Lapis Judaicus, Jew’s Stone

Lapis Syriaci, Tecolithi (Pliny)
Hajrul Yahud (Arabic, Unani)
Sang-I-Kharus (Unani)
Bera Patthar (Ayurveda)
Badarasma (Sanskrit)
Ovum anguinum ‘Snake Eggs’ (Pliny)
Picture Gemmarum et Lapidum Historia, Tollius, 1647

Picture Metallotheca Vaticana, Mercati, 1719

Picture Aldrovandi, Musaeum metallicum, 1648

Picture Lapis Judaicus (Culcutta Unani College, Adam, 2019)

Picture    Fossilised Balanocidaris with attached ‘Jew’s Stone’

Picture Minerological name:
Fossil Encrite
Club-like Spines of the Jurassic Echinoid Balanocidaris.

Parts used:

Fossil clubs Spines
The smaller and rounder were called Female and were more appropriated to Bladder stones, whereas the longer and larger varieties were preferred for Kidney stones, although few authors noted this distinction.

Temperature & Taste:

Cold, dry. Salty


3F. Lithontriptic


1. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine, Clears Stones:
-a special for Urinary Stones
-relieves pain of urinary stones and helps dissolve them
-retention of Urine, obstructed Urine, Strangury, Dysuria
-also for Kidney and Bladder Ulcers
-also Gall Stones
-“It is useful in Kidney Stones and expels them … It is also claimed that it is useful in Bladder Stones but this is not correct” (Avicenna)

2. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-it has been used for vomiting from Stomach Heat
-long regarded as effective against Poison, including Snake Bite


Prepared Stone: 500–1000mg, up to 1500mg taken with warm water or decoction of Chickpeas.


1. Dolichos biflorus (Unani)
2. Spar stone
3. Sponge stone
​4. Coleus spp. (Unani)
5. Belemnite


1. Levigated Lapis Judaiacus
  The stone is ground with Rose water or Pandanus water for 3 days until finely levigated.
  According to other sources, it is levigated with Water of Pellitory of the Wall.
2. Radish Juice prepared Lapis Judaiacus
  The stone is ground with Radish juice for 7 days. This is stronger to break Stones.

Main Combinations:

1. Stones:
i. Lapis Judaicus, Amber
ii. Lapis Judaicus, Belemnite (equal parts)
iii. Chicken Gizzard Skin with Jew’s Stone, Amber
iv. Lapis Judaicus, Sponge Stone, Belemnite, Amber
v. and Dysuria, Lapis Judaicus, Goat Blood, Peach kernels, Parsley seed, Celery seed
vi. Lapis Judaicus, Belemnite, Goat’s Blood prepared, Sponge stone, Indian Spikenard, Tragacanth, Parsley seed, Carrot seed, Nettle seed, Burdock seed (as in Lithontripticon of Nicholas),
vii. Lapis Judaicus, Hollyhock seed, Four Greater Cold Seeds, Marshmallow seed, Fennel seed (Sabur Ibn Sahl’s Dispensatory, Kahl)
viii. Lapis Judaicus with 4 Cold Seeds, Marshmallow seed, Fennel seed, Scorpion, Maidenhair, Egg shell (as in Powder for Kidney Stones from Heat of Unani)
2. Kidney and Bladder Ulcers, Lapis Judaicus with Dragons Blood, Armenian (Red) Earth, Mastic, Melon seed, Winter Cherry, Marshmallow seed

Major Formulas:

Stone–Breaking Powder (Lithontripticon) (Nicholas)
Confection of Ashes
Electuary for Stones (Azaricon)
Letificans Electuary (Unani)
Powder for Gravel of Dr. Maghenbuch
Powder for Kidney Stones from Heat (Unani)
Pills to Crumble Kidney Stones (Unani)
Pills for Kidney and Bladder Ulcers

    Lapis Judaicus                        50 drams
    Cucumber seed
    Pumpkin seed
    Winter Cherry                           5 drams ea.
Mix the powders with Honey.
  Kidney and Bladder stones.
Dose: 2–3 drams (Pharmacopoeia Persica, 1681)


Use cautiously in those with weak digestion. “It weakens the stomach and does not suit it. It reduces appetite”.

Main Preparations used:

Salmon, Seplasium:
It is called in Greek Ioudaicos; in Arabic Hager-alieudi; in Latin Lapis Judaicus, Phrenicites. Aetius called it Lapis Syriacus; Pliny called it Tecolite, Tecolithos or Techo-lithos; in English, Jew’s Stone.

It is found in India, Judea and Silesia.

It is a round stone shaped like an Olive, some longer, some shorter, is friable and striate, whitish or grayish colored and easily broken, streaked with lines of equal distance. Those from Syria were said 
to be best and are called Male, the lesser types are called Female.

It is good for Gravel and Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder according to Boetius and Dioscorides. It opens all obstructions.

Dose: 1 scruple–1/2 dram or 2 scruple of the very fine powder in 4 ounces of warm water, or preferably a decoction of Chickpeas
Fossils as drugs: pharmaceutical palaeontology
Lapis Judaicus or the Jews’ stone: the folklore of fossil echinoid spines
Elemental analysis, physicochemical characterization and lithontriptic properties of Lapis judaicus

Hajrul yahood (Lapis judaicus): An important mineral drug of Unani system of medicine for the management of urolithiasis
Randomized and double-blinded clinical trial of the safety and calcium kidney stone dissolving efficacy of Lapis judaicus
Elemental analysis, physicochemical characterization and lithontriptic properties of Lapis judaicus
The Effect of Lapis Judaicus Compared with Hydrochlorothiazide on Kidney Stones; a Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial
A review on management of urolithiasis in Medieval Persia
Lithotriptic effect of Safūf Hajar-al Yahūd in patients of Hasat-ul Kilya (Nephrolithiasis)–an open prospective clinical validation trial