M. Medicines that Warm to Clear Cold

Metabolic Stimulants, Digestives, Circulatory stimulants

These medicines are metabolic stimulants. In general, they promote metabolism, increase circulation, enhance digestion, and increase bio-availability of medicines they are combined with. This class of medicines was said to increase Digestive Fire (Agni) in Ayurveda (Spleen Yang in TCM), and to digest Ama (toxic residue left from undigested food, similar to Damp of TCM).
They are not so commonly used alone, but are very often added to traditional formulas.

Used with other Medicines:
1. With Qi tonics to Warm the Yang. This combination is used to warm and strengthen the Spleen, Heart and Kidneys when obstructed by Cold accompanied by deficiency.
2. With Qi moving medicines to warm, dry, and clear Cold and Damp. Commonly used to stimulate digestion, promote urine and promote Menstruation when obstructed by Cold.
3. With Diuretics to help clear Cold, Damp and Water.
4. With Heat-clearing (Cold) medicines to prevent them from cloying, stagnating and causing obstruction. This also increases their efficacy so that smaller doses work more effectively.

                             Aconitum Fu Zi
                             Cinnamon Rou Gui
                             Evodia Wu Zhu Yu
                             Clove Ding Xiang
                             Black Pepper Hu Jiao
                             Fennel Xiao Hui Xiang
                             Cubeb Bi Cheng Qie

Aconitum Chuan Wu, Cao Wu
Ginger Gan Jiang
Sichuan Pepper Hua Jiao
Galangal Gao Liang Jiang
Long Pepper Bi Ba
Star Anise Da Hui Xiang
Asarum Xi Xin
Four Greater Hot Seeds
Annis, Caraway, Cumin, Fennel
Four Lesser Hot Seeds
Bishop’s Weed, Parsley, Celery, Carrot

Garlic               Chilli

Realgar, Orpiment

Chinese Classification
A. Clear the Exterior
B. Clear Heat
C. Clear Damp and Promote Urine
D. Clear Wind and Damp
E. Laxatives, Purgative and Cathartics
F. Emetics
G. Sedate the Heart, Mind and Spirit
H. Nourish the Heart

I. Settle Internal Wind
J. Regulate the Qi

K. Medicines which Move the Blood
L. Medicines which Stop Bleeding
M. Medicines to Warm to Expel Cold
N. Tonics
O. Medicines which Promote Digestion
P. Clear Phlegm
Q. Medicines for Cough and Wheezing
R. Astringents
S. Medicines for Worms & Parasites
T. External Medicines