Madder & Rhubarb

Madder in Neutral-to-slightly Cool, dry. Bitter, Sweet and Pungent. It moves the Blood, stops Pain, but can also help stop Bleeding; it is used for Uterine Bleeding, Blood in the Stool, Vomit or Sputum. It is good for clearing Heat and Poison from the Blood, it being accounted one of the best blood purifiers in Ayurveda. It promotes Urine, and is also used for Stones of the Gall Bladder, Bladder and Kidneys. Madder is also used for Cough, Bronchitis, and for slow-healing fractures.

Rhubarb is Cold, dry and Bitter. It purges excess and clears Heat and Toxin. It purges Heat and Bile from the Head, Stomach, Liver and Bowels in particular and is very good for Heat and obstruction of these organs. It is also used to move the Blood and clear Blood stasis.

Together, these medicines have several useful applications. The combination of Madder with Rhubarb helps to lead the effect of Rhubarb to the Blood. It thus purifies the Blood of Heat and Toxin. They can be combined for skin disease, Liver disease, chronic Hepatitis and against various Toxins and Venoms. They can also be applied to various types of Bleeding from Heat.

They are very effective for Blood stagnation including Bruising, Fibrosis, Fibroids and Cirrhosis. Used for internal Wounds and pain from Blood stagnation.

Together they open the Kidneys and Bladder and promote Urine, and may be used for Stones. They may also be combined for chronic Joint disease and slow-healing Fractures.

1. To move the Blood and open Obstructions, with Indian Spikenard, Aniseed, Asarum, Myrrh and Saffron (as in Electuary of Saffron)
2. To move the Blood, open Obstructions, for hard swellings and fibroids, with Gum Lacca, Indian Spikenard, Aniseed, Mastic, Agrimony, Bitter Almond, Asarum and Gentian (as in Dialacca)
3. To move the Blood, open Obstructions, clear Swellings and Inflammations, with Gum Lacca, Licorice, Agrimony, Wormwood, Asarum, Costus, Bitter Almond, Aniseed (as in Troches of Gum Lacca)
4. For bruising, add Shilajit (as in Bruise Powder of Mesue)
5. Also for Bruising, add Sealed Earth, Dragon’s Blood, Shilajit (as in Bruise Powder of Augustine Dispensatory)
6. Another for Bruising, add Amber, Comfrey root, Myrrh and Frankincense (Palestra Pharmaceutica, 1763)

Syrup Against Cachexia, Electuary of Saffron, Dialacca, Troches of Lacca, Bruise Powder of Mesue, Bruise Powder of Augustine Dispensatory)