
Molochite, Melochites, Chrysocolla (Dioscorides)
Kong Que Shi  孔雀石 (TCM)
Spang ma  སྤང་མ (Tibetan)
Picture Melochites
Hortus sanitatis
, 1491

Picture Malachite
Photo by Miguel Calvo (Wikimedia)

Minerological name:
Green Copper Carbonate with admixture

Parts used:

Mineral, usually washed or burned for internal use.
Nodular or laminate varieties are used.

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Sour, Astringent. Slightly Toxic

Hardness: 4
Specific Gravity: 4
Of the Monoclinic crystal system, and in the form of prisms.
Effervesces in HCL


Green Copper Carbonate (CuO 71.95%, CO2 19.9%, H2O 8.15%); also Copper hydroxide, trace minerals


1. Settles Wind, Purges Phlegm:
-accumulation of Wind-Phlegm, apoplexy, spasms, convulsions (Egypt, West, TCM)
-‘It is of great efficacy against all infantile disorders’ (Lexicon of Alchemy; Pliny)
-Childhood convulsions; strengthens children; can be worn externally (Pliny)
-it was used to promote Vomiting (unwashed)
-In the Ebers Papyrus, Malachite was used in a purge. (similar to Azurite)
-Lymph diseases in Tibetan Medicine
-promotes Menstruation (taken with Honey, Salmon)

2. Benefits the Stomach:
-strengthens the Stomach (Crato)
-Colic, Hernia
-Heartburn, taken with milk (Salmon)

3. Strengthens the Kidneys
-Kidney stones and other urinary disorders (Ayurveda).
-Ancient Egyptians used it for urinary disorders also.
-It has been used for rheumatism; ‘hot bone diseases’ in Tibetan Medicine
-diseases of the Male Sex organs (Tibetan Medicine)
-as an amulet to strengthen and aid children during teething.

4. Clears the Eyesight, Removes Films: (TCM, Ebers Papyrus, Arabs, Tibetan)
-topically for various eye disorders including corneal opacity and conjunctivitis (TCM, Ebers Papyrus, Arabs, etc);
-ancient Egyptians used it for eye disorders including pterygium and conjunctivitis
-Cataracts (Tibetan Medicine)

5. Externally:
-Styptic, cleansing and binding
-slightly corrosive and biting (Dioscorides)
-Used for virulent ulcers; applied with Brandy to Ulcers (Salmon)
-it ‘wears off scars’
-represses fleshy excrescences, 
-Sore Throat (TCM)
-Used topically for diseases of the head (Ebers Papyrus)
-disperses Tumors (Ebers Papyrus)
-promotes Hair growth (Tibetan Medicine)
-‘amulet against the Syncope, Pains, Ruptures, Bruises, and falls from high places’. (Salmon)
-applied topically to Spasms (Salmon)


Prepared Powder: 200–500mg
6–12 grains was said to purge.


Malachite is generally used as Azurite, both being composed primarily of Copper carbonate. It appears Malachite was regarded as stronger by classical Physicians, whereas Azurite was used more by the Arabs, which followed through into European use. Azurite tends to transform into the more stable Malachite.


Purges like Antimony and may be used instead of it. (Boetius)


1. It is best to wash it well, as is done with Azurite, when used internally. This removes irritant salts that can cause nausea and vomiting.
2. It can be burned by powdering, putting it in an earthen vessel and heating on coals, stirring it well until it changes color. (Dioscorides)

Main Combinations:

1. Wind-Phlegm, Malachite, Aconitum Fu Zi, Scorpion (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
2. Acute Convulsions:
i. Malachite, Magnetite (TCM)
ii. Malachite, Calomel, Mint juice (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
3. Epilepsy, Malachite, Mustard seed, Juniper, Myrrh Turpentine (Ebers Papyrus),
4. Pterygium, Malachite with Aloe (topically) (Ebers Papyrus)
5. Topically for Sores in Infants, Malachite, Angelica Bai Zhi (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
6. Cancer of the Tongue, Malachite and Alum (equal parts); powder finely and apply topically. (TCM)

Major Formulas:


1. Not used in marked weakness or during Pregnancy.
2. Avoid overdose.

Main Preparations used:

Prepared Mineral