Deer Horn, Lu Jiao 鹿角
Harts HornLu Jiao (TCM)
Sha ba ཤ་བ་ (Tibetan)
Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563
Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491
Mature Deer horn as available on the Indian market (Adam, 2019)
Zoological name:
Cervus spp.
A number of Deer species have been used, the main sources in TCM are:
1. C. nippon (Sika Deer)
2. C. elaphus (Red Deer)
Parts used:
Mature Deer horn
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Sweet, Salty
N. Yang Tonic
1. Moves the Blood, Relieves Blood Stasis:
-traumatic wounds; bad Boils and Carbuncles
-blood clots in the uterus, Postpartum Abdominal Pain; expels a Dead Fetus or the Afterbirth.
2. Warms and Strengthens the Kidney Yang:
-Impotence, nocturnal Emission, Spermatorrhea.
-Lumbago or Spinal pain associated with Kidney weakness
-bleeding or backache during pregnancy. (Weaker than the Velvet horn)
-Uterine Bleeding, excessive Menstruation (West, TCM)
3. Strengthens the Tendons and Bones:
-weak bones, decaying or weak teeth, joint and bone pain from weakness.
4. Externally:
-Applied to early stage carbuncles and abscesses
Ossified Deer Horn Powder: 1–2 grams
Decoction: 5–10 grams
1. All the forms of Deer horn have an effect of strengthening the Kidneys, restoring Yang and benefiting Bones and Joints.
2. The best tonic is Velvet Deer horn, harvested while still growing, and therefore contains Blood, marrow and growth factors. It strengthens Yang and Qi, nourishes Yin, Blood and Essence. It is a sex tonic and restores degenerated Bones and Joints.
3. Ossified (Mature) Deer Horn, shed by the Deer naturally is weaker to strengthen the Kidneys and Yang, but stronger to move the Blood, and may be use for toxic sores and swellings.
4. Burnt Deer horn (most used in the West and Ayurveda) also strengthens the Kidneys and Yang, although weaker than Velvet Deer horn. It was highly regarded as a medicine to Resist Poison, and is used in Antidotes. In Ayurveda it is also used for Cough, Bronchitis, Pleurisy and Pneumonia. It also stops Bleeding.
5. Deer Horn Glue more gently strengthens Yang but also nourishes Yin and Essence. Its main use is to stop Bleeding, especially Uterine bleeding associated with Kidney weakness and Blood deficiency.
1. Moose horn has been used synonymously in East and West.
2. Mature Deer horn is a cheaper substitute for the expensive Velvet Deer Horn.
It is washed very well, cut into slices or pieces and dried well. Usually kept in powder form.
Main Combinations:
1. Pestilence, shavings of Deer horn, Red Earth, Sorrel seed, Sandalwood, Saffron
2. Excess Menstruation or Uterine Bleeding, Deer Horn, Mussel shell, Red Coral, Nutmeg, Tormentil, Red Earth, Plantain seed (as in Powder of Mussel Shells Compound)
3. To ‘Sweeten’ the Blood (remove acidity) in skin diseases, decoct Deer Horn with Sarsaparilla, China root and Sandalwood (as in Decoction to Sweeten)
4. Severe vomiting, take Sulphur and Deer Horn powder (equal parts), powder and give in a soft egg and it will stop the vomiting. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
5. Weakness, cook Barley, Deer Horn and Saffron together. (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655)
Major Formulas:
Powder of Mussel Shells Compound
Powder of Marquis
Decoction to Sweeten
Gui Lu Er Xian Jiao
Antelope Horn 14 (Rgya ru bcu bzhi) (Tibetan)
Antidotal 18 (Gnyen po bco brgyad)
Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan)
Aloeswood 20
Copper 25
Mind Increasing Jewel
None noted
Main Preparations used:
Decoction, Gelatin, Burnt Horn
1. Decoction of Deer horn:
i. Deer horn (2 oz.), Spring Water (4 lbs.). Boil, strain. (Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, Augustin, 1822)
ii. Deer horn (1 oz.), Water (2 pounds); boil to half, then add Simple Syrup (1 oz.), Cinnamon Water (half ounce) or Tincture of Cinnamon (half dram). Mix.
2. Acid Decoction of Deer horn:
i. Lemon sliced (5), Decoction of Deer Horn (72 oz.); boil to two0thirds, and when strained add White Sugar (4 oz.), dissolve. (Pharmacopoeia Generalis, 1783)
ii. Deer horn shavings (6 oz.), Lemons sliced (4), Spring Water (44 oz.), boil to 24 oz.; strain, add: Rose Water, Balm Water, Scordium Water (18 oz. each), Mix. (Pharmacopoeia Generalis, 1783)
See also Burnt Deer Horn, Deer Horn Gelatin and Deglued Deer Horn
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