Lapis Lazuli
Lajward (Unani)Lazward (Arabic)
Tian Qing Shi (TCM)
Mu Men མུ་མེན་ (Tibetan)
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Mineralogical Name:
Metamorphic rock chiefly consisting of Lazurite; silicate and sulphate of sodium and aluminium
Parts used:
Prepared stone (Washed; Burnt; or Bhasma)
Temperature & Taste:
Washed it is Cool, dry; Raw or Burnt it is Warm, dry. Sweet, Pungent, Bitter (it is said to have all 6 tastes in Ayurveda)
“Hot in the second and dry in the third degree” (Avicenna)
Preparers and Purgers of Melancholy
E. Laxative, Purgatives and Cathartics
G. Sedate the Heart, Mind and Spirit
Sodium, calcium, aluminum, silicate, sulphur, sulphate (Na,Ca)8Al6Si6O24(S,SO)4
It commonly contains admixtures of sodalite, calcite, pyrite, diopside, augite, mica etc.
1. Calms the Mind and Spirit, Clears Heat, Stops Wind:
-for Vertigo, Dizziness, Migraine, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Palsy (since Dioscorides).
-mental and emotional disorders. It promotes mental and emotional stability.
-creates a happy disposition and a feeling of well-being (Unani)
-Restlessness, Insomnia and Neurosis in Ayurveda.
-ancient Egyptians used it for Mental disorders, disorders caused by Demons and Evil Spirits.
2. Cleanses the Blood, Purges Melancholy:
-Melancholy and Mental illness
-all diseases coming from Melancholy such as obstinate skin diseases including Leprosy, Tumors (Fibroid etc.), Cancers, swelling of the Spleen; Chronic Fevers associated with Melancholy humor.
-purifies the Blood to calm the mind and clear the emotions.
-Ayurveda also uses this function for Hemorrhoids
-also for Dampness affecting the Spleen and Stomach
-“It purges out Black Bile. It purges out foreign viscid matters from the blood”. (Avicenna)
3. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-Burning Fevers; 3-day fevers (‘Quartan Agues’)
-prevents Poisoning.
-Ayurveda uses it for burning sensations.
4. Benefits the Eyes:
-steep a stone in warm water for a while, and then use the water as an eye wash.
-Ancient Egyptians made eye salves from Lapis Lazuli; used to improve eye sight, and for Cataracts; it has been used similarly in India. A paste is applied to the eye-lids, or the extremely fine powder may be put into the eye.
-As a collyrium it is applied to conjunctivitis, blepharitis, epiphora and eye ulcers (Unani)
-“It beautifies eyelashes and makes them thick and dense” (Avicenna)
5. Clears Phlegm, Benefits the Lungs:
-purges the Lungs, used for Shortness of Breath (Pemell, 1652)
-“useful in dyspnoea and Asthma” (Avicenna)
-Tuberculosis (Ayurveda)
6. Moves the Blood, Promotes Healing:
-Taken for ‘internal exulcerations’, and to ‘repress uvas and pustules’.
-It ‘joins ruptured membranes’. (Dioscorides)
-promotes Menstruation (Pemell, 1652)
7. Benefits Yin, Clears Heat:
-deficient heat conditions, night sweats
-weakness and disorders of old age
8. Externally:
-paste made of the Ash was used by Dioscorides as an astringent and caustic, and used as a counter-irritant.
-stone was also applied warm to swellings, and seats of pain.
-the powder is sprinkled on vitiligo, and to dry wet ulcers.
-topically for diseases of the Eyes (see above)
-hung around the neck protects children from fearfulness
-said to prevent fainting in pregnancy, hinders miscarriage
-‘It removes the Warts” (Avicenna)
1. Benefits the Heart and Spirit:
-Cordial, traditionally used to strengthen the Heart and ‘recreate’ the Spirits (Pemell, 1652)
-burnt Lapis Lazuli was used for this purpose.
2. Astringes the Kidneys:
-Ayurveda uses the Bhasma for Diabetes and chronic urinary diseases of the aged.
Prepared Lapis Lazuli: 125–500mg with Honey or Conserve of Rose etc. (½–1 dram was traditionally used)
1. Washed Lapis Lazuli
It is powdered finely, then washed well with water 10 or 12 times until the water is clear and without sharp taste. Some washed it well, dried it, then washed again a second and third time, drying between each washing. At last, it is triturated with Rose water or Borage Water which is allowed to dry, this being repeated several times. This corrects it while making it better for the Mind, Heart and Spirit.
2. Hydromel Prepared Lapis Lazuli
Some preferred washing the fine powder with water, then washing several times with Hydromel.
3. Burnt Lapis Lazuli
Used as a Cordial, to strengthen the Heart and Spirit. Burning and washing remove the purgative effects. It is burnt in a crucible, powdered, then washed.
4. Lemon juice prepared Lapis Lazuli
In Ayurveda, pieces are boiled in Lemon juice for 3 hours.
5. Apple juice prepared Lapis Lazuli
Another preparation in Ayurveda is to triturate with Apple juice.
6. Bhasma of Lapis Lazuli
Used in Ayurveda
1. Azurite;
2. Black Hellebore;
3. The Tabula Antidotarii of Armengaud said decoction of Senna worked more similarly to Lapis Lazuli than Armenian Stone
Lapis Lazuli has long been regarded as a special stone, representing the sky and heavens. ‘Like the sky, it is immeasurably vast, clear, pure, bright, glorious, stable and magnificent’. (Drungtso)
Main Combinations:
1. To purge Melancholy:
i. Lapis Lazuli with Senna, Black Myrobalan
ii. Lapis Lazuli with Camphor, Aniseed, Cinnamon, Ginger, Mastic
iii. Lapis Lazuli with Borage juice and powder of Bones of a Stag’s Heart (Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485)
iv. Lapis Lazuli with Dodder, Polypody, Agaric, prepared Black Hellebore, Clove, Aniseed and Hiera Picra (a compound) (as in Pills of Lapis Lazuli of Mesue)
v. Lapis Lazuli with Dodder, Agaric, Scammony, Clove (Riverius).
vi. Lapis Lazuli with Troches Alhandal (prepared Colocynth), Black Hellebore, Senna, St. Johns wort, Saffron, Dodder, Indian Spikenard, Clove (as in Pills Purging Melancholy of Mynsichts)
vii. Lapis Lazuli with Pearl, Aloe, Dodder, Cinnamon, Aloeswood, Tragacanth (as in Golden Electuary of Unani)
viii. Lapis Lazuli with, Balm, Peony, Triphala, Frankincense, Saffron, Dodder, Senna, Aloe (as in Pilulae ad Melancholiam Validores)
ix. and for Madness and chronic Skin diseases, Lapis Lazuli with Senna, torrefied Hazel nuts, Silkworm cocoons, Cinnamon, Clove, Indian Spikenard, Basil seed, Saffron, Rosemary (as in Electuary of Senna of Nicholas)
2. Sadness and Anxiety, Lapis Lazuli, Pearl, White Coral, Armenian (Red) Earth, Silk Burnt, Indian Spikenard (as in Electuary for Sadness and Worry)
3. Madness:
i. Lapis Lazuli with Clove, Polypody, Dodder, Aloe
ii. Lapis Lazuli with Rhubarb, Senna, Polypody, Scammony
4. Epilepsy, Lapis Lazuli with Cinnabar, Mistletoe, Peony root and seed, Pearl, Coral, Amber
5. Venereal disease (specifically Syphilis), Lapis Lazuli with Rhubarb, Senna, Turbith, Buckthorn berry, Guaiacum
6. Quartan Fever (Malarial Fever), Dodder with Lapis Lazuli (Pemell, 1652)
7. Heart Pain, distention of the Chest, Lapis Lazuli with Saffron
8. Spleen Damp, Lapis Lazuli, Cardamon, Cinnamon, Ginger, Pepper, Basil, Aloeswood, Turbith (as in Electuary of Aloeswood of Avicenna)
Major Formulas:
Pills of Lapis Lazuli-1 Mesue
Pills of Lapis Lazuli 2 Mesue
Pills of Lapis Lazuli 3 Mesue
Pills of Chebulic Myrobalan
Pills for Epilepsy from Melancholy of Serapion
Pills for Uterine Fibroids
Expert Pills for Epilepsy from Phlegm
Indian Pills (Mesue)
Powder of Crabs
Powder to Purge Melancholy (Mesue)
Troches for Heart Weakness
Royal Confection of Kermes (Mesue)
Electuary of Polypody
Electuary of Senna (Disenna) (Nicholas)
Electuary of Aloeswood of Avicenna
Electuary for Sadness and Worry
Letificans Electuary (Unani)
Safoof e Jawahar Mohra (Precious Defender Powder) (Unani)
Cantharide 37 (Tibetan)
Joyful 16 Pill (Dg’a ba bchu drug) (Tibetan)
Precious and Great Multi-Jewel Compound Pill (Rin chen mang sbyor chen mo) (Tibetan)
Precious Wish Fulfilling Jewel (Rin chen ratna bsam ‘phel) (Tibetan)
Red Coral 25 (Rin chen byur dmar nyer lnga) (Tibetan)
1. Only used internally in prepared form (either washed, or burnt)
Unwashed Lapis Lazuli is apt to upset the Stomach and cause Sadness and Worry.
1. Treatment is drinking Milk every morning for 7 days.
2. It is also remedied by taking 2 scruples of Amber powder with wine. (De venenis, Petrus, 1487)
Main Preparations used:
Washed and Triturated Lapis Lazuli, Burnt Lapis Lazuli