Cuprum, Copper, Cu
VenusTamra (Ayurveda)
Nuhas (Unani, Avicenna)
Tong 铜 (TCM)
Hortus sanitatis, 1491
Native Copper
Photo by Jonathan Zander (Digon3) (Wikimedia)
Minerological name:
Parts used:
Oxide, Bhasma
Copper Pyrite, Copper Sulphate, Verdigris and Malachite are also used.
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry (Ayurveda, Dioscorides; some Vedic sources say Cool); Bitter, Pungent, Astringent, Sour, Sweet
“Burnt copper is hot, astringent and healing” (Avicenna)
Atomic number: 29
Hardness: 2.5-3.
Specific Gravity: 8.93
Cubic crystalline system, and in the crystal forms of hexahedron, tetrahedron, dodecahedron, or rarely octahedron.
It is a very good conductor of both heat and electricity, being second to Silver.
Melts at 1083 C, and Boils at 2350 C.
Soluble in HNO3.
1. Benefits the Lungs, Clears Phlegm and Heat, Stops Cough: (Ayurveda, Tibet, West)
-Cough, Dyspnoea, Bronchial Asthma, Bronchitis, Bronchiectasis (Bhasma: Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine)
-Tuberculosis, and for pus or blood of the Lungs (Bhasma: Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine)
-Chronic Rhinitis, Coryza, Hoarseness (Bhasma: Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine)
-Cough, Pleurisy, Consumption etc. (West)
2. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine
-Edema, Urinary Diseases
-Gout, Rheumatism; it can
-helps clear both fat and water, and is good for the overweight and those with fluid retention (Bhasma)
-‘Strengthens the Reins {Kidneys] to perform their duty’. (Spirit of Copper)
3. Clears Heat and Poison:
-help promote the healing of Boils and Carbuncles (Bhasma)
-Fevers including Chronic Fevers (Bhasma)
-Leprosy and other obstinate skin diseases (Bhasma)
-used for various types of Poison
4. Benefits the Liver and Blood:
-Anemia and blood weakness. (Bhasma)
-used after severe hemorrhage (Thomas, The Eclectic Practice of Medicine, 1907)
-Colloidal Copper has been used for greying hair (and farmers give Copper supplements to turn greying black sheep black again).
-strengthens the Eyes, used for Eye diseases associated with deficiency
-Modern research has shown Copper preparations to be Hepatoprotective.
-“It blackens the hair.” (Avicenna)
5. Strengthens the Kidneys and Uterus:
-‘Generally, it strengthens the parts dedicated to Generation’ (Salmon)
-nourishes the Semen, strengthens the Womb, and has been considered Aphrodisiac
–Rasayana (tonic to the 7 Body Tissues) and Rejuvenative. (Bhasma)
-Spirit of Copper was used to Warm a Cold Womb, for fits of the Mother, and to promote Menstruation.
6. Strengthens Stomach, Promotes Digestion:
-increase the digestive fire and as a mild purgative (Bhasma)
-Obesity, Colic, Dyspepsia with Acidity, Abdominal Pain, Gastritis
-obstinate Abdominal diseases including Ascites, Abdominal Enlargement, Abdominal Swelling.
-‘corroborate the Ventricle, and correct crudities’. (Spirit of Copper)
-Copper has been used for Gastritis, Abdominal Pain, and has been proven to be useful in the treatment of Gastric Ulcers.
7. Opens Obstructions:
-obstructions the Liver, Spleen and Lymphatic system. (Bhasma, and in West)
-Obstructive Heart Disease. (Bhasma; Oil of Copper etc)
-Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Palsy etc (Spirit)
-in more modern times, Schizophrenia has also been treated with Copper
-Copper Oxide has been used as a resolvent
8. Kills Worms:
-Worms and Parasites
-Copper oxide has been used for Worms
9. Externally:
-Externally Copper oxide in an ointment (3-5%) for chronic indurated glands and Varicose Ulcers, Arthritis, Myalgia and Orchitis
-a Copper coin has been bound to the umbilicus for Umbilical Hernia in infants
-“heals the malignant and creeping type of ulcers and also prevents their further expansion” (Avicenna)
Copper Oxide: 50–100mg
1. Honey
2. Oil
3. Ghee (Unani)
To PURIFY COPPER (Ayurveda):
According to Ayurveda, Copper contains 8 defects: Loss of Consciousness, Dizziness, burning Sensation, Sweating, Nausea, Vomiting, Anorexia and Restlessness, these being the defects which must be cleansed in Copper. One of the following several methods may be used:
1. For the first part, Copper may be purified as for Gold; thin leaves of Copper are heated over fire and quenches 7 times in each of Sesame Oil, Butter Milk, Cow’s Urine, Kanji (type of Vinegar), and the decoction of Dolichos biflora (see Gold for more detailed information on this part). Next a paste is prepared by triturating Rock Salt with the milky latex of Calotropis gigantea. The Copper leaves are then smeared with this paste, heated over a fire, and immersed in the juice of Vitex negundo. This process is repeated 7 times. It is then kept to make Bhasma. (Alchemy and Metallic Medicines in Ayurveda, Dash, 1986)
2. Make Copper red hot in a furnace and dip in a solution made of the paste of the leaves of Moringa pteregosperma, quicklime and water, 7 to 21 times, or in the juices of Tamarind leaves, Acalypta indica, Butter Milk and Kanji (a type of Vinegar), 7 times in each. (Gems of the Siddha System)
3. Copper leaves are smeared with a paste made of Rock Salt and Lime juice; these are then heated and quenched in Barley gruel, this being repeated 8 times. (Wealth of Indian Alchemy and Its Medicinal Uses, Mukherji, 1998)
4. Copper leaves may likewise be smeared with a paste of Lime juice and Saltpeter, heated, then quenched in the juice of Vitex negundo, this being repeated 8 times. (Wealth of Indian Alchemy and Its Medicinal Uses, Mukherji, 1998)
5. Copper leaves are purified if they are boiled in Cow’s Urine for 3 hours on a strong fire; or they may be heated and quenched in the Urine a number of times. (Wealth of Indian Alchemy and Its Medicinal Uses, Mukherji, 1998)
6. It may also be heated and quenched several times in the juice of Oxalis corniculata.
1. By Reverberation, where the filings are fired in a potters furnace, which must afterwards be beaten to a Calx;
2. By Immersion in Aqua Fortis, Oil of Sulphur, or Vitriol, which you may precipitate with warm water, or by casting in some Iron or Silver.
Main Combinations:
1. Anemia, Blood weakness, Copper Bhasma, Iron Bhasma, Triphala, Long Pepper in Honey and Ghee
2. Lung inflammations, specifically for difficulty breathing, coughing and bronchiectasis, Copper Bhasma, Triphala, Iron Bhasma, Frankincense, Costus, Tabasheer, Long Pepper, Sandalwood (as in Copper 25 of Tibetan Medicine)
3. Worms:
i. Copper, Costus, Nigella, Fern, Convolvulus (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913)ammonite
ii. Copper, Indian Salt, Costus, Fern, Convolvulus (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913)
4. Conjunctivitis, Nummulite, Pearl, Red Coral, burnt Copper, Antimony, used topically (Unani)
5. Leucoderma, ii. Oxidised Copper, Orpiment, Garden Cress, burnt (but not slaked) Lime, Potash, equal parts. Steep in child’s urine (or vinegar) for 4 days in the sun. Apply to the part after washing with Urine or Vinegar (Sabur ibn Sahl’s Dispensatory)
6. Ulcers: “Painting copper with honey is said to improve the condition of hard and burning ulcers in hard parts of the body.” (Avicenna)
Major Formulas:
Copper 25 (Tibetan Medicine)
1. The metal Copper is generally considered non-toxic, and water pipes and cooking utensils made from Copper have never been related to toxic effects, unlike such metals as Aluminium and Lead. Copper salts, however, are always poisonous. Toxic symptoms of excessive levels Copper can result in Liver cirrhosis, jaundice, anemia and arthritis.
2. Excess amounts of Copper increases tissue peroxidation and displaces Zinc.
From Ayurveda:
1. According to Ayurveda, Copper, Copper Sulphate, Brass, and Bell Metal if used without purification, or if the Bhasma is incorrectly made can cause Nausea, Vomiting, Dizziness, Leprosy, burning sensations, Diarrhea, Colic and Fainting. It impairs longevity, beauty, semen and strength.
2. Sour foods are forbidden while Copper preparations are being taken. (Ayurveda)
3. Research has shown calcined Native Copper loses most of its Arsenic contamination. This proves the importance of using heat in preparing metals.
Walnuts were said to treat the toxic effects of Copper (Li Shi Zhen)
No toxicity was noted when single doses of Copper Bhasma 1g/kg were given, or doses of 100mg/kg were given orally for 7 days. (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Jan. 1982)
Further, no toxicity was noted when a therapeutic doses (5.5mg/kg) and five times the therapeutic dose (27.5mg/kg) were given to rats for 28 days, however at 10 times the therapeutic dose, toxic effect on the Heart, Liver, Kidneys and Thymus were noted. (Chaudhari et al., J Ayurveda Integr Med, Mar 2016)
Main Preparations used:
Copper Water, Water of Venus, Spirit of Venus, Oil of Copper, Spirit of Copper, Copper Bhasma
10 Copper coins (pennies etc) should be washed in Lime water. Put them into a liter of water and boil down to half. This is taken in doses of 2 teaspoonfuls, 2 or 3 times daily for Liver, Spleen and Lymphatic disorders, as well as to clear excess water
‘It is distilled by a Retort from filings of Copper set some weeks in a moist Cellar, and is best preformed in the increase or full of the Moon. Where note, that after extraction of what will come, the remainder may be put again to dissolve, and be distilled as before’. (Salmon)
‘It is distilled by a Retort from the Vitriol of Venus (Verdigris)’. (Pharmacopeia Bateana)
Another from Lemery: Fill a glass Retort 2 thirds full with Crystals of Venus (Verdigris), and put it in sand, fit to it a large receiver, luting well. Give it a gentle fire at first to drive out the phlegm, which will be in about 6 hours. (At this point the Phlegm may be added back to its Caput Mortum so that the Volatile Spirit distills off easier) Then gradually increase the fire which will bring over the Spirit; keep increasing, and white clouds will fill the receiver; at last increase the fire ‘to the last degree, to force over all the Spirits’, which will take about 5 days altogether. When cool, unlute and decant the Spirit into a glass body, separate the Red Spirits from the White, and Rectify them by themselves. (The Black mass left in the bottom can be reformed into Copper if it is heated with a fire of fusion with the addition of a little Saltpeter.)
‘It is the greatest Arcanum for the cure of the Epilepsy; it corroborates the Ventricle, corrects crudities, warms a Cold Womb, cures the Suffocation thereof, or fits of the Mother, moves or Provokes the Courses, and Strengthens the Reins to perform their duty’.
‘It is a Specific against the Epilepsy, Palsy, Apoplexy, and other diseases of the Head and Brain’.
Paracelsus praised it as excellent, calling it Acetosus Esurinus, saying it was stronger then the Spirit of Vitriol.
Dose: 5-10, or 12 drops, taken in broth with sharp things in it, or it will cause vomiting. (Pharmacopeia Bateana, Schroder, Salmon)
4. SPIRIT and OIL of COPPER. (Closseus)
Vitriol of Copper 12 lbs.
Distil in a Retort with a gentle heat until all its phlegm comes off; cohobate it often upon its own Colcothar, so the Volatile Spirits will ascend easier; then increase the fire gradually for 5 days till all the first body be brought over; separate the White liquor from the Red oil, and rectify them separately.
‘Wonderful Remedies in the Falling Sickness’. The body was first to be purged with the ‘Red Flowers of Antimony’. Dose: 8-10 drops in broth well seasoned with sharp things ‘lest it cause vomiting’. (Schroder, Salmon)
‘Dissolve the filings in Spirit of Salt, then distill by a retort, and the Spirit will ascend impregnated with the Essence of Venus’.
Used for all obstructions of the Liver, Spleen and Womb. Up to 7 grains may be given in an appropriate vehicle. (Salmon)
1. COPPER DEFICIENCY: Copper deficiency (which is not common) has been associated with anemia, leukemia, bone disorders and arthritis, infertility, multiple sclerosis, heart disorders and thyroid under-activity. 2. ANTI-ARTHRITIC: Copper salts have been used similarly to Gold salts in this respect with good results; tolerance to Copper is said to be far greater than that of Gold, and no toxic reactions were noted. Intramuscular injections of Copper compounds has induced remission in about 60% of Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. 3. Copper enhances BONE HEALING, and with Vitamin C, it strengthens collagen and elastin. 4. Copper enhances ANGIOGENESIS. 5. Copper accelerates closure of SKIN WOUNDS. It reduces VARICOSE VEIN ULCERS. Applied topically, Calcanthite dries wounds by corroding, then stimulating, and lastly astringing. 6. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY. 7. CONTRACEPTIVE. 8. Copper exerts an ESTROGENIC effect by binding to estrogen receptors. |
9. ANTI-DIABETIC. 10. REDUCES CHOLESTEROL. 11. Used in the treatment of SCHIZOPHRENIA. 12. Ample supplements of Copper has shown INHIBITION OF TUMOR GROWTH in animal studies. 13. Copper added to the diet of experimental animals (in the form of Copper sulphate) showed a decrease in incidence of HEPATOMA when exposed to the carcinogens azodyes and ethionine. 14. Oral ingestion can cause VOMITING by irritating the gastric mucosa. 15. ‘Still the most efficacious treatment of TRACHOMA’ … ‘The best application in trachoma to stimulate the absorption of follicles which cannot be removed by expression’ (BMJ). 16. The HALF-LIFE of Copper in a healthy person is about 26 days. 17. Women using Copper IUD’s did not become infected when they came into contact with men with GONORRHEA. |