Loss of Speech
And Speech disordersLoss of Speech usually comes following Brain trauma such as CVA. It is therefore most often associated with Blood stagnation, but may also be associated with Phlegm obstructing the Brain.
Speech disorders such as stuttering and slow speech development are generally associated with Wind disorders. Typically, Wind-Phlegm obstructs the Brain and Nerves. Yang deficiency or Weakness of the Brain and Nerves can also be causes.
Western Tradition Simples
1. Emulsion of Peach kernel in Pennyroyal water (Gerard) 2. Wash the mouth with equal parts of Sage and Rosemary waters 3. Twice per week, take Hiera Logadii (1½ drams) with a decoction of Rosemary (Wirtzung) Compounds Conserve of Lavender Decoction for Apoplexy (Countess of Kent) Tincture of Juniper Compound Wormwood Wine Electuary of Calamus (Diacorum) (Mesue) Increase Awareness Pills (Tibetan Medicine) Melodious Pill (Tibetan Medicine) Pearl 25 (Mu tig nyer lnga) (Tibetan Medicine) Sarasvata Churna (Ayurveda) |
TCM ClassificationBlood Stasis with DeficiencyWeakness, lethargy, difficult speech or loss of speech, hemiplegia, moderate or soft pulse (not strong or wiry) Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang Liver Wind or Yang RisingAphasia, vertigo, tinnitus, palpitations, insomnia, wiry pulse Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin (with signs of Heat) Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang (with Yin deficiency) Jian Ling Tang (with Yin deficiency) Yin and Yang Deficiency with Phlegm-FireLoss of Speech, stiffness of the tongue, weakness, weak legs, paralysis, dry mouth; red and puffy tongue with greasy coat, deep, slow thready or weak and slippery pulse Di Huang Yin Zi |