Lysmachia, Jin Qian Cao 金钱草

Jin Qian Cao 金钱草, Guo Lu Huang 過路黄 (TCM)
Picture The closely related and similar looking Western L. nummularia
Icones Plantarum Medicinalium. 1788

Picture Lysimachia christinae flower
(Photo by 阿橋) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Lysimachia christinae (syn . L. legendrei)
A number of plants supply Jin Qian Cao on the Chinese Market:
  1. Desomodium styracifolium (Guan Jin Qian Cao)
  2. Glechoma longituba (Huo Xue Dan, Lian Qian Cao)
  3. Glechoma hederacea–Ground Ivy (Jiang Su Jin Qian Cao)
  4. Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides (Jiang Xin Jin Qian Cao, Tian Hu Sui)
  5. Dichondra repens (Si Chuan Xiao Jin Qían Cao)

Parts used:

Whole herb

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Sweet, Salty


C. Clear Damp, Promote Urine


1. Clears Damp-Heat, Promotes Urine, Clears Stones:
-painful urine dribbling, Strangury
-important herb for Urinary and Gall Stones

2. Clears Damp-Heat from the Liver:

3. Clears Heat and Poison:
-Abscess, Sores, Toxic Swellings, Bruises, taken internally and fresh herb applied topically
-Snake Bite


Dried Herb in Decoction: 15–60 grams
Fresh Herb: 30–120 grams


1. Ground Ivy
2. Centella

Main Combinations:

1. Jaundice:
i. from Damp-Heat, Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Artemisia Yin Chen Hao, Gardenia Zhi Zi
ii. from Damp-Heat, Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Dandelion (Pu Gong Ying), Bitter or Unripe Citrus peel (Qing Pi, etc.)
iii. Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Imperata Bai Mao Gen, Plantain herb (Che Qian Cao).
2. Gall Stones:
i. with Jaundice Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Artemisia Yin Chen Hao, Rhubarb (Da Huang), Curcuma tuber Yu Jin
ii. Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Artemisia Yin Chen Hao, Scutellaria Huang Qin, Citrus Qing Pi
3. Urinary Stones:
i. often combined with Lygodium Hai Jin Sha
ii. Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Chicken Gizzard Skin (Ji Nei Jin) and Lygodium Hai Jin Sha
iii. Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Asparagus and Plantain herb (Che Qian Cao) (from Zhejiang Minjian Cao Yao)
iv. with Dysuria, Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Alisma Ze Xie, Lygodium Hai Jin Sha, Musk Mallow seed (Dong Kui Zi)
v. with Dysuria, Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Plantain seed (Che Qian Zi), Lygodium Hai Jin Sha,
4. Strangury:
i. from Damp-Heat, Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Plantain seed (Che Qian Zi), Polygonum Bian Xu
5. Edema, Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Polygonum Bian Xu (from Shanghai Changyong Zhong Cao Yao)
6. Acute Cough, Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao (3–5 qian) is decocted in water with rock sugar. (Fujian Folk Remedies)
7. Leukorrhea, Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Eucommia Du Zhong and Akebia Mu Tong.
8. Topically for Hot toxic swellings:
i. Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Dandelion (Pu Gong Ying), Chrysanthemum indicum Ye Ju Hua topically
ii. Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao with Self Heal (Xia Ku Cao), both fresh, beaten and applied
9. Rheumatoid arthritis, the herb is boiled in wine and applied topically. (Guiyang Folk Remedy)


Generally safe and well tolerated. Due to the fact that larger doses are often used for Gall and Urinary Stones, high doses have occasionally caused allergic reactions and rashes in some people.

Main Preparations used: