Litchi, Li Zhi He 荔枝核

Lychee, Leechee
Li Zhi He (TCM)
Picture Litchi
Ben Cao Yuan Shi
, 1612 (Welcome)

Picture Litchi
Boym, M., Flora sinensis, (1656)

Picture Litchi
Spach, E., Histoire naturelle des végétaux, Atlas (coloured version), (1803)

Picture Litchi seed
(Adam, 2024)

Botanical name:

Litchi chinensis (syn. Nephelium litchi)

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Sweet
The fruit is Cool (some say Neutral), Moist. Sweet


J. Regulate Qi


1. Clears Cold, Moves Qi, Stops Pain:
-Liver Qi stagnation
-Abdominal pain from Liver Qi stagnation
-Hernia with pain in groin or testicles
-Testicular Pain, Orchitis, Prostatitis
-Lung pain
-Masses, Lumps, Uterine Fibroids, Ovarian cysts
-good for cases with Cold, Damp and Qi stagnation

2. Moves Qi and Blood, Stops Pain:
-Premenstrual or Postpartum Pain

-Nourishes Yin and Blood, benefits Qi; increases energy, promotes complexion
-Cooling during Summer; relieves Thirst
-dried fruit are used for all types of Tumors and Glandular swellings
-dried fruit are also used to stop bleeding following childbirth or miscarriage.


Seed in Decoction: 6–15 grams, crushed before decocting. Up to 24 grams is used for severe abdominal pain.


1. Fennel seed
2. Orange seed


1. The seed only requires crushing before cooking

Main Combinations:

1. Pain and Swelling of the Testicles:
i. from Cold, Litchi Li Zhi He with Fennel seed
ii. from Damp-Heat, with redness and inflammation, Litchi Li Zhi He with Gentiana Long Dan Cao and Melia toosenden, Chuan Lian Zi
iii. from Damp-Heat, Litchi Li Zhi He with Long Dan Xie Gan Tang.
2. Hernia from Cold and Qi stagnation, Litchi Li Zhi He with Orange seed (Ju He)
3. Abdominal or Epigastric pain from Liver Qi stagnation, Litchi Li Zhi He with Costus (Mu Xiang), Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
4. Premenstrual pain, Litchi Li Zhi He with Cyperus rotundus (Xiang Fu), Paeonia Bai Shao
5. Postpartum pain:
i. Litchi Li Zhi He with Cyperus rotundus (Xiang Fu), Dang Gui
ii. Litchi Li Zhi He with Motherwort (Yi Mu Cao)
6. Ovarian cysts, Litchi Li Zhi He with Xiao Huo Luo Dan (a compound) with Corydalis Yan Hu Suo, Cyperus rotundus Xiang Fu, Citrus Zhi Ke, Kelp

1. Nourish Qi and Blood and promote energy, decoct dried Litchi fruit with Black Jujubes (black variety of Da Zao), 7 of each.

Major Formulas:


None noted

Main Preparations used: