Rubeus; Carbuncle (old name which included Garnet and other red stones);Manikya (Sanskrit)
Yaqut (Unani)
Pey ma ra ga, Pey rag (Tibetan)
Hong Bao Shi (TCM)
Ortus Sanitatis, Beck, 1517
Ruby crystal and Star Sapphires
Exotic Mineralogy, Sowerby, 1811
Ruby crystals
Photo by Rob Lavinsky
Mineralogical Name:
Corundum (Al2O3)
Traditionally the stronger colored stones were called Male, and lighter colored stones, Female.
‘Female’ Rubies’ obtained from Eastern sources have been found to be Spinels.
Balas Rubies, also called Balasius or Palatius are Rose-colored Rubies.
Parts used:
Prepared (levigated or burned) stone
Lexicon of Alchemy listed several varieties:
- Indian and African (best was called Carchedonius);
- Ethiopian;
- Scabri of Alabanda;
- Arcadian;
- Trazenius (which has faults);
- Corithius.
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry (Al Biruni said moderate in heat and coldness, dry in the 2nd degree). Pungent, Sweet, Salty
Hardness: 9;
Specific Gravity: 3.9-4.16.
Of the Trigonal crystal system, in the form of Rhombohedra, columns, twins, plates and bipyramids.
Both Ruby and Sapphire sometimes show yellow luminescence.
Insoluble in acids.
Aluminium oxide (Al2O3)
Chromium is responsible for the color
1. Clears Heat and Poison (Ayurveda, Tibetan, West, Unani):
-Fevers, Infectious Disease;
-Protects against the Plague, Infectious Diseases, and to neutralise Poison.
-quickens the clearing of toxins from the body: it ‘Chases away the most powerful and most hidden Poison’ (Hildegard).
-Bhasma is used in Ayurveda for Poison, Pains, Boils, Ulcers and Consumption, and to remove sensation of heat or burning of the limbs
-against all Poison in Unani and Tibetan Medicine.
-traditionally for the effects of Evil Spirits.
2. Strengthens the Heart, Mind and Spirits (Ayurveda, Tibetan, West, Unani):
-makes Lively and Cheerful, and take away Idle and Foolish thoughts
-promote Concentration, and increases Intellect (Salmon, Ayurveda).
-rids evil thoughts, and protect from Nightmares.
-Ayurveda uses it for Anemia, Debility and Circulatory disorders. (Ayurveda)
-Palpitations, Vertigo, Insanity and Hallucinations. (Unani)
3. Strengthen Qi, Nourishes Essence: (Ayurveda, Tibetan, West, Unani):
-‘Ruby suppresses all diseases of the Human body’ (Hildegard).
-Tibetan Medicine also says it has an overall beneficial effect on the body.
–Ayurveda uses the Bhasma to prolong life by being Rasayana (a tonic to the 7 Body tissues);
-used for Consumption and Melancholy in Unani.
–The Royal Chemist (1670): ‘Ruby hath in itself the effect of all precious stones’.
-Red Spinel (a Ruby substitute) is used for general Weakness, as a Seminal tonic, and for Longevity (Ayurveda)
4. Benefits the Stomach:
-in Ayurveda to increase the digestive heat and resolve Ama (residues from undigested food)
-used as an Appetiser in Unani.
5. Restrains Lust. (West)
6. Benefits Vision:
-has been used as a collyrium for Poor Vision in Unani;
–Bhasma has been used for Eye disorders in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda uses 60–125mg doses of either the Bhasma, or the levigated powder, usually in Butter, Ghee or Honey. Up to 500mg of the finely levigated powder was used in the West.
1. Red Spinel
2. Garnet
3. Jacinth (Red Zircon)
Magical Uses:
-worn to prevent against Poison and Plague (or taken internally)
-worn, it drives away Sadness, Melancholy, Evil thoughts, Nightmares and Evil Spirits
-said to protect the wearer, and to become dark or dull if they’re in danger
Main Combinations:
1. Often combined with other precious stones.
Major Formulas:
The Goa Stone
Red Hungarian Powder
Letificans Electuary (Unani)
Medicine to Defend the Base from all Danger
Safoof e Jawahar Mohra (Precious Defender Powder) (Unani)
Precious Wish Fulfilling Jewel (Rin chen ratna bsam ‘phel) (Tibetan)
Standard cautions for using Gem stones.
Main Preparations used:
Levigated Powder, Bhasma/Kushta (Ayurveda, Unani). Many chemical preparations of Ruby were prepared.