Lepidium iberis, Pepper Grass
Sciatica CressTudri Saifed, Bazr-ul-khumkhum (Unani)
Kasis (Persian)
Lepidium iberis
Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], R., Stirpium historiae pemptades sex, sive libri XXX (1583)
Lepidium iberis
Sharp, Helen, Water-color sketches of American plants, especially New England (1888-1910)
Botanical name:
Lepidium iberis (syn. L. virginicum)
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Bitter, Pungent
1. Clears Cold Phlegm, Stops Cough:
2. Warms and Strengthens Stomach:
-Gastric tonic (Unani)
-regarded as fattening in Unani
-Indigestion with weakness (Atonic dyspepsia)
3. Warms and Strengthens the Kidneys:
-promotes Semen
-promotes Urine in Edema
-Regarded as Anti-ageing
4. Promotes Milk
-promotes and enriches Breast Milk
5. Externally:
-topically applied to Arthritis and Rheumatism
Seed in Powder: 1–3 grams
Several Cruciferous seeds have supplied Tudri.
1. Cheiranthus cheiri seed
2. Matthiola incana seed
3. Sisymbrium Sophia seed
Today, it appears that at least some markets only supply Lepidium perfoliatum for all forms of Tudri.
1. Cheiranthus cheiri and Lepidium iberis seeds are regularly prescribed together in Unani. As they both have similar effects and uses, it has been proposed that only one of them needs to be used in formula, Cheiranthus cheiri generally being recognised as more important.
2. The seeds form a thick mucilage when soaked in water
Main Combinations:
Usually combined with Cheiranthus cheiri (Tudri Surkh)
1. Digestive weakness:
i. Lepidium iberis with Black Pepper (Unani)
ii. Lepidium iberis with Ginger, Pepper, Mastic
2. Aphrodisiac and to increase Semen, Lepidium iberis with Long Pepper, Nutmeg, Withania, Red Behen, White Behen, Sesame seed, Walnut, Pistachio, Pine nut
Major Formulas:
Khameera Gaozaban Ambari
Khameera Gaozaban Ambari Jadwar Ood Saleeb Wala
Majun Salab
Not used in Yin deficiency