Mimusops, Bakula

Indian Medlar, West Indian Medlar, Spanish Cherry, Bulletwood
Bakula (Ayurveda)
Magilam (Siddha)
Molsari (Unani)
Picture Mimusops elengi
Roxburgh, W., Plants of the coast of Coromandel (1795-1819)

Botanical name:

Mimusops elengi

Parts used:

Bark, Fruit; also the Seed

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Pungent. Ripe fruit is Sweet
Flower: Warm, dry. Pungent, Sweet



1. Moves the Blood:
–Tonic for the Heart and Circulation (Thailand)
–used to promote Fertility in women

2. Clears Wind–Heat: (Bark)
–Fever, Sore Throat
–Muscular aches and pains
–Fruit extract has anti-hypertensive effect

2. Stops Leakage:
–Diarrhea, Dysentery
–diseases of the Bladder and Urethra
–Bark, Flowers and Unripe fruit are all strong astringents

3. Externally:
–in Tooth powders and oils for Toothache and to strengthen the Gums (Root-bark; Ayurveda, Thailand)
–decoction of Root-bark is used as a gargle
–Unripe fruit or Leaves are also chewed for Toothache and to fix loose teeth
–Fruits and Flowers as a wash for Wounds and Ulcers
–Fruit powder used as a snuff to promote a copious discharge to cleanse the Head
–Bark as a paste is applied to Headache

1. Tonic:
–regarded as a strengthening tonic, especilly for the Heart and Nerves
–given in Weakness and Convalescence

2. Promotes Birth
–Ripe fruit given in water promotes Birth

1. Calms the Mind and Nerves:
–infusion is used for Stress and Anxiety
–distilled water of the flowers is used for Melancholy and Madness
–regarded as exhilarant in Unani; used as a Heart and Brain tonic


Seed or Bark: 10–20 grams
Decoction of Seed or Bark (1 in 8): 50–100mls.
Flowers in Powder: 2–5 grams
Flowers in Infusion: 3–6 grams


1. Acacia arabica and Acacia catechu bark as an astringent (Unani)
2. Saraca indica
3. Lasia aculeate is also equated with Molsari in Unani.


It is a Sacred Tree in Hinduism. The flowers are a symbol of Lover and Beauty due to their wonderful fragrance.

Main Combinations:

1. Diarrhea, Mimusops bark, Aegle marmelos, Galls, Nutmeg (Ayurveda)
2. Palpitations, flowers distilled with Sandalwood
3. Loose teeth and Bleeding gums:
i. bark powder and Catechu are used as a mouthwash. (Ayurveda)
ii. bark, Myrrh, Mastic, Pellitory, Pomegranate flower buds, Catechu (Unani)

Major Formulas:


None noted

Main Preparations used:

Nothing at Present
Nothing at Present