Asphaltus, Bitumen Judaicum
Judean Pitch, Jew’s Pitch, Resina TerraPissasphaltum is manufactured from Bitumen and Pitch
Qafr al-Yahud (Avicenna)
Minerological name:
Parts used:
Traditionally from Judea (Dead Sea) and Babylon
The best was accounted purplish-black. However, other Bitumenous substances were commonly used in its place.
‘It is found in the form of light black pieces which are fragile and when chewed it tastes like the liquid pitch… The best variety is purple, shining, hard and heavy. Its black variety is considered impure and inferior in quality.‘ (Avicenna)
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter
1. Settles Wind, Clears Cold and Damp, Strengthens the Nerves:
-Paralysis, Numbness, Lameness, debility of the Nerves
-Nerve disorders associated with deficiency; weakness of the Limbs
-Joint pain, Arthritis
-‘Strengthens the Body’. (Avicenna)
2. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis, Eases Pain:
-‘Dissolves coagulated Blood’. (Avicenna)
-applied to Bruises, Trauma, Cold Pains and Swellings
-applied to Inflammations
-‘useful in cases of Uterine hardness’ (Avicenna)
3. Clears Phlegm, Stops Cough:
-Cough, purulent matter of the chest
-Lung Ulcers
-also Sore Throat, Tonsillitis
4. Externally:
-applied to all cold pain and swellings
-applied to Ringworm (Avicenna)
-Gout, Arthritis, Sciatica (Avicenna)
–Pessary or fumigation is used in prolapsed uterus and uterine pain. (Avicenna)
-enema with Barley water for Dysentery. (Avicenna)
Mostly used externally. However it was added to some classical compounds.
Powder: 500mg–1 gram
A Spirit and Oil were distilled from it which was given internally for Epilepsy, Paralysis, Lethargy and Hysteria.
1. It was also used in embalming, along with Myrrh and Aloes.
2. The internal use of Mummy (mummified human flesh) was said to have its benefits due to the substances used in embalming, of which Asphalt is a major constituent.
3. Avicenna said ‘Its oral intake strengthens the body and dissolves the coagulated blood in the abdomen.’ This suggests effects similar to the use of Shilajit.
1. Generally used similarly to Pitch, which can usually replace it in external formulas.
2. Internally, Shilajit may be used in most circumstances.
3. The true Bitumen Judaicum was uncommon in England and Europe by the 17th century. Other bitumen from Germany, France and elsewhere typically supplied the market.
4. Common Pitch or the caput mortum left after distillation of Amber were also commonly substituted. (An Experimental History of the Materia Materia, Lewis, 1784)
5. Bdellium has also been used (Unani)
Main Combinations:
1. Hysteria, Asphalt, Aloes, Galbanum, Asafetida, pounded together adding Essential oils of Rue, Amber, Tansy, Nutmeg. Mix together and applied to the Nose and Umbilicus in Hysteria. (Anti-Hysteric Balsam)
2. To move the Blood and clear Stasis, Asphalt with Myrrh, Costus
Major Formulas:
Antidote Proven for Diverse Diseases (Nicholas)
Blanca (Nicholas)
Anti-Hysteric Balsam
Not used internally.
Main Preparations used:
Spirit, Oil, Pisaphaltum
Oil of Asphalt
Asphalt in powder 6 oz.
Decripitated Muriate
of Soda
Washed Sand 9 oz. each
Distil; collect and rectify the oil.
It is stimulant, used primarily for Pulmonary Phthisis.
Dose: 5–10 drops with sugar. (Pharmacopoeia Universalis)
Made by heating and mixing Asphalt and Pitch.