Lamium, Dead Nettle

Urtica mortua, Galiopsis, Archangel
Picture Lamium
Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530

Picture Lamium
Compleat Body of Practical Botanic Physic, Bayliss, 1791



Botanical name:

Lamium spp.
Several varieties are used:
  1. L. album (White; best, most used)
  2. L. purpureum (Red)
  3. L. lutea (syn. L. galeobdolon) (Yellow)

Parts used:

Herb, Seed

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry.


Attenuating, Inciding, Discussive, Resolutive, Astringent, Vulnerary
Cephalic, Nervine, Hepatic, Splenetic, Uterine, Arthritic


1. Moves the Blood and Qi, Regulates Menstruation:
-irregular, delayed or painful menstruation, especially Amenorrhea.
-blood stasis of the Uterus with dragging pain in which case the menstruation may be either early or copious.
-PMS with irritability, hyper-emotionalism, breast tenderness etc.
2. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-scant or frequent urination with Lumbar pain; Strangury
-Bed-wetting in children, Incontinence
-much used for Leukorrhea, both internally and in douches.
3. Clears Damp, Stops Diarrhea:
-Diarrhea associated with damp, or heat and damp.
-diarrhea with blood and mucous in the stool, Enteritis and Dysentery.
4. Clears Phlegm, Stops Cough and Wheezing:
-Wheezing, Breathlessness, Bronchitis and Asthma.
5. Clears Phlegm-Damp, Resolves Masses:
-Scrofula, Tumors, Cancer

6. Externally:
-Sores and Boils from toxic heat (both int. and ext.)
-applied topically to Injuries, Ulcers, Rashes and Hemorrhoids
-applied to Swollen Glands and Cysts.
-herb boiled in oil is a good application to cold, hard swellings.
-applied to Gout, Sciatica and Arthritic pain.
-topically used to promote hair growth.
-in gargles for inflammation of the Mouth and Throat
-in douches for Leukorrhea


Seed or Herb in Powder: 1–3 grams, often taken with wine

Main Combinations:

1. Leukorrhea, Dead Nettle is

… available in PRO version

2. Leukorrhea, Dead Nettle with

… available in PRO version

3. To regulate Menstruation, Dead Nettle with

… available in PRO version

4. Dysmenorrhea, Dead Nettle with

… available in PRO version

5. Strangury, Dead Nettle with

… available in PRO version

6. Scrofula and Eczema, Dead Nettle with

… available in PRO version

7. To promote hair growth, decoct Dead Nettle with

… available in PRO version


None noted

Main Preparations used:

Conserve of the White Flowers