
Laksha, Lakh (Ayurveda)
Luk (Arabic)
Rgya skyegs  རྒྱ་སྐྱེགས  (Tibetan Medicine)
Zi Cao Rong (TCM)
Picture Gum Lacca with one of the source tress
Museum Museorum
, Valentini, 1704

Picture Picture
Aromaticum et Simplicium Aliquot, de Orta, 1579

Lacca; Lacca on stick (top); interior of Lacca showing eggs (second from top) (Chengdu Medicine Market, Adam, 2016)

Picture Close-up of the raw Lacca containing Egg chambers.
(Adam, 2016)

Picture Button Lac, purified Lacca (Adam, 2022)
Picture Backlit Button Lac showing deep red color

Entomological name:

Female insect of Laccifer lacca (syn. Carteria lacca, Coccus lacca, Kerria lacca) produce the resinous stick-lac around the branches of certain trees.
A number of other species are used including Tachardia lacca, although the abovementioned species is primarily cultivated.
Typically collected from the trees of Ziziphus marutiana, Butea monosperma, Schleichera oleosa, Ficus religiosa, Mimosa spp. etc.

Parts used:

Secreted stick-lac which has been purified
Stick lac is the raw product; Seed Lac, Grain Seed Lac, Shellac, Button Lac and Sheet Lac are all names of the purified product after different processing.
Three main products on the market are as follows:
  1. Stick Lac: whole pieces of raw lac, deep red, often in big pieces where the branch is either still attached, or containing bark.
  2. Seed Lac: fragments of Lac; broken Stick Lac; usually regular-sized grains
  3. Shell Lac (Shellac): thin sheets or scaled of purified Lac; melting, strained and dipped onto plates to give sheets of deep red lacca.
India is the primary source of Lacca, followed by Thailand.

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry (some consider it Cool). Sweet, salty, bitter, astringent, slightly toxic
In TCM it is regarded as Neutral
Unani medicine regards unprocessed Lacca as Hot and Dry in the 3rd degree, but Hot and Dry in the 1st degree once prepared.


Resin (70–80%), proteins, sugars, pigments, anthraquinone, traces of essentail oil


1. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis, Eases Pain (West, TCM, Tibetan, Ayurveda):
-promotes Menstruation, used for Amenorrhea, Menstrual Pain
menorrhagia, metrorrhagia (West, TCM)
-Hematoma, Blood Clots, Bruises
-fixed pain from internal Blood Stasis
-Scrofula and Lymphatic Swellings.
-clears the complexion

2. Clears Heat and Toxin (West, TCM, Tibetan, Ayurveda):
Salmon said it ‘Purifies the blood, Provokes Sweat’
-Spotted Fevers, Measles, Chicken Pox, Small Pox (Salmon, TCM)
-used to promote the expression of Small Pox and Measles in TCM;
-protects from Epidemic diseases and Plague (Salmon)
-Fever due to derangement of the 3 Dosas. (Ayurveda)
-Boils, Eruptions, Toxic Sores, Acne,, Eczema
–Leprosy, and Toxic Swellings.
-major medicine for Blood disorders in India and Tibet; blood disorders caused by Kapha/Phlegm and Pitta/Bile (Damp-Heat) or Heat and Toxin.

3. Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine (West, TCM, Tibetan, Ayurveda):
-Edema, Gravel and Stones; also used for Ascites
-regarded as extremely effective for Obesity. (Ayurveda and Unani)
-“It is the most effective weight-reducing drug” (Avicenna)
-a good drug for Edema (Avicenna)

4. Opens the Liver, Clears Heat and Damp:
-Yellow Jaundice
-“It is a good drug for Jaundice, Dropsy and Hepatalgia”. (Avicenna)
-“useful and strengthening for the Liver” (Avicenna)
-“clears pathogenic Qi in the Five Yin Organs” (Xin Xiu Ben Cao, TCM)

5. Moves the Blood, Eases Pain, Strengthens the Bones:
Astanga Hrdaya (a traditional Ayurvedic text) said Lacca is the best drug in the healing of Fractures.
-Regarded as potent for Joint diseases including Rheumatism, Arthritis, Myalgia, Lumbago etc.

6. Aphrodisiac:
-according to some Ayurvedic and Unani sources;
-‘I have found it to be very Aphrodisiac’ (Taleef Shereef or Indian Materia Medica, Playfair, 1833).
-Premature Ejaculation.

7. Strengthens the Heart:
-regarded as a Heart tonic (Ayurveda, Unani)
-“Lac is useful in palpitation” (Avicenna)
-Epilepsy, Hysteria

8. Anti-Fertility:
-significant Anti-Fertility effect has been demonstrated

9. Clears Heat, Stops Cough:
-Regarded as effective for Cough and Asthma. (Unani, Tibetan)

10. Externally:
-Diseases of the Teeth and Gums-sponginess of the gums, dental caries and other teeth and gum diseases. It is said to be a specific for Caries and diseased Teeth, when used topically. (Ayurveda, TCM, West, Unani)
-applied to non-healing Sores (TCM)
-fine powder is applied to Scabies, wet Eczema, Boils, Eruptions and Acne with pus (West, TCM)
-applied to Bleeding Wounds to stop bleeding and promote healing.
-applied topically to old, indolent, scrofulous and scorbutic Ulcers.


Powder: 500mg–3 grams, best taken with Honey, Milk or Ghee (Ayurveda)


As with other gums, it is softened or dissolved by boiling in water, then strained and decocted until as thick as syrup, then dried.
1. Prepared Lacca:
  In Chinese sources, the Lacca is recommended to be dried, broken to cleanse admixture of sticks and insects, then powdered finely.
2. Purified Lacca: (Unani)
  The raw Lacca can be heated by a lamp flame and the melted resin falls into a basin of hot water. The pure Lacca falls to the bottom, while waste products and impurities float. It is then removed, dried and kept for use.
3. Washed Lacca:
  Lacca is cleansed of stick and admixture by hand, then powdered. Next Lemongrass and Rhubarb are decocted (1 part to 16 parts water, by weight), and decocted down to one-quarter and strained. The Lacca powder is ground with this decoction in a mortar for 6 hours, then strained through muslin cloth. The Lacca that doesnt pass through the cloth is ground again and strained. Once all has been strained, the decoction is left to settle in the refrigerator overnight, then the water is carefully poured off, and the Lacca is spread out and dried on trays.
  Long Birthwort sometimes replaces Rhubarb (however, Rhubarb is better, and Birthwort is obsolete).
4. Boiled Lacca:
  To prepare it is boiled in a decoction of herbs until dissolved, then strained, thickened, and pour onto trays to dry. Typical herbs used include i) Rhubarb; ii) Lemongrass and Rhubarb; iii) Birthwort and Lemongrass; iv) decoction of Hartwort and Fenugreek seed. This is best and was how it was formerly prepared in the West.


1. Mastic (best corrective, negating the negative effects on the Stomach and Spleen)
2. Licorice
3. Indian Spikenard corrects adverse effects on the Brain (Unani)


1. Dragons Blood
2. Madder
3. Tabasheer (Unani)
4. “Lac is similar in properties to Yellow Amber in many respects” (Avicenna)
5. Seeds of Chenopodium aristatum are reportedly used by Tibetans in Russia (Buryat).

Main Combinations:

Lacca & Madder
Lacca is regularly combined with Madder, often also with Rhubarb. Together, they clear Heat and Toxin from the Blood, clear Blood stasis and Resolve Masses and have a general cleansing and regulating effect on the Blood. Also combined for Stones and various other Obstructions including Tumors.

Blood Stagnation, Bleeding:
1. Bruising, Blood stagnation:
i. Lacca, Myrrh, Armenian (Red) Earth) (as in Powder for Bruising Lesser of Renodeus)
ii. Lacca with Red Earth, Sealed Earth, Rhubarb and Madder (as in Powder for Congealed Blood in the Chest)
iii. Lacca with Dragon’s Blood, Myrrh and Saffron
iv. Lacca, Myrrh, Frankincense, Rhubarb, Madder, Licorice
v. Lacca, Myrrh, Saffron (2 drams each), Fenugreek (half dram), Red Earth (3 drams), powder and take with wine.
2. Internal Bleeding, Lacca, Amber, Armenian Earth, Dragons Blood, Pomegranate flower (as in Powder of Amber of Unani)
3. Bleeding Gums, Lacca, Frankincense, Alum used as a tooth powder

Liver, Obstruction:
4. To open obstructions, move the Blood, promote Urine and Break stones, Lacca with Rhubarb, Madder, Indian Spikenard, Wormwood, Agrimony and Bitter Almond (as in Powder of Gum Lacca)
5. Obstruction and Hardness of the Liver or Spleen:
i. Lacca, Madder, Agrimony, Indian Spikenard, Mastic, Saffron
ii. Lacca with Rhubarb, Madder, Celery seed, Aniseed, Agrimony (as in Troches of Rhubarb Lesser of Unani)
6. To open the Lungs, Liver, Stomach, Spleen, Womb, Kidneys and Bladder, Lacca with Licorice juice, Wormwood, Barberry, Rhubarb, Costus, Asarabacca, Bitter Almonds, Madder, Annis (as in Troches of Gum Lacca)
7. Hepatitis:
i. Lacca, Madder, Rhubarb, Agrimony, Wormwood, Licorice, Aniseed
ii. Lacca, Rhubarb, Saffron, Rose, Cassia wood, Orris (as in
Electuary of Rose of Unani)
8. Liver Heat with Obstruction, Jaundice, Lacca, Rhubarb, Saffron, Rose, Tabasheer, Camphor (as in Powder for the Liver of Unani)
9. Jaundice:
i. Lacca, Rhubarb, Saffron
ii. Lacca, Artemisia Yin Chen Hao, Corn Silk, Paeonia Bai Shao, Imperatae Bai Mao Gen, Licorice

Urinary, Stones
10. Strangury, Dysuria, Lacca with Cassia wood, Celery seed, Aniseed (as in Medicament Strong to Promote Urine)
11. Stones:
i. Lacca, Shilajit
ii. Lacca, Madder, Peach kernel
iii. Lacca, Jew’s Stone, Celery seed
12. Ascites, Lacca, Rhubarb, Turbith, Wormwood, Celery seed, Spurge prepared (as in
Powder for Ascites)

13. Chronic Cough, Asthma, Wheezing, Lacca with Hyssop, Agaric, Licorice, Peony, Gum Ammoniac, Orris, Fennel seed, Horehound (as in Decoction of Hyssop of Andrezeos)
14. Chronic Cough with Hemoptysis or Yellow Phlegm, Lacca, Madder, Tabasheer, Inula, Triphala, Rhodiola (as in Eliminator of All Lung Imbalances of Tibetan Medicine)
15. Asthma, Lacca with Horehound, Birthwort (as in Medicament Strong Against Asthma)
16. Cough, especially with Blood-streaked sputum, Lacca, Madder, Symplocos (as in Three Reds Decoction of Tibetan Medicine)
17. Lung Ulcer with Cough:
i. Lacca boiled in Milk. (The Bower Manuscript, Ayurveda)
ii. Tabasheer, Lacca, Galls, Licorice, Raisins, Asparagus racemosa, Long Pepper (equal parts), Sugar (twice the weight of all the rest), mix with Honey and Ghee to form a linctus. (The Bower Manuscript, Ayurveda)

Gynecology, Obstetrics:
18. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding:
i. take Lacca powder with warm milk.
ii. Lacca, Red Earth, Rose, Coral
iii. Lacca, Madder, Cinnamon, Long Pepper, Tinospora, Chebula, Tribulus (as in Women’s Universal Decoction of Tibetan Medicine)
19. Cervical Erosion:
i. Lacca, Madder, Myrrh, Zedoary, Peony root
ii. Lacca, Motherwort, Rose, Dang Gui, Licorice
20. Postpartum Blood Stagnation, take 6 grams of the powder with wine (TCM)
21. Anti-implantation (Contraceptive), Lacca with Saraca indica, Areca catechu (Ayurveda)

Bones and Joints:
22. To strengthen Bones and promote Healing of Fractures:
i. Lacca, Bdellium, Triphala, taken with Milk
ii. Lacca, Shilajit, Triphala, Long Pepper
iii. Lacca, Madder, Comfrey, Licorice

23. Obesity:
i. Lacca with Black Pepper and Fennel seed
ii. Lacca with Ajowan and Caraway
iii. Lacca with Cyperus rotundus, Ginger, Long Pepper
iv. Lacca with Triphala, Cyperus rotundus, Fennel seed, Ginger

Fever, Heat and Toxin
24. Chronic Fever:
i. Lacca, Rhubarb, Agrimony, Wormwood, Licorice, Aniseed
ii. Lacca, Madder, Rose, Camomile, Aniseed, Mastic (as in Expert Electuary for Old Fever)
25. Toxic Sores:
i. in children, Lacca decocted with Tangerine peel (Chen Pi)
ii. Lacca, Madder, Rhubarb
26. Pox, take Lacca with Cicada Slough (Chan Tui) (TCM)
27. Hives, Lacca, Forsythia Jin Yin Hua, Burdock seed (Niu Bang Zi), Pulsatilla Bai TYou Weng, Cicada slough (Chuan Tui), Licorice (TCM)
28. Allergic purpura Lacca, Chrysanthemum Ju Hua, Paeonia Mu Dan Pi, Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang, Dandelion (Pu Gong Ying), Licorice (TCM)
29. Acne which is “slow-rising” or “sunken”, Lacca (300mg), Orange peel (150mg), decoct and drink.
30. Psoriasis, Lacca, Dictamnus Bai Xian Pi, Pulsatilla Bai Tou Weng, Plantain (Che Qian Cao), China root (Tu Fu Ling) (TCM)

Major Formulas:

Electuary of Lacca (Andrezeos)
Troches of Gum Lacca (Trochisci de Lacca) (Mesue)
Troches of Gum Lacca (Trochisci de Lacca) (Unani)
Powder of Gum Lacca Greater (Dialacca Majores) (Mesue)
Powder of Gum Lacca Lesser (Dialacca Minor) (Mesue)
Powder of Amber (Unani)
Powder for Ascites (Isaac)
Powder for Bruising Lesser (Renodeus)
Powder for Congealed Blood in the Chest
‘Powder for Those who Fall from their Horse’
Medicament Strong to Promote Urine
Troches of Amber (Trochisci de Succino) (Mesue)
Troches of Annis (Nicholas)
Troches of Rhubarb Lesser (Unani)
Troches of Rhubarb Greater
Pills of Rhubarb (Greater) (Pil. de Raved Sceni) (Mesue)
Electuary of Frankincense (Zenon)
Electuary of Rose (Unani)
Electuary of Rhubarb (Zenon)
Electuary of Rhubarb (Unani)
Electuary of Aloeswood (Egyptian?)
Expert Electuary for Old Fever (Catilina)
Electuary to Strengthen the Liver (Catilina)
Electuary to Strengthen the Internal Members (Azaricon)

Amomum 11 (Ko la 11) (Tibetan)
Antelope Horn 14 (Rgya ru bcu bzhi) (Tibetan) 
Antidotal 18 (Gnyen po bco brgyad) (Tibetan)
Betel nut 28 (Go yu nyer brgyad) (Tibetan)
Bright Red Decoction (Dmar chen thang) (Tibetan)
Chebula 10 (A Ru 10) (Tibetan)
Chebula 18 for Urinary Incontinence (Gcin snyi a ru 18) (Tibetan)
Eliminator of All Lung Imbalances (Khrugs glo bcu gsum) (Tibetan)
Madder Pill (Tibetan)
Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) (Tibetan)
Possessor of Ruby Color (Pad rag mdog ldan) (Tibetan)
Red Pony (Rta zi dmar po) (Tibetan)
Rhodiola 4 Decoction (Sro lo bzhi thang) (Tibetan)
Rhododendron 18 (Tibetan)
Thlaspi 13 (Bre ga bcu gsum) (Tibetan)
Three Reds Decoction (Tibetan)
Women’s Universal Decoction (Mo nad spyi thang) (Tibetan)

Pills of Lacca and Bdellium (Laksa Guggulu) (Ayurveda)


1. Not used during pregnancy. According to some Chinese sources, it should be used with Caution during pregnancy, but is not contraindicated. However, it should be avoided during Pregnancy.
2. Large doses can irritate the Stomach. Unani authors claim it has an adverse effect on the Spleen.
3. It is also said to have an adverse effect on the Brain. (Unani)
3. “It must be used with caution”. (Avicenna)


1. Assessment of the carcinogenic potential of a proposed food coloring additive, laccaic acid, using short-term assays.
2. Statement on the safety and efficacy of Shellac for all animal species

Main Preparations used:

Purified Gum Lacca

  • Extra Info
  • Research
Luk (Laccifer Lacca) an Important but Less Investigated Unani Drug: Overview
Structural identification and biological activity of six new Shellolic esters from Lac.

Methods of processing of Lac (Laccifer lacca Kerr) described in Unani system of Medicine

–Antimicrobial Efficacy of Methylated Lac Dye, an Anthraquinone Derivative.
Structural identification and biological activity of six new Shellolic esters from Lac

Research on plants for fertility regulation in India.
Study of Antifertility Effect of Luk Maghsool (Laccifer lacca Kerr) in Albino Rat with Reference to its Antiovulatory and Oestrogenic Activity
Luk (Laccifer Lacca) an Important but Less Investigated Unani Drug: Overview

Clinical study on Laksha Guggulu, Snehana, Swedana & Traction in Osteoarthritis (Knee joint)

The effect of Luk magsool (processed Lac) on diet induced hyperlipidemia in albino rats. Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine 6 (2): 155-165.

Antiobesity effects of seedlac and shellac in rats fed with a high-fat diet.

Preventive effects of anthraquinone food pigments on the DNA damage induced by carcinogens in Drosophila.

Lac dye as a potential anti-neoplastic agent.
Evaluation of Antiproliferative Activity of Lac Dye Fractions against MDA-MB-231 and SiHa Cell Lines.
Lac color inhibits development of rat thyroid carcinomas through targeting activation of plasma hyaluronan-binding protein.
Lac water extract inhibits IFN-γ signaling through JAK2-STAT1-IRF1 axis in human melanoma.
Bioactivity-guided isolation of Laccaic Acid-A: A potent anti-cancer agent from Laccifer lacca (Kerr)
In Silico Analysis of Laccifer Lacca as a Potential Therapeutic Agent for Cervical, Breast and Lung Cancers

Vranaropaka effect of Laksha Churna with Madhu on wound after removal of Danta Sharkara.