L. Medicines that Stop Bleeding

Hemostatics, Styptic

These are medicines which stop bleeding. In general, Bleeding may be either of a Heat type or Cold type.

Types of Bleeding:
1. Heat-type Bleeding: in this case the Blood is bright red, fresh and flows freely. It is seen in either i. Febrile Disease (ie. Hemorrhagic Fever); ii. Infectious Diseases (ie. Bloody Dysentery); iii. certain Menstrual Diseases. The person will usually have heat symptoms unless the condition is chronic which progresses to a case of Blood deficiency which usually comes with other deficiency (Qi, Yin etc.)
2. Cold-type Bleeding: Cold or Passive Bleeding has pale or watery looking blood, is not so active, and is usually seen in deficient cases. Chronic Menstrual Bleeding that is light colored and watery, little in quantity, and maybe with blood-streaked Leukorrhea is typical.
3. Bleeding from Trauma: Trauma can cause Bleeding which may be either External or Internal. Medicines to stop bleeding are usually combined with Vulnerary herbs in this case. It is also important to treat the underlying nature. If the person presents with Heat symptoms, use more cooling herbs, whereas Warm hemostatics should be used in one who is cold by nature.

Types of Hemostatics
1. Carbonised Roots–several roots are used in their carbonised forms, both in TCM and Traditional European Medicine. Carbonised roots of Madder, Rhubarb, Burnet and Ginger are examples.
2. Iron Containing Medicines–several Iron-containing medicines have long been used to stop bleeding. They have the advantage of also supplying iron to nourish the lost blood. Red Earth, Hematite and Red Coral are examples.
3. Blood Regulating Medicines–some medicines move the Blood when obstructed, but can also stop bleeding, thus being true regulators. Dragon’s Blood, Madder, Yarrow and St. John’s Wort are examples.
4. Astringents–a number of astringent medicines also have a secondary hemostatic effect.

                         Cirsium Da Ji
                         Burnet Di Yu (torrefied)
                         Notoginseng San Qi
                         Sophora Flos Huai Mi
                         Lotus root Ou Jie
                         Madder Qian Cao
                         Mugwort Ai Ye
                         Burnt Hair Xue Yu Tan

                         Pomegranate flower
                         Plantain seed
                         Ginger (torrefied)
                         Red Sandalwood
                         Gum Arabic (toasted)

                         Red Earth
                         Sponge ash
                         Burnt Deer horn
                         Spider Web

Cirsium Xiao Ji
Agrimony Xian He Cao
Imperata Bai Mao Gen
Platycladus Ce Bai Ye
Bletilla Bai Ji
Typha Pu Huang
Ophicalcite Hua Rui Shi
Burnt Yellow Earth Zao Xin Tu

Rhubarb (torrefied)
Pomegranate bark
Henbane seed
Purslane seed
Shepherd’s Purse
Chebulic Myrobalan (torrefied)
Dragons Blood

Red Coral (burnt)
Earth of Lemnos
Iron rust
Cuttlefish bone
Egg White

Other medicines used to stop bleeding include:
1. Astringents: Catechu, Galls, Poppy capsule, Pomegranate rind and flower
2. Blood Medicines: Saffron
3. Mineral: Mica Bhasma, Pearl
4. Other: Plantains seed, Basil seed, Mastic

Callicarpa Zi Zhu, Trachycarpus Zong Lu Pi,

Chinese Classification
A. Clear the Exterior
B. Clear Heat
C. Clear Damp and Promote Urine
D. Clear Wind and Damp
E. Laxatives, Purgative and Cathartics
F. Emetics
G. Sedate the Heart, Mind and Spirit
H. Nourish the Heart

I. Settle Internal Wind
J. Regulate the Qi

K. Medicines which Move the Blood
L. Medicines which Stop Bleeding
M. Medicines to Warm to Expel Cold
N. Tonics
O. Medicines which Promote Digestion
P. Clear Phlegm
Q. Medicines for Cough and Wheezing
R. Astringents
S. Medicines for Worms & Parasites
T. External Medicines