Laurus, Bay-tree
Bay tree, Sweet Bay, Bay Laurel; Baccum Lauri (berry)Ghar, Hab-el-Ghar, Dahmusht (Unani)
Yue Gui Zi (Fruit) Yue Gui Ye (Leaf) TCM)
Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491
Laurus Della Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562 |
Laurus Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 |
Flora von Deutschland (10), Kohler, 1882
Botanical name:
Laurus nobilis
Dioscorides described 2 varieties: Narrow-leaved and a Broad-leaved
Parts used:
Leaf, berry, bark, seed
“Dahmusht is Bay tree, the leaf and seed of which are used in medicine. Its seeds are stronger as compared to other parts of the plant. Next in order of potency is its bark”. (Avicenna)
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Bitter, pungent. Berries are warmest
1. Warms and Strengthens the Stomach, Regulates Qi: (West, TCM)
-Crudities of the Stomach; Poor appetite, sensitive or weak digestion
-Abdominal distention (TCM)
-Wind, Colic, Intestinal Pain and Spasm (berry, leaf)
2. Benefits Diabetes
-adjunct in Diabetes with cold and weak Kidneys
3. Externally:
-applied to Bee and Wasp stings (Dioscorides)
-in baths for Bladder and Uterine disorders (Dioscorides)
-the steam of the boiling herb is inhaled, or decoction as a nasal wash for loss of sense of smell (Wirtzung)
-warms and resolves in Tumors, eases Pain
-the juice dropped in for Earache
-wash for Dandruff and Lice
-topically for fungal infections
-bruising, trauma, congealed Blood (leaf, berry)
-Gargle for Toothache.
1. Warm and Strengthen the Kidneys, Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Arthritic disorders, Rheumatism
-Gravel, Stones (berries; also bark of the root)
-Spermatorrhea, Leukorrhea (berries)
2 Warms and Strengthens the Nerves, Settles Wind:
-Migraine; Poor Memory
-Paralysis, Hemiplegia, Facial Paralysis (Unani)
-Benefits Eyesight
3. Warms Stomach, Clears Cold Phlegm:
-cold and damp of the Stomach, colic, indigestion, loss of appetite
-Cough, Bronchitis, Wheezing, Asthma from Cold Phlegm
-rheum (thin phlegm) of the chest, used in lozenges (Dioscorides)
-Tuberculosis (Dioscorides)
4. Warms the Womb, Promotes Menstruation:
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea; internally, in Baths, and as a Fume
-Promotes Labor, relieves After-pains
5. Resists Poison:
–taken with wine for Scorpion sting (Dioscorides)
-clear dull-white Leprosy (Dioscorides)
-‘Antidote for all kinds of Poison’. (Avicenna)
1. Discusses Wind, for Colic
2. Dropped into the Ears to ease Pain, strengthens the Hearing and relieve Tinnitus
3. For Itch, Dandruff, Freckles, and Spots in the Face, Lice, Scalds
4. Wirtzung said it is good for grinding of teeth in children, aplied to cheeks and neck
5. Applied to Alopecia and chronic Headache. (Avicenna)
Berries in powder: 1–3 grams
Berries in Decoction: 3–9 grams
1. Usually Bay berry was used in internal formulas, while the leaves are sometimes used in decoction, but more used externally in oils, baths and washes.
2. Avicenna listed the Seeds and Bark, which he said are the strongest parts of the tree. All parts are very warm, dry and pungent, clear Phlegm and Damp, and warm the Stomach. The Berries also have tonic properties.
1. Quince
2. Tragacanth (Unani)
1. Sweet Basil leaf is a substitute for Bay leaf (Avicenna)
2. Coleus aromaticus (for Stones) (Unani)
3. Oil of Rue is similar to Oil of Bay (Avicenna)
Main Combinations:
1. Urinary retention, edema, and cold disorders of the Kidney, Bay berries are used with Juniper berries.
2. To promote Menstruation, Bay berry with Rosemary, Cinnamon and Saffron
3. To strengthen the Uterus and promote Menstruation, Bay berry with Myrrh
4. To promote Labor, Bay berry, Cinnamon
5. To strengthen the Brain and improve Memory, Bay berry with Rosemary, Sage, Betony, Balm and Peony
6. Infertility from Cold Kidneys:
i. Bay Berry with Cinnamon, Cardamon, Indian Spikenard, Nutmeg
ii. Bay Berry, Nutmeg, Cyperus root, Indian Spikenard, Yellow Rape seed, Cardamon, Nutmeg, Marjoram, Ginger, Cinnamon
iii. Bay Berry, Agnus Castus, Marjoram, Cumin, Rue, Long Pepper, Nutmeg
7. To improve Eyesight, Bay berry, Valerian, Rue, Vervain, Fennel, Eyebright, Calendula, Sage, Cinnamon, prepared as a wine (Wirtzung)
8. Against Poison and Infection, Bey berry with Myrrh and Gentian (as in Diatessaron)
9. Cold and weak Stomach and Intestines, Colic, Bay berry with Cumin, Caraway, Long Pepper, Mint and Calamus
10. Rickets, Bay berry with Nutmeg, burnt Deer horn, Licorice
11. Tinnitus, Oil of Bay with Oil of Bitter Almonds, drop into the ear
1. Phlegm Cough or Asthma prevention, take Bay leaf and Long Pepper powder in honey every day as a preventative. (Ayurveda)
2. Diabetes, to help regulate Blood Sugar, Bay leaf and Turmeric (Ayurveda)
3. Increase Digestion, Bay leaf and Lesser Cardamon as a tea before meals.
4. Cold headache:
i. Bay leaf, Lavender, Camomile, Betony, Marjoram, equal parts, decoct and wash the head (Wirtzung)
ii. Bay leaf, Fenugreek, Marjoram, form an Ointment (Wirtzung)
5. Loss of sense of smell:
i. Bay leaf, Calamus, Gentian, Pennyroyal, Mint, Aniseed, Fennel seed, boil gently in wine and inhale the fumes (Wirtzung)
ii. Bay leaf, Nigella powder, Orris powder; decot Marjoram, Camomile, Stoechas (equa parts) in water until one-third is wasted, add the powder and use as a nasal wash. (Wirtzung)
6. To improve Memory, Bay leaf, Fennel seed, Balm, decocted and drank. (Wirtzung)
7. Lethargy, Dullness of Mind, Bay leaf, Marjoram, Rue, Hyssop, Calamint, Stoechas, decoct and use a wash. (Wirtzung)
8. Cramps, make a decoction of Bay leaf, Wormwood, Rue, Pennyroyal, Cyperus roots, and use as a wash.
Major Formula
Electuary of Bayberries (Electuarium de Baccis Lauri)
Electuary of Bayberries (Zacharia)
Theriac of Four Ingredients (Diatessaron)
Theriac of Sealed Earth
Decoction Against Retention of Menstruation
Pills for Migraine (2) (Galen)
Ointment for Congealed Blood
1. Ungentum Martiatum:
i. Fresh leaves of Bay (8 oz.), Rue (5 oz.), Marjoram (4 oz.), Rosemary (3 oz.), Myrtle, Dwarf Elder, Mint, Sweet Basil (1 oz. each), White Wine (4 lbs.), Olive oil (1 lb.), Fresh Butter, Bear fat, Chicken fat, Stag’s Marrow (6 drams each). Infuse for several days; then boil slowly to the consumption of the humidity, and add to the strained mass: Yellow Wax (8 oz.), powdered Storax (5 drams), Mastic (half oz.), Olibanum (3 drams). Mix. (Pharmacopoeia Generalis, 1783)
ii. Fresh leaves of Wormwood, Southernwood, Sweet Basil, Calamint, Costmary, Germander, Bay, Marjoram, Water Mint, Rosemary, Rue, Savin, Sage (each 2 parts); bruise in a mortar, express the juice, coagulate over a fire, remove the fecula, wash it, and separate the water from it as much as possible; then dissolve in Lard (64 parts) heated with Cumin, Fenugreek (each 1 part), Nutmeg (6 parts). Then add Liquid Storax, White Wax (4 parts each). Strain and stir until cold. (Pharmacopee Usuelle, Louvain, 1821)
2. Plaster of Bay berries:
i. Bay berry (4 oz.), Cyperus rotundus, Winters Bark, Olibanum, Mastic, Myrrh (1 oz. each). Powder and incorporate into a melted mixture of Yellow Wax (8 oz.), Resin, Oil of Bay, Oil of Turpentine (each 2 oz.). Mix.
1. Generally Safe. Warm and dry so not suitable in Yin deficiency.
2. Dioscorides) said the root-bark kills the Fetus if used during pregnancy.
Main Preparations used:
Plaster of Bay-berry, Infused or Distilled Oil of Bay, Spirit, Essence
1. Oil of Bay berries:
i. bruised fresh Bay berries, beat on a heated slab, then express. (Pharmacopoeia Hispana, 1798)
ii. bruised Bay berries, beat on a heated slab, then boil in water and take off the heat. When cold, the oil is congealed on the surface. (Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764)
2. Ointment of Bay:
i. Bay leaf (1 part), Lard (2 parts); bruised together, boil slowly to the consumption of the humidity, adding towards the end bruised Bay berries (1 part); digest for 10 hours in a water-bath, then express. (Pharmacopoeia Gallica, 1818)