CalomelHydrargyri Chloridum: Subchloride of Mercury, Calomelanos: Mercurius Dulcis: Manna metallorum: Aqila alba: Panchymagogum minerale: Draco mitigatusQing Fen 轻粉 (TCM) Rasakapoor (Unani) |
Photo: Rob Lavinsky,
Minerological name:
Mercurous Chloride: HgCl
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Cold, dry. Pungent. Toxic
Crystal system: tetragonal
Hardness: 1–2
Specific Gravity: 6.4-6.5
Luminescence: Red or Orange
Calomel is insoluble in Water or Alcohol.
T. External Medicines
Stimulant, alterative, anthelmintic, anti-spasmodic, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, errhine, purgative, resolvent,
1. Clears Heat and Poison:
-chronic skin diseases, Neuro-dermatitis, Scabies, Eczema (internally and topically)
-long been considered specific for Syphilis and Syphilis-related disorders,
-chronic and obstinate skin diseases including Leprosy
-also to prevent infection during Epidemics
2. Clears Stomach Heat:
-Stomach pain, intestinal catarrh, Dysentery, Diarrhea in children
-‘of great benefit in obstinate vomiting’ (Squires)
-very good for enteric fever.
3. Clears Heat and Phlegm:
-early stages of Pleurisy or Pneumonia only when the patient is strong
-chronic Pharyngitis (Squires)
-‘along with usual antispasmodic remedies, of great benefit in Asthma’ (BMJ, 1909)
-‘half grain every half-hour for 12-28 hours always aborts a Quinsey [Tonsillitis]’ (BMJ, 1912).
-swollen lymph nodes, glandular enlargements
4. Clears Liver Heat and Damp:
-Liver congestion, Biliousness
-Jaundice, chronic Hepatitis, Cirrhosis
-Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout with Heat and Damp (in strong constitutions)
-Epilepsy, Hysteria, Apoplexy
5. Purges Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Constipation with excess
-Edema or Urinary retention with excess
-hepatic or cardiac Edema (not for Edema from Kidney or Liver disease)
6. Kills Worms and Parasites:
7. Externally:
-various diseases of the Eyes including Cataract
-non-healing Sores and Ulcers (TCM, West, Unani)
-topically as a wash for Scabies, Syphilis and Syphilitic chancres
1. Toxic, and largely obsolete in modern practice. It should not be used (internally or topically) for more than 2 weeks without a break.
2. Small repeated doses (10–25mg) are effective as an alterative, larger doses (100–250mg) are used as a purgative.
3. It is either taken with purgatives, or a purgative is given the morning after administration. Rhubarb, Castor oil or Saline purgatives are commonly used. This prevents absorption of mercurial salts in the intestine.
4. It must not be heated. Don’t mix into hot water or decoction, or into a hot ointment base.
Dose: 60–150mg in Pills or Powders. Maximum single dose: 250mg; Maximum daily dose: 500mg.
Many practitioners said the best way was to give doses of 10–15mg every 15–30 minutes until 6–12 doses had been given (60–180mg). ‘The best effect is obtained by giving divided doses of 0.25 grain [15mg] half-hourly until about 3 to 4 grains has been administered’ (Extra Pharmacopeia, Martindale, 1977)
Used topically in powder or paste form.
1. Indian Podophyllum (P. emodi, Papri) has been called ‘Vegetable Calomel’, and is regarded as a suitable vegetable substitute.
2. Sulphur is a less toxic mineral with similar qualities.
1. Crude Calomel is steeped in a decoction of Pepper and Betel leaves for 3 days. It is then submitted to Dola yantra with the decoction of the same ingredients. The Calomel is tied up in cloth and suspended into the decoction by means of a string which is attached to a horizontal stick sitting across the mouth of the pot. (Siddha Medicine)
2. It is important to wash Calomel well with boiling distilled water to remove toxic mercurial salts (mercuric chloride).
Main Combinations:
1. To Purge:
i. Calomel form into pills with Red Date paste (Da Zao) (TCM)
ii. Rhubarb (1500mg), Calomel (200mg). Form a bolus for a dose. This was used as a mild mercurial purge at the Edinborough Hospital during the 18th century.
iii. Calomel, Rhubarb, Mastic
2. To purge Water:
i. Calomel, Euphorbia Da Ji, Daphne flower (Yuan Hua), Pharbitis seed Qian Niu Zi
ii. Calomel with Euphorbia Gan Sui, Pharbitis seed Qian Niu Zi, Rhubarb (Da Huang), Immature Citrus peel (Qing Pi), Betel nut (Bing Lang), Costus (Mu Xiang) (as in Zhou Che Wan)
3. Biliousness: Manifested as Headache, yellow tongue coat, bitter taste, Liver area tender. If stools are light, give one-sixth of a grain [10mg] of Calomel in powder every 15 minutes until 6 doses have been taken. Follow in 4 hours with salts.
4. Chronic Liver inflammation: Calomel 2 grains (130mg), Sodium bicarbonate 1 scruple (1200mg). Take as a dose morning and night.
5. Fibrosis of the Liver, Calomel (1 part) with Aloes and Gum Ammoniac (2 parts each) (Riverius)
6. Abdominal masses with pain and distension, Calomel, purified Croton seed (TCM)
7. To prevent infection during Epidemics, Calomel, Guiaiacum, Camphor, Aloe (Pharmacopeia Pauperum, Hamburg, 1781)
8. Elephantiasis, Calomel with Calotropis
9. Cancer:
i. Diascordium (1 scruple), Calomel (3 grains). (Physical Vade-mecum, Philanthropos, 1741)
ii. Extract of Black Hellebore 1 scruple, Calomel half scruple, Essence of Myrrh sufficient to form 12 pills. (Theatrum Praxeos Medicae, Zuingerus, 1710)
10. Tapeworm, Male Fern root is taken, followed by a purge of Calomel and Scammony (or Aloe)
11. Gonorrhea:
i. Confectio Hamech with Calomel.
ii. To prevent Gonorrhea: Calomel 10 grains, Lanolin 2 drams, Cocoa butter 4 drams. Rub together to form an ointment.
This (or a similar version of it) was formerly made and given to the Army and Navy personal of various countries. It was given to them in a tube with a nozzle suitable for inserting into the urethra. A small amount was squeezed into the urethra, and some was applied externally to the genitals also. This was issued as a standard part of their kit, and was said to be very effective in preventing Gonorrhea.
12. Acne, Acne Rosacea:
i. Calomel, Sulphur, Rhubab mixed with Sesame oil, Vaseline and Honey to a paste.
ii. Calomel (0.5 grams), Apricot kernel (Xing Ren), Sulphur (1 gram each). Mix with honey and apply as a paste at night, washing off in the morning.
iii. Momordica Mu Bie Zi with Sulphur (Liu Huang), Calomel (Qing Fen) (TCM)
13. Toxic Sores:
i. Calomel, Rhubarb, Myrrh topically
ii. Calomel, Coptis Huang Lian, Bile (TCM)
14. Eczema, Calomel (1 part by weight), Lard (4 parts with weight). Apply twice daily. This apparently cured severe and obstinate cases.
15. Scabies: Calomel and Realgar are formed into an ointment. (TCM)
16. Fungal Infections:
i. Calomel, Sulphur
ii. Calomel, Realgar
17. Ulcers: Calomel, calcined Gypsum topically (TCM)
18. Ointment for Syphilitic Ulcers and Buboes, Cinnabar with Calomel, Litharge, Chebulic and Belleric Myroabalans, Galls (Siddha)
Major Formulas:
Zhou Che Wan (TCM)
Considered obsolete in the West, it is still used in other traditions.
1. Not used during Pregnancy, the very young or debilitated people.
2. If used internally, not used for more than 2 weeks without a break.
3. Avoid in those with Kidney or Liver disease.
4. Some people, especially young children, may have allergic symptoms to Calomel including rashes. Such effects normally occur in those susceptible after 6-8 days of administration, and disappear within a few days of discontinuing treatment, and do not effect general health.
5. Rinse the mouth well after ingesting to prevent inflammation, or preferably use in pill or capsule form.
1. Overdose manifests with a metallic taste, gastritis, redness and swelling of the mouth and throat, thirst, nausea, hematuria, difficulty breathing; it may lead to acute nephritis and kidney dysfunction.
2. May cause dermatitis in some people when applied.
3. LD50 in mice is 410 mg/kg and in rats 1740 mg/kg.
1. Calomel is incompatible with Bromides, Iodides, Mineral Acids, Hydrocyanic acid, Alkaline Chlorides, Soap (even when neutral), as well as Solutions of Lime.
2. It must not be used internally with Bitter Almond
1. Milk or Egg white
2. Decoction of Licorice, Mung Bean and China root (Smilax Tu Fu Ling)
Main Preparations used:
Purified Calomel
1. Calomel depresses tubular mechanisms responsible for the reabsorption of Sodium and fixed ion. After an average dose, there is an increase in the urine flow after 1-2 hours, peaking after 6-9 hours, and is usually complete in 24 hours. On average, there is a loss of 2.5% of the body weight.
2. Anti-fungal.
3. It has been used in the treatment of Syphilis. Research has shown it cannot kill Spirocheta pallida, although it does show slight inhibitory action. However it does increase the resistance to Syphilis, as well as causing the rashes to disappear, and the swollen lymph nodes to decrease.
4. The soluble salts formed in the small intestine stimulate peristalsis, promote intestinal secretion, and have a purgative effect.