times it is prepared by boiling Sulphur with Milk of Lime and precipitating with Hydrochloric acid.

Nothing at present
Purification, Detoxification, and Incineration Methods of Minerals and Metals in Traditional Medicine Formulations of Sri Lanka

Beneficial dietary effect of turmeric and sulphur on weight gain, fat deposition and lipid profile of serum and liver in rats

Beneficial dietary effect of turmeric and sulphur on weight gain, fat deposition and lipid profile of serum and liver in rats

Cytotoxic and Apoptotic Effects of Chemogenic and Biogenic Nano-sulfur on Human Carcinoma Cells: A Comparative Study
Sulfur inhibits the growth of androgen-independent prostate cancer in vivo