Juncus, Rush, Deng Xin Cao 灯心草
Common or Soft Rush, Green Bull RushDeng Xin Cao (TCM)
Juncus effusus
Sturm, J., Krause, E.H.L., Lutz, K.G., Flora von Deutschland
in Abbildungen nach der Natur, Zweite auflage (1900-1907)
Juncus effusus
(Photo by Christian Fischer) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Juncus effusus (TCM, West)
The Rushes were used in the Western tradition too. Salmon (Botanologia) listed over 30 kinds. He said all have similar vertues, but the Bull Rush (Typha spp.) is strongest and so was most used. Culeper said any of the “Soft” or “Smooth” Rushes could be used.
Parts used:
Pith is used in TCM, and is strongest.
The whole herb, Root or Seed can be used similarly, and wree used in the West. The whole herb is likewise listed for use in the Barefoot Doctors Manual.
Dioscorides, Galen and Pliny used the Seed.
Temperature & Taste:
Slightly Cool, dry. Sweet
C. Clears Damp, Promote Urine
1. Clears Heat, Promotes Urine: (TCM, West)
-hot, painful, dribbling urine
-dark, scanty urine
-Edema from Heat, including that from Nephritis
2. Drains Heart Fire, Calms the Nerves: (TCM, West)
-Sleep disorders in children with irritability, especially with high-colored or scanty urine
-Convulsions and Fright in infants
-Restlessness or Insomnia in adults
-‘It induces Sleep’ (Root decoction, Salmon)
3. Clears Lung Heat: (TCM, West)
-Cough and Sore Throat caused by Lung heat.
-‘gives ease in the most vehement Coughs’ (Root decoction or Seed Powder, Salmon)
-the charred herb is most used and can be applied directly to the tonsils or taken internally (TCM)
4. Cools the Blood, Stops Bleeding: (TCM, West)
-Excessive Menstruation (Root decoction or Seed Powder, West)
-the charred herb is used for Heat-type Bleeding in TCM.
-the roasted seed was also used for Diarrhea in the West.
1. The Pith is stronger but the whole plant has similar effects.
Pith in Decoction: 1 ½–4 grams
Whole Plant in Decoction: 15–30 grams (Barefoot Doctors Manual); fresh plant 30–60 grams
Powder of the Seed: 1–2 grams
Juncus Deng Xin Cao is said to drain Heart Fire through the Small Intestine, so helps calm the Mind and Spirit (The Heart and Small Intestines are coupled Organs in the 5 Element System of TCM). However, a Hypnotic effect was also noted by Western authors.
1. Charred Juncus Deng Xin Cao:
The herb is stir-fried in a dry wok until charred, then removed. This is useful for Lung Heat cough, to Cool the Blood, and to stop Bleeding from Heat.
2. Charred Rush Seed:
Pliny recommended it to stop excess Menstruation.
To promote Urine, Horsetail can be used.
Main Combinations:
1. Painful Urination:
i. from Heat, Juncus Deng Xin Cao with Plantain (Che Qian Cao)
ii. with irritability, Juncus Deng Xin Cao with Talcum (Hua Shi)
2. General Edema, Juncus Deng Xin Cao (large dose) with Corn Silk
2. Nephritis with Edema:
i. Juncus Deng Xin Cao with Plantain (Che Qian Cao) and Imperata Bai Mao Gen
ii. Chronic Nephritiis, Juncus Deng Xin Cao (60 grams of the fresh plant) is decocted with Tofu (300 grams). The decoction is taken once daily for 30 days, followed by a one week break in treatment, followed by another course if required. This was used for 30 cases of Chronic Nephritis. There was complete recovery in 16 cases, significant improvement in 8 cases, slight improvement in 2 cases and no response in 4 cases. (Chen & Chen)
3. Irritability and Insomnia from Heart Fire, Juncus Deng Xin Cao with Zizyphus Semen Suan Zao Ren, Poria Fu Ling
4. To drain Heart Fire, Juncus Deng Xin Cao with Akebia Mu Tong
Major Formulas:
Ba Zheng San
Generally safe.
1. Caution in weakness. As ikt is draining it is not suitable in extreme weakness.
2. Avoid use in cold and weak digestion
3. Not used in Urinary incontinence
4. Salmon said the Seeds are Hypnotic and should not be overdosed.