Liver Hardness, Cirrhosis
Special Formula
1. Oil of Walnuts taken with infusion of Fenugreek, Rue, Spikenard. 2. Oil of Spikenard or Costus (2 spoonfuls) taken in an infusion of Rue and Dill, taken for 7 days. HARDNESS OF THE LIVER (WITH NO HEAT) i. Liverwort and Celery juice boiled in wine or water. (Brunschwig, 1561) ii. Fenugreek Rue Spikenard Cypress nuts equal parts Prepare an infusion, take with some Oil of Walnuts, continue for 3 days. (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913) iii. Costus Agrimony Fenugreek Raisins equal parts Prepare an infusion, take with some Oil of Walnuts, continue for 3 days. (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913) iv. Wormwood Rhubarb Costus Rue Mastic Pepper Raisins Prepare an infusion v. Gentian Wormwood Asarum Costus Agrimony Madder Rue Mastic Thyme Raisin MYROBALAN POWDER For Liver Tumors Black Myrobalan Chebulic Myrobalan 40 drams ea. Celery seed Aniseed Fennel seed 5 drams ea. Powder, traditionally taken with Camel Milk (Pharmacopoeia Persica, 1681) TROCHES FOR THE LIVER OF ALEXANDER Almonds cleansed Wormwood Asarum Anise Celery seed equal parts Form troches with water. Used for Hardness and Inflammation of the Liver. Rhubarb was sometimes added. ELECTUARY OF GENTIAN Gentian Pepper 10 drams each Costus Indian leaf Spikenard Rhubarb 1 oz. each Honey sufficient Form an Electuary. Hardness of the Liver, Pain and obstruction of the Liver, Stomach, Spleen and Kidneys. Dose: 1 dram (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913) TROCHES FOR LIVER OBSTRUCTION Mastic Agrimony juice Wormwood juice Fennel seed Annis 2 drams ea. Rhubarb 8 drams Madder Lacca 4 drams ea. Celery seed Agrimony Annis 3 drams ea. Form Troches. Used for obstruction or Hardness of the Liver or Spleen. |
DEN SHEN TAO XIONG TANG Salvia Dan Shen Peach kernel (Tao Ren) Ligusticum Chuan Xiong It has demonstrated efficacy in Liver fibrosis. YIN CHEN HAO TANG Artemisia Yin Chen Hao Rhubarb (Da Huang) Gardenia Zhi Zi This has also demonstrated efficacy. |