Lead Bhasma
Naga Bhasma (Ayurveda)Minerological name:
Parts used:
Lead ash
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Sweet
Lead Bhasma principally settles Vata (Wind) and Kapha (Phlegm).
1. Strengthens Kidneys, Benefits Yin:
–obstinate Urinary diseases
–Seminal debility
–Spermatorrhea, Premature Ejaculation
–has a testicular regenerative and protective effect
–Night Sweats, Consumption
2. Settles Wind, Stops Spasms:
–Paralysis, Facial Paralysis
–Convulsions, Epilepsy
–Lock Jaw, Stiffness of the Tongue,
–improves Memory
3. Stops Bleeding and Leakage:
–Bleeding Piles
4. Benefits Digestion:
–Chronic Diarrhea, or alternating Diarrhea and Constipation
30–60mg (up to 125mg) twice daily with Honey.
Lead Bhasma is taken with Sugar to cure diseases of Pitta/Bile and Vata/Wind
1. “Lead purified with general purification method (see under Gold) may be subjected to specific purification method. For this melted lead is poured into nirgundi (Vitex nigundo) juice containing haridra (Curcuma longa) curna. The process may be repeated for 3 times to purify lead specifically.” (Rasamritam)
2. Melt by adding a pinch of Ammonium Chloride, and pour in the Oil of Bassia latifolia seven times. (Siddha)
3. Lead may be purified by heating it, then quenching it in the juice of Vitex negundo for 7 times. (This may be used for Tin, Brass and Bell Metal)
4. Lead is purified if it is made into thin leaves, smeared with a paste made of the powdered roots of Vitex negundo rubbed with the Milk of Calotropis gigantea, then dried, melted, then immersed in the juice of the same plant, this process being repeated 7 times.
5. Lead (or Tin) become purified when melted, then poured into each of the following 3 times: Oil, Buttermilk, Decoction of Dolichos biflorus, and especially the Milk of Calotropis gigantea.
6. Lead is purified if it is melted 7 times, each time being quenched in the Decoction of Triphala, or Elephant Urine.
1. Purified Leaves of Lead are smeared with a paste of Realgar, Copper Pyrite and milk of Calotropis leaves. Then it is heated in Putam. Some performed this only with Realgar with Calotropis juice
2. Purified Lead is melted in a suitable vessel, then Orpiment or Realgar powder are added. When cool, it is then rubbed with Sulphur and Lemon juice, then heated in Putam. This makes Lead turn to ashes easily.
3. Melt 9 drams of purified Lead in an Iron frying pan and while the pan is still hot; gradually sprinkle in 9 drams of Realgar powder and mix with an Iron spoon. Place this over a stone mortar with 9 drams of Shilajit (Bitumen) which has been boiled in Cow’s Milk, and triturate in Lemon juice for 10 hours; form Lozenges, dry, then enclose in clay pan crucibles. Seal and burn with 15 Cowdung cakes. Repeat the trituration with lemon juice and burning 3 times.
Used for Gonorrhea, Leukorrhea, Buboes, Skin diseases, Syphilitic ulcers or eruptions in all stages, Diabetes mellitus and insipidus, and Leprosy. More recently, this has been found to be a Normalising Metabolic Alterative and Diuretic; it improves Strength, increases Resistence, and is useful in general debility.
Dose: 0.25-0.5 grain in Honey or Ghee for 3-5 days. (Gems of the Siddha System)
4. Add 250 grams of Lead to an iron pan, melt the Lead, adding, bit by bit, 500 grams of Saltpetre, stirring continuously with a bamboo reed. Any ash that surfaces must be blown off or removed as scum. When the Saltptre is consumed, the pan is removed from the heat, powdered, and added to water, and left to settle, then the excess water is poured off. This washing is repeated 5 times until the salts are washed off, then it is dried and seived through fine cloth, and kept for use. (Unani)
Main Combinations:
1. To strengthen the Kidneys, Bhasmas of Tin, Lead and Zinc (equal parts). This is used for Diabetes mellitus, Nocturnal emission, premature Ejaculation and Leukorrhea and all Sexual disorders
2. Diabetes, Lead Bhasma, Turmeric, Emblic Myrobalan, Tinospora (see research below)
Major Formulas:
1. Lead is a dangerous heavy metal with known health concerns. Therefore, Lead Bhasma will be largely obsolete today in developed countries. Nevertheless, some preliminary research has demonstrated that Lead Bhasma is not toxic in recommended doses. Further research needs to clarify if the traditional preparation methods reduce toxicity.
2. “Lead is considered as the most poisonous metal like that of snake. But if processed properly and converted into Niruttha bhasma form it is not likely to produce toxic symptoms” (Rasamritam)
1. “Naga bhasma did not show any toxic changes in the tissues of vital organs in therapeutic doses”. (Rasamritam)
2. Lead Bhasma was studied for toxicity. Short-term use showed no toxic effects in Albino rats when histopathologically studied post-mortem. High doses or long-term use did show some pathological changes of the vital organs.
3. In addition, learning and memory were not affected by Lead Bhasma in rats, but were affected by metallic Lead.
Main Preparations used:
Nothing at Present
1. Lead Bhasma was found to have a strong anti-diabetic effect. The effect is enhanced by co-administration with Curcuma longa (Haridra), Emblic Myrobalan (Amalaki), Tinospora (Guduchi) and Honey. These avert diabetic complications and reduce potential toxicity of the Lead Bhasma. (Raiput et al., Anc Sci Life, Jul, 2013)