Mangifera, Mango

–Amra, Rasaal, Sahakar (Ayurveda)
–Aam, Anba, Ambaj (Unani)
Mang Guo (TCM)
Mango kernel:
–Khasta Aam (Unani)
–a bras  ཨ་འབྲས (Tibetan)
Mang Guo He (TCM)
Picture Mango
Flora Sinensis
, Boym, 1653

Picture Mango
Flore d’Amérique
, Denisse, 1843-1846

Picture Mango kernel for sale at the Chengdu Medicine Market (Adam, 2016)

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Botanical name:

Mangifera indica, M. persiciformis

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Sweet, Sour


N. Yang Tonic


1. Warms and Strengthens the Kidneys:
-increases strength and Semen
-urinary diseases with deficiency
-also for Night-blindness and premature wrinkling of the skin (Tibet)

2. Strengthens Stomach, Increases Qi:
-increases Digestive Heat
-Vomiting, Diarrhea (decoction with Honey); some recommended them roasted for Diarrhea
-Reduces Food Stagnation, good for Constipation
-weakness; strengthens the Immune system
-increases weight

3. Strengthens the Heart
-classed as a medicine to strengthen the Heart in Ayurveda

4. Kills Worms:
-20–30 grains are given for Worms

5. Externally:
-topically for Dandruff
-paste with Honey and Camphor for relaxed vagina

-unripe fruit is astringent and Sour, used for Obesity, Hemoptysis (Sushruta)
-juice of ripe fruit with Honey for Spleen swelling and to promote digestion; it is refrigerant


Seed in Powder: 1–2 grams (API)


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Main Combinations:

The Three Seeds (Tibetan Medicine)
Mango kernel, Eugenia jambolana (Sra Bras) and Caesalpinia (Jam Bras) are the Three Seeds of Tibetan Medicine. Together, they warm and strengthen the Kidneys.

1. Kidney weakness:
i. Mango kernel with … available in PRO version
ii. more chronic Kidney disease, to the above add … available in PRO version
2. Heat of the Kidneys with deficiency, combine Mango kernel with … available in PRO version
3. Uterine diseases, and to promote Fertility, Mango kernel with … available in PRO version
4. Severe Vomiting, decoct Mango kernel with … available in PRO version
5. Diarrhea, Mango kernel with … available in PRO version
6. Dandruff, Mango kernel topically with … available in PRO version

Major Formulas:

Cardamon 10 (Sug smel bcu pa) (Tibetan Medicine)
Chebula 18 (A Ru 18) (Tibetan Medicine)


1. Not used in Fever or Inflammation

Main Preparations used: