Leonurus semen, Motherwort seed, Chong Wei Zi 茺蔚子

Leonurus seed
Chong Wei Zi (TCM)
Picture L. sibiricus
M. Blanco, Flora de Filipinas. (1875)

Botanical name:

Leonurus spp.
  1. L. heterophyllus (syn. L. artemisia)
  2. L. sibiricus
  3. L. turkestanicus
  4. L. rnacranthus

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Cool, moist. Sweet


1. Moves the Blood, Regulate Menstruation:
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea
-Irregular Menstruation
-Postpartum Abdominal pain

2. Clears Liver Heat, Brightens the Eyes:
-Red, Sore, Swollen, Itchy Eyes; Pterygiurn


1. Maximum daily dose of 15 grams.
2. Should not be used for more than 2 weeks without a break (to avoid toxic accumulation)
In Decoction: 3–9 grams
Of the Powder: 1–3 grams


1. The seed is used similarly to Motherwort herb. The main difference is the seed also treats conditions of the eyes.
2. It is probable that the Western Motherwort seed can be used similarly.


1. Dry-fried Motherwort Seeds:
  Dry-fried seeds are more warming, and better to Move the Blood. The unprepared seeds are better for the Eyes.

Main Combinations:

1. To promote Menstruation, Motherwort seed, Dang Gui, Paeonia Bai Shao, Cyperus rotundus (Xiang Fu)
2. Postpartum disorders, combine Motherwort seed and Motherwort herb together.

Major Formulas:


1. Caution during Pregnancy.
2. Not used in continual or heavy menstruation


Toxic doses occur in the range of 20–30 grams. Symptoms include numbness, paralysis of the lower limbs, chest oppression and sweating.

Main Preparations used: