
(Photo by Arpingstone) (Wikimedia)
Minerological name:
Chalcedony type
Parts used:
Sardonyx as we know it today is red and white banded Agate. However, the term traditionally included a number of other Chalcedony varieties:
- Pellucid, with the redness or Sard (Cornelian) and the whiteness of Onyx; this is most valuable–true Sardonyx (Salmon)
- Blood-red, White and black banded stone
- Banded with purple, white, rose and sky-blue “resembling a rainbow”
- with Black and White bands (this was called Onyx)
- Honey-colored with poor banding (this is the lowest grade)
Pliny described it as having a white opaque layer upon a red transparent layer of true Sard. This was the Indian variety of the time. Later Arabian varieties replaced the red with a blue or black layer, usually opaque, giving a stunning black/blue and white banded variety (Onyx). The true Sardonyx is that which contains Sard, although the black and white banded variety is typical of what was used as Sardonyx.
It was classically found in India, Arabia, Germany and Silesia.
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry. slightly Pungent
Hardness: 6-7
Specific Gravity: 2.59-2.61
Trigonal crystal system
Luminescence: Yellow, yellow-green, or white
Readily soluble in alkaline solutions, especially KOH.
“The qualities and properties of this stone are the same with those of Sardius (Cornelian) and Onyx; and in this all their vertues are united” (Salmon)
1. Quells Kidney Fire:
–”Restrains Venery and makes Chaste”
2. Benefits the Heart, Cheers the Spirit::
–”takes away the heaviness of the mind. It has the virtues of both the Sardius and Onyx” (Salmon)
-said to benefit Brain, Intellect and Senses; removes “Stupidity” (internally & externally)
-“makes men cheerful, averting melancholy”. (Fernie)
-counters Anger
3. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
–regarded as resisting Poison
-“of some repute for dispelling tumours” (Fernie)
Prepared Stone: 100–500mg
Magical Uses:
-promotes Happiness in marriage
-attracts friends
-promotes a pleasant disposition when worn
-“Albertus states that Sard sharpens the intellect, and makes men cheerful, because it purifies the blood, and imparts thus good spirits”. (Lexicon of Alchemy)
Cornelian is similar and was more commonly used.
White Sugar and Tragacanth
It should be finely levigated with Rose Water.
It can be prepared as for any other of the Agate / Chalcedony stones.
It can also be turned to Bhasma.
Main Combinations:
To Quell desire:
i. “If a Man or Woman are burning with fleshy desire, Men should put Sardonyx at their side, and Women on the navel as a remedy for their desire” (Hildegard)
2. Sard and Sardonyx combined “makes men Chaste and Modest” (Lexicon of Alchemy)
Major Formulas:
Letificans Conciliatoris
Warming Powder of Gems (Mesue)
None noted
Main Preparations used:
This stone was held in high regard in ancient times. Cups were made and believed to promote health when fluid was drunk from them. It was also one of the stones of the Walls of New Jerusalem mentioned in the Bible.
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