Liver Weakness

Western Tradition

Hepar Confortant–Strengthen the Liver
Infusion of Rose
Rose water

Syrup of Fumitory Greater
Athanasia Greater (Nicholas)
Electuary of Quince Compound
Troches of Gallia Alephangine
Troches of Gallia Magna
Troches Ramich

Aromatic Musk Compound (Aromaticum Moschatum)
Aromaticum Nardium
Aromaticum Rosatum
Pilulae Aggregative Major
Oil of Roses
Oil of Costus

Hepatis debilitatem corrigunt–
Correct debility of the Liver

Decoction of Fumitory (Mesue)
Decoction for the Liver (Quercetan)
Syrup of Two Opening Roots
Syrup of Five Opening Roots
Syrup of Rose Simplex
Syrup of Wormwood
Syrup of Agrimony
Condited Citron
Aromatic Musk Compound (Aromaticum Moschatum)
Confection of Diarrhodon
Confectio Alchanzi

Abbots Confection of Roses (Diarrhodon Abbatis)
Aromatic Rose Powder (Aromaticum Rosatum)
Dialacca Major (Mesue)
Dialacca Minor (Mesue)
Troches of Aloeswood (Mesue)
Troches of Agrimony (Mesue)
Troches of Barberry (Mesue)
Troches of Wormwood Greater (Mesue)
Troches of Gallia Sebellina (Mesue)
Troches of Rose (Nicholas)
Troches of Rose (Mesue)
Troches Ramich (Mesue)
Pills of Agrimony Greater (Mesue)
Pills of Rhubarb (Mesue)

Electuarium Dianthu (Galen)
Electuary of Aloeswood (Diaxyloaloes) (Mesue)
Oil of Costus
Oil of Mastic

Purge in Liver Weakness
Holy Bitters (Hiera Picra)
Electuary of the Juice of Roses (Mesue)
Electuary of Prunes (Diaprunis lenitiva) (Nicholas)

Strengthen After
Abbots Confection of Roses (Diarrhodon Abbatis)
Aromatic Rose Compound (Aromaticum Rosatum)
Powder of Galangal Compound (Diagalanga) (Mesue)
Powder of Gum Lacca Greater (Dialacca) (Mesue)
Powder of Anise Compound (Dianisum) (Mesue)
Powder of Three Sandalwood (Ditrionsantalum)
Cooling Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Frigidum)
Troches of Agrimony

Troches of Rhubarb (Mesue)
Troches of Wormwood Greater (Nicholas)

TCM Classification

Liver Blood Deficiency
Dizziness, blurred vision, floaters, pale complexion, numbness, poor memory, dull complexion, pale nails, lips and tongue, dry skin and hair, cramps, scanty menstruation or amenorrhea
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
Si Wu Tang

Bu Gan Tang

Liver Yin Deficiency
Dizziness, numbness, insomnia, blurred vision, floaters, dry eyes, poor night vision, pale and lusterless complexion, cramps, brittle nails, dry hair, maybe night sweats or insomnia, scanty or absent menstruation
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan

Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan

Yi Guan Jian