Lacca & Madder

Lacca moves the Blood and eases Pain. It is used for Amenorrhea, Blood Clots, internal Blood Stagnation with fixed pain, and for Scrofula, Tumors, Rheumatism, Myalgia, Lumbago etc.
Madder moves the Blood, stops Pain, but can also help stop Bleeding; it is used for Uterine Bleeding, Blood in the Stool, Vomit or Sputum. It Promotes Urine, and is also used for Stones of the Gall Bladder, Bladder and Kidneys. Madder is also used for Cough, Bronchitis, and for slow-healing fractures.
It also clears Poison, and is said to be ‘the best Blood purifier’ in classical Ayurvedic texts. Used for various Fevers and Epidemic diseases including Influenza. The Indian Madder is considered Rasayana (Tonic to the 7 Tissues), used for Diabetes, Menopause, Paralysis and Mental disorders.
Together, they open all obstructions of the Lungs, Liver, Stomach, Spleen, Kidneys, Bladder, Bowels and Womb. The combination is especially indicated for obstruction of the Blood, with Heat and Phlegm.
They are also effective for Gravel and Stones of the Bladder, Kidneys and Gall Bladder.
They strongly move the Blood and clear Blood stasis when combined. This was used both to Promote Menstruation, as well as to resolve Nodes, Tumors, Swellings of the Liver and Spleen, and for Cancer. Renodeus (French) and the Royal College of Physicians, London, both added this pair to their modified Troches of Capers to strengthen it to resolve Tumors, and more strongly move the Blood and clear chronic Obstructions.
This is also a very good combination to promote Healing of Fractures.
They are combined for Fever coming from obstruction, for Epidemic Fever, and are also used in formula for Cough and Bronchitis.
Often added to formulas for Blood Diseases and various Chronic Illness in Tibetan Medicine in particular.
These two medicines are often combined in Tibetan Formulas for Kidney disease, Stomach and Intestinal disorders, Pain, Trembling, Paralysis, Weakness, and Female disorders.

Gum Lacca powder, Troches of Lacca, Troches of Capers (version of the London Pharmacopeia)

1. To open obstructions associated with Heat and Phlegm, add Rhubarb, Wormwood and Costus (as in Troches of Gum Lacca)
2. To promote Urine add Celery seed, Wormwood
3. To move the Blood and Promote Menstruation, add Fennel, Zedoary, Cinnamon
4. To Move the Blood and Resolve Tumors or Blood Stagnation, add Agnus Castus, Gum Ammoniac, Calamus, Bitter Almond and Rue (as in the London version of Troches of Capers)
5. Fractures, add Comfrey root