Lavender & Rosemary
Lavender is Warm, Dry, Pungent and Bitter. It clears Cold and Damp, benefits the Brain and Nerves, and moves the Qi. It promotes Urine and Menstruation, and was traditionally said to resist Poison.
Rosemary is Warm, Dry, Pungent and Bitter. It moves Qi and Blood, clears Damp, settles Wind, and benefits the Brain and Senses. It promotes Menstruation, and increases Appetite.
In this combination, Lavender focuses more on the Qi, Rosemary on the Blood. They work together to move Qi and Blood, and clear Cold and Damp while settling Wind. They are very useful for Stress and Tension, and Emotional disorders.
Primarily used to clear Cold, Wind and Dampness from the Brain and Nerves in Migraine, Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Lethargy, Trembling, Cramps etc. They may be used for Dullness of Mind, ‘Stupidity’ or slow Mental Development, and to increase Brain function when disordered from Cold, Wind and Damp. They have been used for Delusions, Madness and Insanity, along with other appropriate medicines added. More recent applications include use in Panic Attacks and Drug Withdrawal.
Recent research using essential oils of Lavender and Rosemary showed that Rosemary increased Memory while Lavender had a detrimental effect; both groups, however, were significantly more content when compared to a control group.
Lavender has demonstrated a strong Sedative effect, while Rosemary has shown Stimulating, Relaxing, Anti-depressant and Memory-increasing effects.
They awaken Digestion, promote Appetite and may be used for Colic, Wind etc. Modern applications include Irritable Bowel etc.
Being drying, they may be used for Catarrh.
They both promote Urine and Menstruation and may be used for sluggish or painful Menstruation, especially when associated with Anxiety or Emotions.
Finally, both have shown positive effects on the Liver; Lavender is Choleretic and Cholagogue while Rosemary has Choleretic and Hepatoprotective effects.
Other research confirms Antibacterial activity for both herbs, with Anti-viral effects noted in Rosemary. Both contain good levels of Antioxidants.
Cephalic Decoction, Syrup of French Lavender, Tablets of Nutmeg, Cephalic Water of Mylius, Uterine Elixir, Four Thieves Vinegar, Powder of Nutmeg, Tablets of Nutmeg, Salt Against Epilepsy, Nerve Ointment
1. For all Nerve diseases associated with Cold, Wind and Damp, add Calamint, Thyme, Sage and Betony, Fennel, Peony and Rue (as in Syrup of French Lavender)
2. As the preceding, for Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Convulsions, Vertigo, Dizziness etc., add Sage, Betony, Lily of the Valley, Balm, Bayberries, Cinnamon, Mace, Pearl, Emerald, and Saffron (as in Spirit of Lavender)
3. To repel all contagious diseases, and as a useful Antiseptic, add Mint, Rue, Sage, Wormwood, Clove and Garlic (as in Four Thieves Vinegar).
4. To promote Digestion, clear Cold and Damp humors from the Stomach, add Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Clove, Marjoram and Betony (as in Powder of Nutmeg)
5. Another for the same, add Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Pellitory, Sage, and Clove (as in Tablets of Nutmeg). Note both this and the former to be very good for Wind diseases associated with a cold and weak Stomach.