
‘Memory is a retaining, establishing, and preserving of matters which have been conceived in the spirit’. (Wirtzung)

The cause of loss of Memory is usually cold, or cold and damp, according to the western tradition. ‘For this is to be applied for a general rule to defend the head from all superfluous moisture’.

According to the Western Tradition, Memory loss can be divided into several types:
  • When it is caused by Cold, it was called Stupor; these people speak neither of past or present, care for nothing, and have no dryness of the mouth.
  • If caused by Cold and dryness, they remember the past, but not the present (ie. long-term memory is intact, but short-term memory is affected), and the mouth is dry.
  • If caused by Cold and Moisture, it is called Lethargy, the Sleepy disease. They forget everything from the past, and quickly forget things that have recently happened. The mind is dull and slow. They will have excess moisture in their mouth and running from their nose.
  • When the Memory is affected by Heat and dryness, it is often in the form of Mania.

Other things to be noted (from Wirtzung):
1. It is best to fast in the Evening
2. The scents of Musk, Ambergris, Aloeswood, Clove, Nutmeg, Indian Spikenard etc. are very useful
3. Blessed Thistle water or decoction, 2-3 oz. every morning.
4. Coriander seed and Bitter Almonds confected with Sugar.
5. Wine of Marjoram or Rosemary strengthens Memory, but can also restore it if lost.
6. If there is excess Humors, purge with Pil. Cochia, Hiera Logadi etc.

Primary Medicines used to strengthen Memory:
  • Calamus–a special medicine in all traditions to clear phlegm and damp, open the orifices of the mind and improve mental function and restore memory.
  • Centella and Bacopa, both used for the Ayurvedic herb ‘Brahmi‘ are important herbs to benefit mental functions including memory.
  • Cyperus rotundus, Frankincense–regularly used in formula for memory loss

Western Tradition

Syrup for the Memory
Confection of Coriander and Almond
Pills to Increase Memory
Powder Against Forgetfulness

Powder of Great Use Against Forgetfulness (Grulingus)
Powder to Strengthen the Memory
Powder to Strengthen the Memory (2)
Powder to Strengthen the Memory (3)
Powder for the Memory (Sennertus)
Powder for Loss of Memory and Stupidity (Philon)​
Special Powder for Memory
Tincture for Memory
Expert Electuary for Memory (Mesue)

Electuary Against Forgetfulness
Electuary for Amnesia (Unani)
Electuary for Memory (Wirtzung)

To Purge the Head and Benefit Memory
Special Powder for Memory
Pills to Clarify (Pilulae Lucis) (Mesue)
Hiera Logadii
TCM Classification

Phlegm and Damp Obstruction
forgetfulness, heaviness of the head, poor concentration, nasal congestion, gurgling phlegm in the throat, thick tongue coating
Liu Jun Zi Tang (with Calamus added)
Di Tan Tang
Gun Tan Wan

Heart and Spleen Deficiency
poor memory, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, poor concentration, blurred vision, fatigue, poor appetite, pale complexion.
Ding Zhi Wan
Gui Pi Tang

Yin Deficiency
forgetfulness, insomnia, night sweats, restless, palpitations, anxiety, heat in the palms and soles, dry mouth, dizziness, lower back pain; if essence is depleted, severe memory loss, early balding, infertility,
Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan

Sang Piao Xiao San

Special Formula

1. Expert Electuary for the Memory
  Chebula                           1 lb
  Long Pepper                  3 oz.
Powder, mix with Honey, and aromatize with Gallia Moschata 3 drams, Musk ½ dram
Dose: 3 drams. (De Morbis Internis Curandis, Mesue, 1551)

2. Electuary to Improve Memory in a Moist Nature
  Lucerne seed                2 drams
  Calamus                         1 dram
Powder. With Ghee and Honey, form an Electuary. (The Dispensatory of Ibn at Tilmid)

3. Memory pills
  Clove                               1 dram
  Ambergris                      2 scruple
  Musk                               2 grains
Form 6 pills with Marjoram juice. (Renou)

See also:
Treatment of Failing Memory
12 Formulas for Memory