Alumen, Alum, Bai Fan 白矾

Called Stypteria by Dioscorides
Bai Fan (TCM)
Sphatikari or Kamakshi (in Sanskrit)
Phitkari, Phitki (Unani)
Tshur dkar  ཚུར་དཀར  (Tibetan)
Picture Hortus sanitatis, 1491

Picture Ortus Sanitatis, Beck, 1517

Picture Various types of Alum
(Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704)

Picture 1. Impure Alumen Sissile;  2. Alumen Sissile Volaterrani;  3. Alumen Rotundum;  4. fragment of a species of Alum; 
5. a species of Sissile Alum;  6. Alum Schistis;  7. Aluminosa Balnei Scorpionis
(Aldrovani, Musaeum Metallicum, 1648)

Picture Rock Alum
Aldrovani, Musaeum Metallicum

Picture Alum Crystal
(Photo by Bilovitskiy) (Wikimedia)

Picture Massive Alum at the Chengdu Medicine Market
(Adam, 2017)

Minerological Name:
Alumen; hydrated potassium aluminium sulphate.

Parts Used:
A number of different salts were called ‘Alum’.
  1. Roch Alum (Rock Alum); Alum with greater or lesser amounts of impurities
  2. Factitious or Common Alum; Alum with greater or lesser amounts of impurities.
  3. Alum Plumbosum is Amianthus (Actinolite); Not Alum and are not used as Alum
  4. Alum Catinum is a salt extracted from the herb Kali or other related herbs. Not Alum and are not used as Alum.
  5. Alum Saccharum is Rock Alum mixed with Rose water, egg white and a little Sugar.

Temperature & Taste:

Cold, very dry. Astringent, sour
Avicenna and Unani medicine say Warm, very dry.


R. Astringents   T. External Medicines


1. Clears Heat and Toxin, Dries Damp, Kills Parasites, Stops Itching (TCM, West, Ayurveda):
-used internally for Heat diseases and Fever; especially Damp-Heat conditions
-‘Treats Syndrome with Fever and Chills’. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
-external wash for Scabies, Tinea, Eczema, rashes and itchiness from Damp or Damp-Heat
-topically for red, sore and painful of the Throat or Eyes; useful as a gargle for Sore Throat

2. Clears Heat and Toxin, Generates Flesh, Promotes Healing (TCM, West, Ayurveda):
-topically to chronic non-healing Sores and Ulcers, Fistulas, Fissures, Bed Sores
-sores of the Mouth or Ears
-topically for Joint pain, Dislocations and Fractures (as a wash)

3. Astringes to Stop Leakage and Bleeding (TCM, West, Ayurveda):
-chronic Diarrhea, Leukorrhea
-Blood in the Stool, Uterine Bleeding
-has been used in Diabetes
-topically to stop Bleeding
-Expels a Dead Fetus (Dioscorides)

4. Clears Heat and Phlegm:
-Phlegm-Heat conditions with irritability, delirium, convulsions, Epilepsy
-Cough with sticky Phlegm that is hard to clear
-in Unani, 25mg taken with Rose water is given for Whooping Cough

5. Externally:
-topically to stop bleeding; a piece of alum can be rubbed onto minor cuts such as shaving cuts.
-in douches for prolapsed Uterus
-topically to Polyps
-Mouth Ulcers and Thrush (Dioscorides)
-as a gargle for loose teeth, spongy gums and sore throat
-powder is applied to ingrown toenails
Dioscorides said it “Clears the Eyes”.
-strong wash for Lice and Knits (Dioscorides)
-traditionally used as an antiperspirant by rubbing under the arms.
-powder is applied to Cancers (Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485)


1. Today, it is rarely used internally but is useful externally.
Powder: 200–500mg, up to 1500mg, twice daily.
Decoction: 1–3 grams (dissolved in the strained decoction at the end);
Dehydrated (Burnt) Alum: 25–50mg (in compound)
Topically in Washes, Baths, Douches, Enemas, Ointments etc.
Alum bath may be prepared by adding 3 ounces of Alum to every 4 liters of water


1. Nutmeg hinders the negative effect on the Bowel when Alum is taken internally while enhancing the astringent effect.
2. Ghee, Oil and Honey are also correctives. (Unani)
3. Tragacanth; Gum Arabic
4. Classical TCM texts said Licorice is the ‘Envoy’ of Alum.


1. Galls
2. Red Earth
3. Ammonium Chloride (some indications)

1. Prepared Alum:
  Typically, it is dissolved, strained and left to recrystallize to purify.
2. Burnt Alum:
  Alum is heated in a wok until it is completely dry and has lost all its water of crystallization
  “Put a piece or pieces of Alum upon an Iron Plate, or into a Fireshovel, and put it over the Fire till the Phlegm and Spirits are evaporated away, and the Alum becomes light, spongy, and white” … “It is very good to consume by degrees, and without pain, the moist and spongy flesh, and excrescences in Wounds or Ulcers, and their Lips (commonly called Proud Flesh); it also hinders corruption, desiccates andf resolves Humid Tumors” (Salmon)
  It is more drying and generally only used externally.
3. Croton-prepared Alum:
  Heat 9 grams of Alum in an iron container until it dissolves. Add 3 broken Croton seeds and continue heating until dried. Remove the Croton and grind the Alum to powder. Apply directly to the throat for immediate relief of Sore Throat, Throat Abscess and Tonsillitis. For more serious cases it is mixed with vinegar and taken internally. (Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang)

Main Combinations:

1. Chronic Diarrhea, Dysentery:
i. Alum with roasted Chebulic Myrobalan, powdered and taken with Rice water.
ii. Alum with roasted Nutmeg
iii. Alum with scorched Rhubarb
iv. Alum with Oak bark (equal parts)
v. take Alum in an infusion of Calamus (Ayurveda)
vi. Dysentery, Make pills of Alum the size of parasol seeds (can add wheat flour); if with Blood, take with decoction of Licorice. If with white discharge, taken with decoction of Ginger. (Sheng Sheng Fang)
vii. Burnt Alum (5), Tormentil (10), Oak bark (15), Licorice (20)
viii. Dysentery, Alum, Sulphur (Liu Huang), Chebulic Myrobalan (He Zi), Coptis Huang Lian, Pulsatilla Bai Tou Weng (TCM)
2. Diarrhea occuring during Humid Summer, Make pills of calcined Alum with Vinegar. Take with decoction of Chaenomelis Mu Gua.
3. Uterine Bleeding:
i. Alum with Galls and Burnet root
ii. Alum with Dragon’s Blood.
iii. Alum, Red Earth, Dragon’s Blood, Amber, Frankincense
iv. Profuse uterine bleeding: Alum (2 scruples), Peppermint water (2 oz.), Tincture of Cinnamon (½ oz.), Syrup of Poppy (1 oz.). Mix. Dose: 1 tablespoonful every 2 hours. (Sobernheim, 1840)
4. Hemoptysis, Bleeding of the upper gastrointestinal tract, Alum with Catechu (TCM)
5. Passive bleeding, Leukorrhea, Gonorrhea, Alum with Catechu, Cinnamon
6. Fever, dissolve Alum in Water of Blessed Thistle, then evaporate to dryness.
7. Cough with Phlegm, make pills the size of parasol seeds with Alum and Vinegar. Take 20–30 pills before bed with tea. (Ding Xi Hou Fang)
8. Epilepsy from Wind-Phlegm:
i. Alum (2 parts), Tea powder (1 part). Form pills the size of parasol seeds. Dose is 10 pills for each year of age if a child, 50 pills for an adult. (Deng Bi Feng Za Xing)
ii. calcined Alum, form pills the side of glutinous millet with Date pulp, take one pill as a dose. (Bao Yan Da Quan)
9. Mania or Epilepsy from Wind-Phlegm, Alum with Curcuma Yu Jin, Mint (Bo He), Gleditsia Zao Jiao (TCM)
10. Lockjaw, mix Alum and Salt (equal parts), powder and rub on the teeth.
11. Jaundice, Alum with Artemisia scoparia Yin Chen hao
12. Enuresis, prepared Alum, Oyster shell (equal parts). Powder, take a little three times daily with warm wine. (Yu Ju Shi Xuan Qi Fang)
13. Diabetes, dissolve 1 dram of Alum in 2 quarts of Milk; take a glassful 3 times daily. (Vitalogy)

1. Sprains, Strains, Swellings or Bruising, dissolve Alum in Vinegar and apply as a compress.
2. Scabies:
i. topically use Alum with Sulphur (TCM)
ii. Alum, Sulphur, Litharge boiled in vinegar and oil, use topically. (Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485)
3. Eczema, combine Alum with Orange or Tangerine peel; used as a dusting powder. (TCM)
4. Severe itching from Wind-Damp-Heat and Toxin, use Alum topically with Realgar
5. Chronic non-healing Sores and Ulcers:
i. Alum with Dragons Blood
ii. Alum with dregs of Wine (Avicenna)
iii. Alum with prepared Calamine, Myrrh, Aloe
iv. Chronic, old, rotten, putrid Sores or Ulcers, dissolve Alum in Plantain water for topical use.
6. Old, spreading or Gangrenous Ulcers, add powdered Alum and Catechu to Ghee and use topically. (Ayurveda)
7. To prevent Bed Sores, dissolve Alum in whiskey and apply.
8. Sores of the Mouth or Ear canal, Alum with Borneo Camphor topically
9. Mouth Ulcers: Orris, Dragons Blood (3 drams), Alum, Myrrh, Mastic (1 dram), Syrup (5 oz.) (Pharmacopoeia Generalis, 1783)
10. Pharyngitis, dissolve Alum in Myrrh tincture; paint on topically or add to water to use as a gargle.
11. Gargles for Sore Throat, Tonsillitis:
i. Atonic Tonsillitis: Alum (2 scruples), Decoction of Sage (6 oz.), Honey of Rose (1 oz.). (Sobernheim, 1840)
ii. Alum, Saltpeter (3 oz. each), Cream of Tartar (4 oz.), distilled Vinegar (4 lbs.). Dissolve, then evaporate to dryness. Used as a gargle: half ounce dissolved in 8 ounces water etc. (Pharmacopoeia Wirtembergica, 1798)
iii. Alum (1 dram), dissolve in Infusion of Roses (10 drams), Honey of Roses (1 oz.). Use as a gargle.
12. Throat Abscess and Tonsillitis: Heat 9 grams of Alum in an iron container until it dissolves. Add 3 broken Croton seeds and continue heating until dried. Remove the Croton and grind the Alum to powder. Apply directly to the throat for immediate relief. For more serious cases it is mixed with vinegar and taken internally. (Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang)
13. Toothache and Gum Swelling, Alum, Wasp Nest (Lu Feng Fang) (equal parts). Powder and boil 1 qian (3 grams) each time. Rinse the mouth with the strained decoction. (Jian Yao Ji Zhong Fang)
14. Broken or decayed Teeth, hold a piece of Alum in the mouth and spit out the saliva. (Zhou Hou Fang)
15. Stiff and Swollen Tongue, Alum, Cinnamon (equal parts). Powder and place a little under the tongue. (Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang)
16. Hard mass in the Uterus with Blood Stasis and white discharge, Alum (3 parts), Bitter Apricot kernel (Ku Xing Ren, 1 part). Make honey pills the size of (Chinese) Date seeds. Insert one pill into the vagina each day. (Jin Kui Yao Lue)
17. Topically for Cancer, add Alum and Verdigris to Rose water and use topically.
18. Genital Warts:
i. add Alum and Zinc sulphate to a strong decoction of Oak bark and use as a wash.
ii. Savin, yellow Oxide of Iron, Alum (equal parts)
19. Syphilis and Ulcers; melt 50 grams of Saltpeter in an iron vessel; remove from the Heat and add 50 grams of powdered Sulphur. When mixed well, add 50 grams of powdered Alum. Dose: 1 gram with Syrup of Cold Seeds. (Unani)
20. Chilblains, Bitter Almond, White Honey (8 oz. each), Dried Alum, Olibanum, Benzoin (3 drams each), Mustard (1 oz.), Camphor (5 drams), boiled Egg Yolks (5 in number), Oil of Bergamont (1 dram) (Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1824)
21. Sore and red eyes, 3 grains dissolved in an ounce of water for children; 6 grains to an ounce for adults.
22. Arthralgia, Swelling and pain of the Joints, especially the knee:
i. dissolve a spoonful of Burned Alum in boiling water, splash onto the area then soak the feet in the solution. (Yu Yuan Yao Fang)
ii. Alum (4 drams), Vinegar and Alcohol (1 pint each). Dissolve and apply constantly to the joint.
23. Pus discharge from the ears, dissolve Alum in Honey water and put into the ears. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913)

Major Formulas

Astringent Strengthening Decoction
John’s Water
Tincture for Throat Ulcers
Powder for Hemoptysis (Galen)
Powder for Vomiting of Blood
Powder to Suppress Hemorrhage (Unani)
Powder for Moist and Hollow Ulcers
Powder for Excess Menstruation (Serapion)
Powder for Polyps
Powder for Warts
Powder to Stop Bleeding of the Stomach (Nicholas)
Power to Tighten the Vulva like a Virgin
Antidotum Haemagogum (Nicholas)
Tooth Powder to Whiten the Teeth (Wirtzung)
Ping Xiao Capsules

1. Astringent Powder:
i . Alum, Nutmeg (equal parts)
ii. Alum (4 parts), Kino (1 part) (Niemann)
iii. Alum (2 parts), Kino, Compound Powder of Cinnamon (1 part each) (Pharmacopoeia Suecica, 1817)
iv. Armenian Earth (1 oz.), Alum (1 ½ drams), Catechu (1 dram) (Pharmacopee Usuelle, Louvain, 1821)
ii. Alum, Cataechu, form a Bolus with Conserve of Roses

2. Astringent Pills:
i. Alum (2 parts), Catechu, Dragons Blood (1 part each); form pills with Syrup of Poppy (Pharmacopoeia Sardoa, 1773)

3. Astringent Gargle:
i. Alum (2 drams), Water (10 ounces); dissolve and add Tincture of Burnet Saxifrage (half ounce), Honey (2 oz.)
ii. Alum (1 dram), Infusion of Roses (8 oz.); dissolve and add Honey (1 ½ ounces)
iii. Alum (2 scruples), Infusion of Sage (8 oz.); dissolve and add Honey (1 oz.)
iv. Oak bark (1 oz.), Water (1 ½ pounds); boil to 1 pound and add Alum (half dram), proof spirit (2 oz.)
v. Alum (half ounce), Barley Water (1 lb.); dissolve and add Honey of Roses (3 oz.) (Pharmacopoeia medici practici universalis, Bruxelles, 1817)


1. Toxic in overdose. It is most used externally.
2. Only used internally in cases with Heat, Damp and/or Phlegm.
3. Long-term use was said to damage the Bones. (Sheng Nong, TCM)


Overdose causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and shock in severe cases.

Drug Interactions:

Incompatible with Ephedra Ma Huang (classical TCM)

Main Preparations used:

Purified Alum; Burnt Alum, Alum with Dragon’s Blood

Alum with Dragons Blood
  Melt Alum (2 oz.) in an iron ladle and add Dragons Blood (1 oz.); stir until well mixed, then powder. Used for passive Hemorrhage.

  • Extra Info
  • History
Salmon, Seplasium:
Roch Alum
‘It is called in Hebrew Nether; in Greek, Stypteria; in Latin, Alumen; and this mentioned in this Chapter Alumen Rupeum & Ruspeum, Alumen Scissile & Scissum; in English, Alum, and Roch or Stone Alum; in Arabic, Sceb.’

‘It is brought to us out of Germany, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and other parts of Africa; it is made of the Salt of a Mineral Saturnine Earth, and the best is that which is reddish and clear’.

‘There are many kinds of it according to Authors, but excepting two of them (which we will treat of in this book) they are rather other kinds of Salts, and Stones than kinds of Alum. Those two, which we consider as Alum, are either Roch Alum … or the factitious and common’.

‘It is only a Salt substance of a Mineral Earth, participating of the Nature of Lead; having in it self an Acid Spirit, and a harsh Caustic Salt, being found ready prepared by Nature, and condensed in veins of Aluminous Earth’.

‘Its virtues are to dessicate, astringe, incrassate or thicken; it is not much used inwardly without prepar-ation, though by some it is given against Agues. But it is much used in Gargarisms [gargles] against rawness, soreness, ulcers, cancers and pains of the Lips, Gums, Mouth, and Throat, and chiefly in the Swelling and Inflammation of the Amygdala, or Almonds of the Ears; as also against the Falling, Swelling, or Inflammation of the Uvula; it cures Ulcers of the Privities, Eyes, &c.’

‘It is good against the Quinsy, rottenness and putrefaction of the Gums, proceeding from either Scurvy, or Scorbutic taint, or the Venereal Disease or Infection’.

‘It is also a good Resolutive, taking away Swellings and Edematous Tumors of the Knees, Legs, and Feet, being made into a bath either alone, or mixed with a little white Vitriol, and so used very hot, for a pretty while together; for it allays the Inflammations, and heat of the Spirits, irritated or attracted into these depending parts, by much going, toil, weariness, or indisposition of Body’.

Take Roch Alum, White Vitriol [zinc sulphate] both in powder 1 oz.; dissolve them in spring water, and filter; and keep for use. It cures all manner of Tetters [eczema], Ringworms, Herpes, Scurf, Morphew, or other breakings out in any part of the body, if daily washed therewith 2 or 3 times a day, for 20 or 30 days together, you may put the water into a basin, which set over a chafing dish of coals, and wash therewith for half an hour, as hot as you can endure it’.

‘It is said to be a good Diuretic, a dram of it being dissolved in a quart of water, and a glass of it given now and then. This Alum Water is of excellent use, also to cleanse Wounds and Ulcers with’.

Burnt Alum: Put a piece or pieces of Alum upon an Iron Plate, or into a Fireshovel, and put it over the Fire till the phlegm and spirits are evaporated away, and the Alum becomes light, spongy, and white. It is very good to consume by degrees, and without pain, the moist and spongy flesh, and excrescences in Wounds or Ulcers, and their Lips (commonly called Proud Flesh); it also hinders corruption, desiccates and resolves Humid Tumors. Being dissolved in Epulotical Waters, it
wonderfully advances Cicatrization and Reunion of the solution of continuity’.

From Burnt or Calcined Alum, you may extract a Salt thus: Put it into a Cucurbit, put on it Rain water, so much as to cover it 6 inches over; digest in Ashes till it begins to boil, stirring it often with a wooden slice, then filtrate, and evaporate in a glass or white Earthen Basin in B.M. till it begins to skin; put it into a cool place, or Cellar, and let it shoots into crystals, or otherwise you may evaporate to dryness. This Salt is more active than burnt Alum, because it is separated from its Earth, and therefore may be given in much lesser quantity, and for the same purposes’.

‘It may also be given internally, to such as have a Stomach stuffed with tough Phlegm, Slime, or other filthiness which dulls and spoils the Appetite; for it cuts, attenuates, and expels such excrements, either by stool or vomit. The dose is from 6 grains to 12, or 15 in Broth, Posset drink, Ale, or any proper decoction. They that have not, or cannot get the Salt, may make use of the Burnt Alum in the same manner, but in somewhat larger dose’.

‘Alum also dissolved in Decoction for Clysters [Enemas], has been profitably given against all sorts of Fluxes, as Diarrheas, Dysenteries, Lienterias, and the Hepatic Flux; for by the Lacteal Vessels, some parts of its Virtue is admirably communicated to the Blood’.

Caesalpinus also saith, that Aluminous Waters do mightily bind, strengthen the Stomach weakened by Vomiting (which is a Note worth observation); stop Fluxes, as also Fluxes of the Womb; prevent Abortion or Miscarriage, helps Ulcers of the Mouth, Stomach, Bowels, and Bladder; Inflammations of the Gums (as a Gargarism [gargle]), as also Catarrhs, being drunk or inwardly taken’.

‘An Aluminous Bath heals all outward exulcerated parts, especially if troubled with Defluxions, or Runnings, Bleeding at the Fundament [anus], the Hemorrhoids or Piles, and excellently takes away or represses superfluous Sweating, or Sweating caused through Faintness or Weakness, and of such as are in Consumption. Sweaty feet often washed in a strong Solution of Alum and [White] Vitriol very hot, are perfectly cured thereby’.

Factitious or Common Alum
It comes from the same places as Rock Alum. It is prepared by evaporation of Aluminous Mineral Water, or by extracting the Alum from Earths and Stones which contain Alum.

Dioscorides saith, it purges, clears the Eyes, helps moist Gums, Ulcers of the Mouth, Apthae commonly called Thrush, Ulcers, and runnings of the Ears, Scurf, Lice, Knits, smell of the Armholes, and expels the Fetus’.

‘It is also good against the Itch, Tetters, Ringworms, Leprosy, Phagedens, Kibes, Chilblains, Dropsy, Burnings, &c. It helps the roughness of the Eyes, and with vinegar softens the hair. Made into an Ointment with Lead, it helps fluxes of Blood, putrifying Ulcers, hard Cicatrizes, and gallings of Infants’.

‘In a word, it has all the Virtues of the former and may be applied to the same intentions, and used after the same manner; but it is not so strong’.