White Flux (old term)Leukorrhea is a discharge from the vagina. When moderate and without foul smell, it can be normal, some women having more natural discharge than other. Healthy discharge is more clear, not excessive, has no foul smell and tastes sweet and salty. Leukorrhea may occur during Pregnancy and is considered normal, as long as there is no foul smell.
Unhealthy discharge may be white, yellow or greenish, and usually indicates and infection. Yellow or Greenish discharge with a foul smell indicates infection and was classically classed as Bile / Heat or Damp-Heat in TCM.
Infection may originate in the Vagina, Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes, or most commonly, the Cervix. Sexuall Transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia or Gonorrhea also cause Leukorrhea.
Vaginitis, and inflammation of the Vagina may also cause Leukorrhea. This may be due to infection or irritation. Fungal infections are often associated with Vaginits and this is primarily causes by Candida albicans and Trichomonas vaginalis.
White, thick discharge with curd-like particles may indicate Candida.
Symptoms of pathological Leukorrhea may include foul-smelling Whitish, Yellow or Greenish discharge with irritation, itching, inflammation and pain.
Differential Diagnosis
In Traditional Medicine, several pathologies can be recognised:
- Cold-Damp: pale or whitish discharge, no foul smell, pale face and tongue, white or greasy tongue coat, slow oir deep pulse. Severe Cold cases are related to Yang deficiency.
- Heat, Damp-Heat: foul smelling yellowish or greenish discharge, irritation, inflammation, red tongue with a yellowish coating
- Kidney deficiency: Chronic cases with weakness are often associated with Kidney weakness. There is lower back pain, copious pale urine, a feeling of cold, deep and weak pulse.
Special Formula
1. Leukorrhea with Weakness, Talcum with Chlorophytum, Tribulus seed, Tragacanth, Quince seed (Ayurveda) 2. Mastic with Cubeb, Tabasheer and Cardamon 3. Orris (half oz.), Burnt Deer horn, Cuttlefish bone, White Coral, Olibanum, Mastic (1 dram each). Powder. Dose: half dram to 2 scruples. 4. Alum with Catechu, Cinnamon 5. Dates kernel with Dragons Blood (equal parts), Powder. PILLS FOR LEUKORRHEA Gum Arabic Tragacanth Starch 2 drams ea. Mastic 1 dram Powderand with sugar dissolved in Quince juice form Boluses of 2 drams. Give one each morning. A SPECIAL REMEDY Frankincense Red earth Sealed Earth. ½ drams ea. Powder, mix with the Yolks of 2 Eggs, and take as a dose each morning. “This remedy is so excellent that I have cured many with it” (Secrets of Alexis) DOUCHE FOR VAGINITIS / LEUKORRHEA Alum ½ oz. Borax 2 oz., Mix and add a teaspoonful to a pint of warm water to use as a douche. |
YI HUANG TANG Change Yellow Discharge Decoction Dioscorea Shan yao * Euryale Qian Shi * 30 grams ea. Phellodendron Huang bai. 6 grams Plantain seed (Che Qian Zi). 3 grams Gingko nut (Bao Guo) 10 kernels * Shan Yao and Qian Shi are stir-fried. Form a decoction Used specifically for Damp-Heat discharge from the Vagina. |