Marrubium, Horehound

Picture New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563

Picture Picture
Two varieties of Marrubium traditionally used
Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530

Picture Koehler, F.E., Medizinal Pflanzen (1890)

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Botanical name:

Marrubium vulgare

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Cool (some said Warm), dry. Bitter, slightly Pungent




1. Benefits the Lungs, Clears Phlegm-Heat, Stops Cough:
-non-productive Cough, Bronchitis, Wheezing, Whooping Cough
-Consumption, Spitting of Blood, Lung Ulcers (Syrup of the Juice made with honey)

2. Clears Damp Heat, Opens obstruction of the Liver and Spleen
Jaundice, Cholecystitis
Swelling, Hardness or Tumor of the Liver or Spleen (or other abdominal organs)

3. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-delayed or clotted Menstruation, Dysmenorrhea
-promotes Labor and eases the pain, promotes Afterbirth
Hippocrates used it for Infertility.

4. Clears Heat, Calms and Regulates the Heart:
-anxiety, palpitations, arrhythmia

5. Clears Wind and Damp, Promotes Urine:
-difficult, painful or burning Urine; Strangury, Dysuria
-swelling of the Joints and stiffness of the Body

6. Benefits the Stomach, Clears Phlegm, Promotes Digestion:
loss of appetite, dyspepsia, bloating, flatulence (Commission E)

7. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-Poison; bites of Snakes or Rabid Dogs
-Scrofula, Boils and Abscesses
-Taken internally for foul, slow-healing sores and ulcers, Abscesses, Tumors etc.

8. Used for Diabetes
-traditionally used for Diabetes; confirmed by modern research.
-also to help with Obesity

9. Kills Worms

10. Externally:
topically for Foul Ulcers, Slow-healing or Creeping Sores, Abscesses (internally and externally with Honey)
Wounds, Injuries, Bites
The juice was dropped into the eyes to clear the Sight; the juice snuffed up the nose for yellow in the whites of the Eyes, or excess watering of them (Gerard); Juice can be mixed with wine and honey for topical application.
-in oils for Earache, Otitis Media, acute Ear Infection


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Main Combinations:

1. Cough:
i. Horehound with  … available in PRO version
ii. Horehound with  … available in PRO version
iii. Horehound with  … available in PRO version
2. Asthma:
i. Horehound with  … available in PRO version
ii. Horehound with  … available in PRO version
iii. Horehound with  … available in PRO version
iv. Horehound with  … available in PRO version
v. Horehound with  … available in PRO version
vi. Horehound with  … available in PRO version)
3. Excess mucus of the Lungs, Horehound with  … available in PRO version
4. Whooping Cough, Horehound with  … available in PRO version
5. Scrofula, Horehound with  … available in PRO version
6. Boils and Abscesses, Horehound with  … available in PRO version
7. Gall Stones, Horehound with  … available in PRO version
8. Liver obstruction, Horehound with  … available in PRO version
9. To promote Menstruation, Horehound with  … available in PRO version
10. Vertigo, Horehound with  … available in PRO version
11. Trauma, Bruising, form an Ointment Horehound with  … available in PRO version

Major Formulas

Decoction of Horehound
Decoction for Cough and Asthma (Galen)
Decoction for Cold Coughs (Nicolas Myrepsus)
Decoction for Boils and Abscess
Decoction Against Scrofula (Fuller)
Syrup of Horehound
Syrup of Horehound of Hamech
Syrup of Horehound (Fernelius)
Anti-Asthmatic Syrup (D’Aquin)
Medicament Strong Against Asthma
Powder for Hardness of the Kidneys
Powder of Aloeswood (Mesue)
Electuary of Horehound (Diaprassium) (Nicholas)
Pills of Agaric


‘It is thought to hurt the Bladder and Kidneys, except it be corrected with Licorice and Raisins’. (Schroder)

Main Preparations used:

Distilled Water of the whole plant, Syrup, Species Diaprassium