Ma Huang Fu Zi Xi Xin Tang 麻黄附子细辛汤 Ephedra, Aconite and Asarum Decoction |
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Source / Author:
Discussion of Cold Induced Disorders (Shang Han Lun) C.220
Herb NameMa Huang (Ephedra)Zhi Fu Zi (Processed Aconite) Xi Xin (Asarum) |
Cook Ephedra in 10 cups of water until 2 have wasted, remove the foam, add the other ingredients and boil down to 3 cups.
Warms the Yang, Clears Wind, Clears the Exterior
Exterior Wind-Cold with Yang deficiency
Aversion to Cold, feels Cold, no sweat, no Fever (or very mild Fever), Deep Pulse
1. Common Cold
2. Influenza
3. Bronchitis
4. Bronchial Asthma
5. Rheumatic Arthritis
6. Headache
7. Facial Paralysis
8. Trigeminal Neuralgia
9. Sciatica
Take 1 cup (200 mls) three times daily.
1. Not used in Heat conditions
2. Not used in Pregnancy, or in Children
3. Not used in those with Sweating
4. Not used in those taking Heart medication
5. Not used for more than 2 weeks without a break.
1. Fresh Ginger and Licorice should be added. These not only support the formula, but help reduce Aconite toxicity.
2. Headache, add Ligusticum Chuan Xiong
3. Joint or Muscle Pain from Wind-Cold-Damp:
i. add Angelica pubescens Du Huo, Cleamatis Wei Ling Xian
ii. moving type pain, add Saposhnikovia Fang Feng, Gentiana macrophylla Qin Jiao, Angelica dahurica Bai Zhi
iii. extreme Cold, increase Aconitum and add Ginger and Cinnamon
iv. chronic Joijtn pain, add Mistletoe (Sang Ji Sheng) and Eucommia Du Zhong
v. stubborn Painful obstruction, add Earthworm (Di Long) and Scorpion (Quan Xie)
4. Sciatica, add Achyranthes Niu Xi, Dipsacus Xu Duan, Chaenomelas Mu Gua
5. Trigeminal Neuralia, take with powder of Scorpion (Quan Xie) and Centipede (Wu Gong)
6. Chronic Cough, Bronchitis or Wheezing, add Licorice, Pinellia Ban Xia, Citrus Chen Pi
Similar Formulas:
Ma Huang Fu Zi Gan Cao Tang replaces Asarum Xi Xin with Licorice. It is used similarly and is more gentle. In practice, it is a good idea to add Licorice when using this formula.
If the person has a similar presntation but is very Weak, Zai Zao San (Renewal Powder) should be used instead.
This is a very strong formula and should only be used in suitable cases for a short period of time without modification. If the Yang is weak (such as in the elderly and weak), add Yang tonic mediicnes. Because this formula is very Warm and strong to release the Exterior (ie. promote sweating), it can deplete the body and plunder the Yin and Yang.
1. Anti-allergic
2. Anti-inflammatory
3. Facial Paralysis: complete recovery in 118 of 132 patients with Facial Paralysis using Ma Huang Fu Zi Xi Xin Tang. (Chen & Chen)
4. Sciatica: complete recovery of 31 of 40 cases with Sciatica using this formula with additions such as Achyranthes Niu Xi, Chaenomelas Mu Gua. (Chen & Chen)
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures