Shilajit, Mumiya

–Punjabi Asphalt, Indian Pissasphalt
Asphaltum Punjabinum
Shilajit (Ayurveda)
Brag zhun  བྲག་ཞུན  (Tibetan)
Xue Ling Zhi 血灵脂, Shi la ji te 施拉吉特 (TCM)
–Mumiya Hindi (Unani)
Mumiya, Momiya, Mumiai
–Persian Pissasphalt
Asphaltum Persicum, Mumiai Persica
Mumiya, Mumiya Farisi (Unani)
Picture Mumia, showing the use of Mummified Human bodies supplied by grave robbers.
Ortus Sanitatis
, 1491

Picture Massive lump of raw (unpurified) Shilajit from Sichuan province, China (Adam, 2016)

See also:
Special Medicines: Shilajit

Parts used:

Purified pitch-like exudate formed of organic matter found from the Himalayas through to Afghanistan and Russia.
A number of different types were differentiated in traditional texts.
There are 2 main types:
  1. Shilajit–from Himalayas
  2. Mumiya–from Afghan mountains
Today varieties of Shilajit are being found in other parts of the World such as the Andes.

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry; Pungent, Bitter, astringent
Considered Cool in Tibetan Medicine


Attenuant, Dissolvent
K. Move the Blood
N. Tonics


1. Warms and Strengthens the Kidneys:
-strengthening tonic in wasting and degenerative disease such as Diabetes, Sterility, Impotence etc,
-famous in India as an anti-Diabetic medicine when used in the early stages.
-diuretic in various Urinary disorders; decoction is used for Urinary retention in Tibet.
-Prostatitis, and for Arthritis and Rheumatic conditions associated with Kidney weakness.
-enhances endurance
-beneficial for women during Pregnancy, both to strengthen them, and the growing Fetus.
-used as a Rejuvenator and Aphrodisiac. Increases Sperm, promotes Fertility

2. Nourishes Blood, Increases Essence:
-a powerful Rasayana (Tonic to the 7 body Tissues) (Ayurveda)
Charaka Samhita (an Ayurvedic classic) said there are no curable diseases which cannot be cured effectively with Shilajit.
-increase the compactness of the body while helping eliminate impurities.
-prized for its effects in aiding the elderly

3. Moves the Blood, Clears Blood Stasis, Promotes Menstruation:
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia
-used to promote or induce Birth
-Cystitc Ovaries, Fibrocytic Breasts (int. and ext.)
-Heart disease, Palpitations, Hypertension, high cholesterol

4. Moves the Blood, Heals Fractured Bones:
Momiya is highly regarded for all Trauma, Internal Bruising; this has been the primary use in Persia
-regarded as specific for Fractures (Ayurveda, Unani, Russia etc.)
-strengthens and heals the Bones and Joints, Dislocations etc.
-Chronic Joint disease, Osteoarthritis, Spondylosis, Bone Pain
-very useful for the Pain of Trauma
-also for Hernias (internally and topically)

5. Dissolves Stones:
-Urinary Stones and Gall Stones for which it is said to be a specific.
6. Clears Heat, Opens Obstructions:
-primarily in Tibetan Medicine for Heat and Inflammation of the Stomach, Bowels, Kidney
-Gastritis, Hepatitis, Nephritis, Colitis (Tibetan)
-digestive disorders, intestinal ulcers, colic
-promotes digestive secretions and increases absorption.
-bloody diarrhea, acute Gastroenteritis
-Jaundice, and enlargement of the Spleen.

7. Benefits Lungs, Stops Cough:
-Cough, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, and Tuberculosis (Ayurveda).

8. Settles Wind, Calms the Mind, Eases Pain:
-Nervous diseases, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Insanity and Schizophrenia (Ayurveda, Unani)
-‘useful in Paralysis and Facial Paralysis both when taken orally or applied as a liniment’. (Avicenna)
‘useful in Migraine, Cold Headache, Epilepey, Dizziness and Vertigo’. (Avicenna)
-regarded as very effective for Depression and Anxiety (Unani)
-very useful for relieving Pain (as it settles Wind)
-the Tremors of old age (Unani)

-loss of Consciousness
-said to benefit those who are angry, violent, or have other anti-social behavior.

9. Resists Poison:
-Indian and Unani physicians use it as an antidote to Poisons.
-Snake and Scorpion Bite (topically and internally)
-helps remove body toxins, including Heavy Metals and various Chemical Compounds.
-In India it has been highly regarded as a cure for Vitilago, Black Leprosy and Elephantiasis if taken for 40 days. Even in the last stages it is said to be useful.

10. Kills Worms:
-used for Worms in India.

11. Potentizer:
-special effect of increasing the effects of other drugs it is used with. (Yoga Vani)
12. Externally:
-Skin diseases including Leprosy
-applied to swellings such as Fibrocytic breasts.
Hakims apply it to Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatic pains and other inflammatory swellings.
-Parasitic Skin diseases.
-Trauma, Sprains and Bruises.
-appears in some compounds for chronic Headache which are put into the nostrils (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘)
-applied to the ears for Deafness (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘)


1. Shilajit requires purification or preparation prior to use. Being similar to gum-resins, it is treated similarly. Most commonly in India, a Decoction of Triphala is prepared to which the crude Shilajit is added and heated until dissolved. It is then strained, and poured into trays to dry.
2. The best method puts the strained Shilajit to sit in the Sun, the skin formed on top is collected and dried.
3. Most of the Shilajit sold on the market is extracted with solvents.


1. With warm Milk for Gravel and Stones
2. With Barley Water for Blood Heat and Heart disease
3. With Wine or in Tincture to move the Blood
4. With warm Milk, Honey or Honey and Ghee as a Tonic
250mg–500mg (up to 5 grams daily), best taken with Milk.
Charaka Samhita prescribed 12 grams daily for maximum effects, this is rarely used today however.

1. ‘Mineral pitch (Mumiai) resembles a combination of the ordinary pitch (Pix nigra) and Judean Pitch (qafr) in potency and temperament’. (Avicenna)
2. The Arabian ‘Mumiya‘ was mistranslated as Mummy–mummified human flesh. In Europe, Mummified flesh was used for Mumiya. However, the inspiration and uses for mummified flesh were based solely on the use of Mumiya, translated from Arab texts. Shilajit (Mumiya) is intended and should be used in all cases where Mummy is called for in Western formulas.
3. Some have said Shilajit and Mumiya are not the same. In North-Western China, I purchased Mumiya of Afghani origin from a Uighur Unani medicine supplier. It had been processed and was a pliable, black mass with the characteristic smell and taste of Shilajit. I therefore account them very similar if not synonymous, granted that there are variations even in Shilajit found in different locations. (Adam, 2017)

Main Combinations:

1. Impotence:
i. Shilajit with Withania
ii. Shilajit, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Licorice,
iii. Shilajit, Withania, Tribulus, Orchis (Satyrion)
2. Spermatorrhea, Shilajit with Triphala decoction
3. Female Infertility:
i. Shilajit with Asparagus racemosus, Licorice
ii. from Cold, Shilajit with Cinnamon, Cyperus rotundus
4. Prostatitis, Shilajit with Tribulus, Bdellium

5. Increase strength and Energy; Rasayana:
i. Shilajit with Milk every morning
ii. Shailjit, Withania, Triphala
iii. Shilajit, Withania, Asparagus root, Chebulic Myrobalan
iv. Shilajit, Mica Bhasma
6. Promote Longevity:
i. taken for 6 months every morning with milk can extend life to 100 years, according to traditional texts.
ii. Shilajit, Triphala, Withania, Long Pepper
iii. Shilajit with Iron Bhasma, Mica Bhasma, taken with Milk
7. Anemia:
i. Shilajit, Emblic Myrobalan, Asparagus racemosus
ii. Shilajit with Triphala, Ginger, Black and Long Pepper, and Iron Bhasma
8. Tonic for the Elderly:
i. Shilajit, Withania, Emblic Myrobalan, Licorice
ii. Shilajit with Withania, Licorice, Asparagus root, Chebulic Myrobalan, Bhasmas of Mica, Zinc, and Iron.
9. To enhance Mental function and Memory:
i. Shilajit with Coriander seed in Milk
ii. Shilajit, Withania, Calamus, Centella
iii. Shilajit, Withania, Indian Spikenard, Rauwolfia, Evolvulus Shankhpushpi, Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari), Emblic Myrobalan, Mucuna, Henbane seed, Pearl and Coral

10. Urinary disorders, Strangury, Shilajit with decoction of Tribulus seed
11. Urinary obstruction, Dysuria:
i. Shilajit (250mg) with Honey
ii. Shilajit, Lesser Cardamon, Long Pepper, taken for 1 month
12. Urinary Incontinence, Shilajit with Chebula, Safflower, Cardamon, Lacca, Madder, Emblic Myrobalan, Tribulus
13. Stones:
i. Shilajit with Tribulus
ii. Shilajit with Madder, Celery seed

14. Trauma and Bruising:
i. Shilajit (Mumiya), Madder, Rhubarb (as in Bruise Powder of Mesue)
ii. Shilajit (Mumiya), Lacca, Sealed Earth (as in Powder for Coagulated Blood of Renodeus)
iii. Shilajit (Mumiya), Madder, Rhubarb, Dragon’s Blood, Comfrey, Armenian (Red) Earth (as in Powder for Bruising)
iv. Shilajit (Mumiya), Madder, Rhubarb, Dragon’s Blood, Myrrh, Amber, Sealed Earth (as in Tincture for Blood Stagnation)
v. Shilajit (Mumiya), Tormentil, Comfrey, Sanicle, Wintergreen, Vervain, Herb Robert, St. Johns wort, Centaury (as in Universal Vulnerary Decoction)
vi. Shilajit (Mumiya) (half oz.), Comfrey, Agrimony, Mugwort (2 handfuls each), Veronica (Speedwell) (6 handfuls). Beat them then boil in equal parts of wine and water, and strain for use. Take a small glassful morning and afternoon. (Hartman, 1681)
vii. injuries to the Chest, Stomach, Liver, Shilajit (Mumiya) (250mg), Armenian (Red) Earth, Saffron, taken in Water of Black Nightshade and Cassia Fistula. (Avicenna)
15. Hernia: Calamus, Comfrey root (1 oz. each), Soloman’s Seal, Horsetail (half oz. ea.) boil in wine until they can be beaten to a pulp; then add the following in powder: Cassia Wood (2 scruples), Cypress nuts (1 scruple), Hare’s Hair prepared (half scruple), Mastic, Red Coral, Sealed Earth, Cinnamon (15 grains each). Mix to form a confection. Dose: half–1 dram. (Wirtzung)

16. Stomach Weakness:
i. Shailjit, Cumin, Caraway, Ajowan (Avicenna)
ii. Shilajit, Mastic, Fennel seed
17. Hiccough, Shilajit (Mumiya) with Celery seed (Avicenna)
18. Indigestion, Gastritis, Shailjit, Chebula, Yellow Myrobalan, Pomegranate seed, Emblic Myrobalan, Holarrhena, Nutmeg,  Cumin, Safflower, Costus, Rose (as in Golden 11 of Tibetan Medicine)
19. Obesity, Shilajit, Bdellium (Guggulu), Garlic. This is available as an OTC patent medicine for hypercholesterolemia and obesity.

20. Diabetes, Hyperglycemia:
i. Shilajit been combined with Mica Bhasma
ii. Shilajit with Gymnema (modern Indian combination)
iii. Shilajit, Tribulus, Cinnamon
iv. Shilajit, Gymnema, Bitter Melon, Turmeric, Black Pepper
v. Shilajit (2 parts), Cinnamon, Gymnema, Eugenia jambolana, Momordica, Tinospoa (1 part each).

21. To strengthen the Bones and Joints:
i. Shilajit, Comfrey, Soloman’s Seal
ii. Shilajit, Chebula, Pearl
22. Arthritis:
i. Shailjit, Frankincense, Turmeric
ii. Shilajit, Turmeric, Zinc Bhasma
iii. Shailjit, Frankincense, Cyperus rotundus, Long Pepper, Celery seed
23. Rheumatoid Arthritis:
i. Shilajit, Celery seed, Bdellium
ii. Shilajit, Triphala, Costus, Frankincense (as in Frankincense 10 of Tibetan Medicine)
iii. Shilajit, Colchicum, Chebula, Bdellium, Celery seed

24. Chronic Heart disease:
i. Shilajit with Arjuna
ii. Shilajit with Saffron, Aloeswood, Camphor
25. Palpitation:
i. Shailjit (Mumiya) with Cumin, Ajowan (Avicenna)
ii. Shilajit (Mumiya), Pearl, Aloeswood, Saffron
iii. Shilajit (Mumiya), Orris, Mint, Oxymel (Iran)
26. Cough:
i. Shilajit
(Mumiya) with Jujube
ii. Shilajit
(Mumiya) with Jujube, Sebesten and Barley Water (Avicenna)
27. Hemoptysis:
i. Shilajit
(Mumiya) with Red Earth, Tabasheer, Dragons Blood
ii. Shilajit
(Mumiya), Comfrey, Red Coral

28. Sore Throat, Shilajit (Mumiya) (250mg) with Rob of Mulberry or decoction of Lentils (Avicenna)
29. Diphtheria, Shilajit
(Mumiya) (250mg) with Oxymel (Avicenna)
30. Acute Diarrhea, Acute Gastritis, Acute Gastroenteritis:
i. Shilajit, Coptis, Safflower, Chebula (as in Coptis 5 Pill of Tibetan Medicine)
ii. Shilajit with Safflower, Chebula, Lesser Cardamon, Aconitum heterophyllum (as in Shilajit 9 of Tibetan Medicine)
31. Tuberculosis:
i. Shilajit, Pearl, Red Coral
ii. Shilajit, Tabasheer, Tragacanth, Poppy seed
iii. Shilajit, Iron Bhasma, Chebula, Embelia, taken with Ghee and Honey (Ayurveda)
32. Poisoning, Shilajit (Mumiya) (250mg), Tribulus, Asafetida (Avicenna)

33. Menorrhagia:
i. Shilajit with decoction of Emblic Myrobalan
ii. Shilajit with Red Earth, Red Coral, Frankincense
34. To promote Labor: ‘When a woman has no Travel: give unto her Mummye, the quantity of a pea, with wine to drink’. (Gabelhover)
35. Bladder Ulcers, Shilajit (Mumiya) taken with Milk (Avicenna)
36. Heaviness of the Tongue, Shilajit
(Mumiya) (250mg) with decoction of Persian Oregano. (Avicenna)

37. To Stop Bleeding:
i. Blood Nose: powdered Shilajit, Cobwebs, Egg white, mix well, dip a cloth into it a put up the nose (Wirtzung)
ii. Bleeding Hemorrhoids, Shilajit, Sealed Earths, Red Earth, Dragon’s Blood powdered and mixed with Egg White and applied. (Wirtzung)
iii. Bleeding Wounds: Shailjit, Gum Arabic, Tragacanth, Red Coral, Hemaitie, Red Earth, Camphor (equal parts); powder and mix with Plantain water to form a paste and apply topically. (Wirtzung)
38. Hernia:
i. Inguinal Herna: Shilajit, Litharge, Gum Ammoniac, Galbanum, Cypress Nuts, Myrrh, Frankincense, Gypsum, Red Earth, Comfrey, Galls, made into a plaster with Pitch, Wax and Turpentine oil. Dissolve the gums in vinegar, add the others in powder then form a plaster. (Wirtzung)
ii. Shilajit, Dragon’s Blood, Red Earth, Frankincense, Myrrh, Cypress nuts, Juice of Sloes mixed with Vinegar, Wax and Resin to a Salve, to be applied three times daily for 40 days. (Wirtzung)
39. Headache, Migraine, Dizziness and Vertigo,
i. snuff 125mg of Shilajit
(Mumiya) up the nose with Water of Sweet Marjoram’. (Avicenna)
ii. chronic Headache, infuse Shilajit (Mumiya) and White Lily in oil and drop into the nose. (Unani)
40. Hemiplegia, obstinate Headache, Shilajit (Mumiya), Opopanax, Fennel, Rue, Long Pepper, Gum Ammoniac, Castoreum, Euphorbium (2 parts each), Camel (or Goat) Urine (4 parts), mix in a glass vessel, add some vinegar and let stand 14 days. Put 5 drops into each nostril daily. (
Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913)
40. Ulcers, Wounds, Fistulas, Shailjit, Comfrey, Hematite, Dragon’s Blood (half ounce each), Colophony (1 oz.). Mix for a powder to be applied topically. (Wirtzung)
41. Moist Ulcers, Shailjit, Bean meal, Mastic, Tragacanth, Gum Arabic, Red Earth, Dragon’s Blood. Powder and apply. (Wirtzung)
42. Deafness, Shilajit (Mumiya), Pig fat, Bitter Almond oil, mix and apply warm (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘)
43. Chickenpox, apply Shilajit (Mumiya) with Rose (Iran)

Major Formulas:

Universal Vulnerary Decoction (Joseph Du Chesne)
Bruise Powder of Mesue
Powder for Coagulated Blood (Renodeus)
Powder for Bruising (Bononiense)
Powder for Trauma
Athanasia Greater Nicholas
Plaster for Dislocations

Amomum 19 (Ko la 19) (Tibetan)
Antidotal 18 (Gnyen po bco brgyad)
Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan)
Betel Nut 28 (Go yu nyer brgyad) (Tibetan)
Bezoar 9 (Gi wan 9) (Tibetan)
Bezoar 13 (Gi wan 13) (Tibetan)
Black Camphor 4 (Gar nag bzhi thang) (Tibetan)
Bright Red Decoction (Dmar chen thang) (Tibetan)
Candraprabha Vati (Ayurveda)
Cantharide 37 (Tibetan)
Chebula 10 (A Ru 10) (Tibetan)
Chebula 18 for Urinary Incontinence (Gcin snyi a ru 18) (Tibetan)
Clarifying Lloydia 15 (Gsal byed a wa bco lnga) (Tibetan)
Conqueror of Brown Phlegm (Smug po gyul rgyal) (Tibetan).
Coptis 5 Pill (Tibetan)
Emblic 25 (Skyu ru nyer lnga) (Tibetan)
Essence Pills (Bcud len ril bu) (Tibetan)
Frankincense 10 (Spos dkar 10) (Tibetan)
Garuda of Camphor (Spos khyung bco lnga) (Tibetan)
Golden 5 (Gser mdog 5) (Tibetan)
Golden 11 (Gser mdog 11) (Tibetan)
Golden Pacific (Zhi gser) (Tibetan)
Great Precious Iron Pill (Rin chen lchags ril cheng mo) (Tibetan) 
Great Precious Purified Moon Crystal Pill (Rin chen tso bkru zla shel) (Tibetan)
Great Yellow Compound (Sman ser chen mo) (Tibetan)
Lotus Stem White Pills (Ril dkar pad sdong) (Tibetan)
Madder Pill (Tibetan)
Notopterygium 29 Pills (Spru nag nyer dgu) (Tibetan)
Pomegranate All Inclusive Pill (Se ‘bru kun ‘dus) (Tibetan)
Possessor of Ruby Color (Pad rag mdog ldan) (Tibetan)
Great Precious Hot Compound (Rin chen tsha sbyor chen mo) (Tibetan)
Precious and Great Multi-Jewel Compound Pill (Rin chen mang sbyor chen mo) (Tibetan)
Rhubarb 8 Ointment (Zab lag brgyad pa) (Tibetan)
Saint’s White Pill (Grub ril) (Tibetan)
Shilajit 5 (Brag zhun lnga pa)
Shilajit 9 (Brag zun dgu pa) (Tibetan)
Shilajit Garuda 13 (Brag Khyung 13) (Tibetan)
Swertia 25 (Tig ta nyer lnga)
The Melting Solar Disk (Ju byed nyi mai dkyil khor)
Tumor Destroying Lunar Pill (Skran ‘joms zla bsil)


Generally very Safe. Only the prepared product should be used.


Toxicity tests have demonstrated the Safety and lack of toxicity of Shilajit.
1. Safety and efficacy of shilajit (mumie, moomiyo).
2. Evaluation of safety profile of black shilajit after 91 days repeated administration in rats.

Main Preparations used:

Purified Shilajit.

See our Special Medicines: Shilajit
Last Updated 02/24

A Comprehensive Review on Shilajit: What We Know about Its Chemical Composition.
Review on shilajit used in traditional Indian medicine.
Shilajit: a review.
Pharmacological actions of Shilajit.
Mechanisms of generation and exudation of Tibetan medicine Shilajit (Zhaxun)

Effect of Shilajit enriched diet on immunity, antioxidants, and disease resistance in Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) against Aeromonas hydrophila.
Shilajit: evalution of its effects on blood chemistry of normal human subjects.

Antiulcerogenic and antiinflammatory studies with shilajit.

In vitro evaluation of the antiviral properties of Shilajit and investigation of its mechanisms of action
Antiviral activity of natural humic substances and shilajit materials against HIV-1: Relation to structure.

Mumijo attenuates chemically induced inflammatory pain in mice.

The effects of Shilajit supplementation on fatigue-induced decreases in muscular strength and serum hydroxyproline levels.
The Human Skeletal Muscle Transcriptome in Response to Oral Shilajit Supplementation.

Protective efficacy of Shilajit enriched diet on growth performance and immune resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila in Oreochromis mossambicus.

Protective efficacy of Shilajit enriched diet on growth performance and immune resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila in Oreochromis mossambicus.
Effect of Shilajit enriched diet on immunity, antioxidants, and disease resistance in Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) against Aeromonas hydrophila.
Characterization and biological activities of humic substances from mumie.

Protective efficacy of Shilajit enriched diet on growth performance and immune resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila in Oreochromis mossambicus.
Effect of Shilajit enriched diet on immunity, antioxidants, and disease resistance in Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) against Aeromonas hydrophila.

Shilajit attenuates behavioral symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome by modulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and mitochondrial bioenergetics in rats.
Shilajit: A panacea for high-altitude problems.

Shilajit: A panacea for high-altitude problems.

Clinical evaluation of purified Shilajit on testosterone levels in healthy volunteers.
Clinical evaluation of spermatogenic activity of processed Shilajit in oligospermia.

Clinical evaluation of spermatogenic activity of processed Shilajit in oligospermia.
The spermatogenic and ovogenic effects of chronically administered Shilajit to rats.

[The treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia using the Mumie-Vitas preparation].

Profertility effects of Shilajit on cadmium-induced infertility in male mice.

Profertility effects of Shilajit on cadmium-induced infertility in male mice.

Shilajit extract reduces oxidative stress, inflammation, and bone loss to dose-dependently preserve bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with osteopenia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Correlation between Antioxidant and Anti-Osteoporotic Activities of Shilajit Loaded into Chitosan Nanoparticles and Their Effects on Osteoporosis in Rats.

Clinical evaluation of spermatogenic activity of processed Shilajit in oligospermia.
The spermatogenic and ovogenic effects of chronically administered Shilajit to rats.

Parasympathomimetic effect of shilajit accounts for relaxation of rat corpus cavernosum.

Shilajit: evalution of its effects on blood chemistry of normal human subjects.

Cardioprotective effect of mumie (shilajit) on experimentally induced myocardial injury.

Hepatoprotective effects of Shilajit on high fat-diet induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in rats.

Treatment effects of Shilajit on aspirin-induced gastric lesions in rats

Evaluation of preventive effect of shilajit on radiation-induced apoptosis on ovaries.

Antiulcerogenic and antiinflammatory studies with shilajit.

Mumio (Shilajit) as a potential chemotherapeutic for the urinary bladder cancer treatment.
Mummy Induces Apoptosis Through Inhibiting of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in Human Breast Cancer Cells.
Mineral pitch induces apoptosis and inhibits proliferation via modulating reactive oxygen species in hepatic cancer cells.

Shilajit potentiates the effect of chemotherapeutic drugs and mitigates metastasis induced liver and kidney damages in osteosarcoma rats.

Investigation of Neuroprotective Effect of Shilajit Extract in Experimental Head Trauma Model Created in Rats.

Antiepileptic and antipsychotic activities of standardized Śilājatu (Shilajit) in experimental animals.

Antiepileptic and antipsychotic activities of standardized Śilājatu (Shilajit) in experimental animals.

Traditional Chinese and Indian medicine in the treatment of opioid-dependence: a review.

Shilajit: a natural phytocomplex with potential procognitive activity.

LEARNING AND MEMORY (Polyherbal Formula):
Investigation of neuropsychopharmacological effects of a polyherbal formulation on the learning and memory process in rats.

Can nutraceuticals prevent Alzheimer’s disease? Potential therapeutic role of a formulation containing shilajit and complex B vitamins.
Scaling the Andean Shilajit: A Novel Neuroprotective Agent for Alzheimer’s Disease

The Effects of Shilajit on Brain Edema, Intracranial Pressure and Neurologic Outcomes following the Traumatic Brain Injury in Rat.

Efficacy of mummy on healing of pressure ulcers: A randomized controlled clinical trial on hospitalized patients in intensive care unit
“Comparison of Topical Application of Mummify and Phenytoin Cream on Skin Wound Healing in Rat.” (2003).
“The Effect of Mummy on Some Indices of Wound Healing in Mice.” Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences 14, no. 4 (2007): 267-77.

Efficacy of Momiai in Tibia Fracture Repair: A Randomized Double-Blinded Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.
“The Effect of Mummy on the Healing of Bone Fracture of Tibia in Rabbit.” Mozaffar & Hosain, Medical Sciences University of Tehran, 12th Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology (1999).
“The Effect of Mummy on the Healing of Bone Fractures.” African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 6, no. 5 (2012): 305-09.