
Indian Tobacco, Pukeweed, Asthma Weed, Emetic root
Devanala (Ayurveda)
Picture Picture
Picture Lobelia inflata
Atlas der Officinellen Pflanzen, Berg & Schmidt, Leipzig, 1893


1. Channeled and winged stems. 
2. Mass of leaves and stems. 
3. Inflated calyx.  4. Three types
of leaves.  5. Raceme of flowers
(Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs,
Mansfield, 1919)

Botanical name:

Lobelia inflata

Parts used:

Whole Herb; Dried aerial parts
Sometimes the seed was ordered (as in Vinegar of Lobelia)

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Pungent
Lobelia has variously been regarded as Cool or Warm by different authors.


1. Clears Phlegm, Stops Cough & Wheezing:
-Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma (Commission E for Asthma and Bronchitis)
-difficulty Breathing, especially after Bronchitis or Pneumonia
-Fluid in the Lungs
-clears phlegm and opens the passages, can be used for various conditions depending on herbs its combined with

2. Clears Wind-Heat, Resists Poison
-acute Fever, Colds
-Fever associated with Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Meningitis, Nephritis etc.
-Eczema, Boils
-poisoning by Strychnine, Alcohol, Toadstools; Insect Bites; Poison Ivy

3. Regulates Qi and Blood, Settles Wind:
-Cramps, Spasms, Convulsions, Tetanus, Muscles congestion
-useful adjunct in Rheumatism
-Chest pain and distention; mild Angina with breathlessness, Palpitations
-Dysmenorrhea; Colic
-Trauma, Bruises, Sprains

4. Emetic:
-full doses work as an emetic

5. Used for Addiction:
-shown to be effective to help quit smoking
-experimental research suggests may be useful to help stop abuse of amphetamine and methamphetamine

6. Externally:
-rheumatism, neuralgia
-acute sprains, strains, blows and trauma, apply Lobelia tincture topically (Christopher)


1. As with any medium-strength herb, begin with smaller doses, increasing the dose as needed.
2. More frequent smaller doses are better than large doses.
3. Do not use for more than 1 month without a break in treatment.
POWDER: 200–600mg, three times daily (600–1800mg per day) (BHP, Christopher)
Some sources give a dose of 2 ½ grains (150mg) per dose.
Maximum daily dose (UK schedule): 600mg (3 doses of 200mg)
TINCTURE (1:8 in 60% alcohol): 1–1.6ml, three times daily (3–4.8mls daily); or 15–30 drops, three times daily.
TINCTURE (1:10): 2mls, three times daily (6mls daily)
VINEGAR (ACID) TINCTURE (1:10 in Vinegar/Dilute Acetic Acid): 1–4mls, three times daily (3–12mls daily) (BHP)
FLUID EXTRACT: 8–10 drops, three times daily.
Powdered Seed: 10–20 grains every 15 minutes
Powdered Herb: half–1 dram every 15 minutes
Tincture: 10–20 drops every 15 minutes
Vinegar (Acid) Tincture: half–1 dram every 15 minutes


1. Lobelia is one of the most important Materia Medica for the American Eclectic, Thomsonian and Physiomedicalist physicians. It has a wide range of effects depending on the dose, mode of administration and herbs its combined with. It was believed to have a profound regulating effect on circulation and the nervous system. Thomson said ‘There is no vegetable which the earth produces more harmless in its effect on the human system, and none more powerful in removing disease and promoting health than Lobelia’. For a full review and understanding of Lobelia, the reader is referred to the writings of the Felter and Lloyd, Ellingwood and others.
2. Recent research has shown Lobelia inhibits amphetamine-induced release of dopamine and hyperactivity. It may therefore be useful to inhibit abuse of amphetamine and methamphetamine. (Textbook of Natural Medicine, Pizzorno & Murray, 4th Ed., 2013)


1. The Himalyana Lobelia pyramidalis has been used as a substitute
2. The Chinese Lobelia, Lobelia chinensis Ban Bian Lian is probably a suitable substitute, containing similar alkaloids.

Main Combinations:

Acute/Lung disease
1. Cold, Flu, acute Fever:
i. Lobelia with Ginger
ii. Lobelia with Echinacea
2. Cough, Bronchitis:
i. with sticky Phlegm, Lobelia with Angelica
ii. chronic Bronchitis, Lobelia with Thuja
iii. acute Lung Heat Cough, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Lobelia with Asclepias
iv. Lobelia, Hyssop, Licorice
3. Asthma:
i. Lobelia with Ephedra, Licorice
ii. Lobelia with Euphorbia hirta
iii. Lobelia, Henbane
iv. Lobelia, Gum Arabic (2 part ea.), Cayenne (1 part), form pills
v. Lobelia with Mullein, Comfrey, Fennel seed, Caraway, Garlic (made into an Oxymel with Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar)
vi. Lobelia (2 parts), Datura seed (1 part); as a tincture. Dose: ½–1 teaspoonful, three times daily, and every 30 minutes during an attack.
4. Croup, Lobelia seed, Mandrake (Podophyllum), Blood root (2 oz. each), Coriander seed powder (1 teaspoonful), steep in rum or whiskey. Dose: 6–10 drops to a child with Croup or Cough, or half teaspoonful to an adult. (Madame Young’s Guide to Health, 1858)
5. Whooping Cough: Treacle (half pound), Lobelia Tincture, Aniseed Water (1 oz. each) (Valuable Herbal Prescriptions, late ‘s)

Gynecology, Obstetrics:
6. Dysmenorrhea:
i. from Cold, Lobelia with Ginger
ii. from Qi stagnation, Lobelia with Pennyroyal
iii. Lobelia with Pulsatilla
7. Threatened Miscarriage:
Should not be used for this purpose without experience
i. Lobelia with False Unicorn
ii. Lobelia with Periwinkle

Stomach, Digestion:
8. Digestive Pills: Lobelia (2 drams), Capsicum, Clove, Rhubarb (half oz. each). Form 4 grain Pills with extract of Gentian. Take one pill with each meal. (Valuable Herbal Prescriptions, late ‘s)
9. Acute Gastroenteritis, Lobelia with Golden Seal
10. Intestinal Colic:
i. Lobelia with Valerian
ii. Lobelia with Fennel seed, Lavender, Juniper
iii. Lobelia with Costus
11. Constipation, Lobelia with Rhubarb

12. Angina Pectoris:
i. Lobelia with Hawthorn
ii. Lobelia with Lily of the Valley, Motherwort
13. Convulsions, Lobelia extract, Asafetida (equal parts); form into 4 grain pills. Dose: 2 each night. (Valuable Herbal Prescriptions, late ‘s)
14. To cleanse the Blood, Lobelia (½ oz.), Aloe, Rhubarb (3 oz. ea.), make 4 grain pills with Dock extract. Dose: 2–3 pills.
15. Rheumatism, Lobelia, Gum Arabic (2 drams each), Capsicum (1 dram). Form pills of 4 grains each. Take one pill each night at bedtime. (Valuable Herbal Prescriptions, late ‘s)
16. Topically for rheumatic pain, neuralgia, sprains and strains, Lobelia with Capsicum

Major Formulas:

Antispasmodic Tincture


1. A scheduled herbs in most western countries.
2. Avoid overdose; begin with lesser doses increasing gradually. Toxic effects can be seen with 600 mg doses.
3. Full doses induce nausea and vomiting.
4. Avoid in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. It has been used for threatened miscarriage but should be used cautiously and only in experienced hands.


Doses as small as 1 gram can cause toxic reactions including rapid heartbeat, hypotension. Larger doses can cause coma. As little as 4 grams can be fatal. However, there have been no reports of serious side effects or deaths in medical literature (Bergner, Med Herbal. 1998). This is postulated to be because full doses induce vomiting which inhibits absorption of toxic amounts. However, Millspaugh (American Medicinal Plants, 1887) said ‘Death is usually preceded by insensibility and convulsions. Post-mortem.The stomach is found congested and filled with fluid, and the brain engorged with blood’, clearly suggesting deaths have resulted.

Main Preparations used:

Tincture, Acid (Vinegar) Tincture

1. Tincture of Lobelia
  Dried Lobelia herb, 2 oz.
  Dilute alcohol, 1 pint
Digest for 10 days, filter. Dose: 2–5mls. A teaspoonful dose is given for spasmodic Asthma.

2. Lobelia Acid Tincture / Vinegar of Lobelia
  Lobelia herb (or Seed), powdered, 4 ounces, dilute acetic acid/vinegar, 2 pints. Macerate 7 days, press and filter. Add 1 fluid ounce of alcohol to the filtered product.
  It is expectorant and emetic. Especially useful for spasmodic Cough and Asthma.
Dose: 5–30 drops every half hour in linseed infusion as an expectorant, 1–4 fluid drams as an emetic. (King’s)