Ferrous sulphate, Green Vitriol, Iron Sulphate

Ferrum vitriolatum, Sulphas Protoxidii Ferri, Mars vitriolatus, Sal Chalybis, Sal Martis, Vitriolum viride, Vitrolum Martis, Vitrolum Ferri, Vitriolum Romanum, Vitriolum Hungaricum
Lu Fan 綠礬 (Melanterite, TCM)
Picture Vitriol
Hortus sanitatis
, 1491

Picture Native Melanterite
Photo: Rob Lavinsky (iRocks.com)

Minerological name:
Ferrum sulphate, Green Vitriol
Melanterite is the native form; it is a hydrated Iron Sulphate.

Parts used:

Native or Artificial

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Sour


1. Nourishes Liver and Blood:
-Anemia, restorative in atonic conditions
-Infantile Malnutrition (Su Gong, TCM)
-Edema with pale complexion from blood weakness
-Amenorrhea; promotes Menstruation
-regarded as promoting Ovulation in Ayurveda

2. Stops Leakage & Bleeding:
-Bleeding associated with Blood weakness; Passive Bleeding
-Metrorrhagia (abnormal bleeding between periods)
-chronic Diarrhea and Dysentery; Intestinal wind with Blood in the stool
-Gastrointestinal bleeding
-topically to stop Bleeding

3. Clears Heat and Damp, Resists Poison:
-Jaundice, Edema
-painful dribbling Urine; Gonorrhea (Ayurveda)
-eliminates accumulation and stagnation, dries humidity of the Spleen’ (Li Shi Zhen)
-traditionally for Malaria (TCM)

4. Kills Worms:
-Iron Sulphate was used for Worms (West)

5. Emetic
-traditionally for Wind-Phlegm Epilepsy (TCM)
-powder taken with vinegar

6. Externally:
-in douches for profuse Leukorrhea and Cancer of the Uterus
-native form is used topically for Eczema, Scabies, Pharyngitis and oral Ulcers
-Iron Sulphate in solution has been used in modern medicine externally for chronic Ulcers, moist Eczema, as well as a wash for open Cancers (1 dram in a quart of hot water)
-solution is also used as a wash for Gangrene
-used topically in Eye medicines for eye inflammations associated with Liver heat; Conjunctivitis (TCM, Ayurveda)
-Mouth Sores and diseases of the Teeth and Gums (TCM)
-Gangrenous Stomatitis
-Toxic Sores, Ringworm, Herpes, Tinea Capitis (TCM)
-Also used as a hair dye. (Ayurveda)


Powder: 60–250mg or 300mg doses
As an astringent injection (enema or douche): 4 scruples in 8 oz. water.

Making Iron Sulphate:
Artificial Iron Sulphate is made one of the following ways:
i. Iron, Sulphuric acid ( 8 oz. each), Water (4 pints). Mix the acid slowly with the water in a glass vessel, then add the iron to the mixture. When the effervescence ceases, filter through paper, evaporate over a fire so that crystals form as it cools, then pour off the water and dry the crystals on absorbent paper. (London Pharmacopoeia)
ii. Very pure Iron filings (1 part), Sulphuric acid (2 parts). Add the acid gradually to the Iron; when effervescence ceases, evaporate the excess liquid, then set to crystallize. Dissolve the crystals and crystallize again. (Pharmacopoeia Gallica, 1818)

Purification: (Ayurveda)
This may be purified several ways:
1. It may be fried until white.
2. It is purified by being boiled in the juice of Eclipta alba for 3 hours
3. If impregnated, triturated and dried with animal bile, it becomes purified.
4. Menstrual blood was sometimes traditionally substituted for the animal bile in number 3.
5. It is purified by being impregnated and triturated with Lime juice.
  Despite the fact that a Bhasma is generally prepared from the purified product, it does not necessarily need to be made into Bhasma. Modern research has shown that the purified product without formation of Bhasma is still safe and effective for the traditional uses.
  Once prepared, it is used for Anemia, Vitiligo, Eye diseases, Fever, Amenorrhea, Greying of Hairs, Spleen enlargement, and Intestinal Worms.


1. Purified Irion Sulphate:
  Native Green Vitriol contains sulphates of Alumina and Copper so needs purifying. This is achieved by boiling a solution of it with pure iron filings, then straining and crystallizing again, and then finally dried. (Pharmacopoeia Gallica, 1818)
2. Dried Iron Sulphate:
  Take Sulphate of Iron. Heat over a moderate fire in an unglazed vessel until white and perfectly dry. (Edinborough)
The same method of preparation has been used in TCM.
3. Vinegar-prepared Melanterite.
  The mineral is heated to red hot, and quenched in vinegar. This is repaeted three times.


1. Triphala
2. Honey


1. Iron
2. Hematite

Main Combinations:

1. Worms:
i. Iron sulphate (½ oz.), Tansy flowers (3 oz.) Make a powder  (Pharmacopoeia Militaris, 1818)
ii. Iron sulphate (1 dram), Tansy flowers, Mugwort seed (3 drams each) (Niemann)
iii. Iron sulphate (1 parts), Tansy flowers (6 parts), Valerian (3 ½ parts). (Pharmacopoeia Militaris, 1818)
iv Iron sulphate (3 grains), Tansy flowers (6 grains), Jalap root (½ dram). (Niemann)
2. Passive Bleeding, Iron sulphate, Dragons Blood, Cinnamon, Comfrey
3. Anemia, Iron Sulphate with Dang Gui, Atractylodes Bai Zhu
4. Diarrhea:
i. Iron Sulphate, Alum
ii. Iron Sulphate, Red Earth, Galls
5. Blood weakness, Melanterite with Dang Gui
6. Edema with pale face due to Spleen weakness:
i. Melanterite, Galls (Wu Bei Zi), Costus (Mu Xiang), Chimney soot. Powder., stew in wine, then add wheat flour and form pills.
ii. Melanterite with Ping Wei San (a compound); make pills with Vinegar. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
7. To promote Menstruation, Iron sulphate with Myrrh, Orange peel
8. Metrorrhagia (abnormal bleeding between periods): Iron Sulphate (1 oz.), Calomel (3 grams). Form pills. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
9. Infantile Malnutrition:
i. Melanterite is powdered, mixed with Pig Bile and formed into pills the size of a Mung Bean (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
ii. Melanterite (vinegar-prepared) is mixed with Red Date (Da Zao) pulp and formed into pills.
10. Malaria with vomiting, Melanterite (3 grams), Blast-fried Ginger (Pao Jiang) (½ oz.), Ginger-prepared Pinellia (Jiang Ban Xia) (½ oz.). Powder and take 1 ½ grams (½ qian) in the morning before the fit with vinegar soup. (Sheng Ji Zong Lu)
11. Astringent fomentation: Iron sulphate (½ oz.), White Sugar (2 drams), Camphor (½ dram), Distilled Water (2 pounds). Mix. (Niemann)
12. Scabies, Irone Sulphate, Pepper, Camphor
13. Alopecia, Iron Sulphte topically with Neem
14. Throat Pain and Swelling:
i. Melanterite with Rice vinegar as a gargle
ii. From Toxic Heat, Melanterite, Realgar, Borax. Powder finely and blow directly onto the throat with a quill. (TCM)
15. Inflammation under the Tongue, roast Melanterite until red hot, powder when cool, and sprinkle topically. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
16. Toxic sores on the faces of infants, remove the seed of Red Date and replace with Melanterite. Heat until dry, powder, and apply topically. (Bai Cui Fang)
17. Burns, Melanterite steeped in Cold Water and used as a wash eases pain and reduces swelling. (TCM)
18. Paronychia (Whitlow–swelling around the finger and toenails): Melanterite (1 oz.), Realgar (6 grams), Sulphur, Frankincense, Myrrh (3 grams). Powder, apply to teh affected part. (Yi Fang Zhai Yao)
19. Maggots in a sore, sprinkle in the powder of Melanterite and the Maggots will dissolve. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
20. To Dye White Hair Black, Melanterite, Mint, Sichuan Aconite (equal parts). Powder, soak in Iron Syrup and use to dye the hair. (Xiang Gan Zi)


1. Avoid overdose.
2. Some people have mild digestive disturbance or constipation. Stool may be dark or black.
3. Allergic reactions have been reported including rashes, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing.

Main Preparations used: