Western Tradition
Syrup of Thyme Syrup of Agrimony (Mesue) Syrup of Wormwood Syrup of Wormwood (Mesue) Byzantine Syrup – Simple & Compound (Mesue) Syrup of Five Roots Aromatic Rose Powder (Aromaticum Rosatum) New Rose Powder (Rosata Novelle) (Nicholas) Powder of Happiness (Letificans) Troches of Agrimony Troches of Wormwood Lesser (Mesue) Greater Cumin Composition (Diacyminum) (Nicholas) Calamint Powder Lesser (Diacalaminthum) (Nicholas) Electuary of Saffron (Diacurcurma) (Mesue) Comp. Cinnamon Powder (Diacinnamonum) (Mesue) Electuary of Aloeswood (Diaxyloaloes) (Mesue) Comp. Galangal Powder (Diagalanga) (Mesue) Theriac of 4 Ingredients (Diatessaron) Powder of Gum Lacca Major (Dialacca Majores) (Mesue) Hiera Picra Pills of Rhubarb (Mesue) Theriac Mithridate Oil of Wormwood Oil of Spikenard
Inveterate Liver disease from Cold
Troches of Rhubarb
Liver disease from Cold-Phlegm and Wind
Syrup of Thyme Hiera Picra Powder of Anise Compound (Dianisum) (Mesue) Aromatic Electuary Electuary of Gems (Mesue) Electuary of Aloeswood (Mesue) Electuary of Saffron (Diacucurma Majores) (Mesue) Electuary of Galangal (Diagalanga) (Mesue) Electuarium Alcharif (Mesue)
TCM Classification
Liver Cold
Wu Zhu Yu Tang