Juices & Quiddonies
Juices are often used in Traditional Medicine, especially the Western Tradition.
In some cases, juices were kept to be used as needed, but usually juices were used in certain preparations, especially Syrups, Electuaries, and in the formation of Pills.
Juices require clarification or purification (‘depuration’) as fresh juices will go off quickly. They are generally boiled or heated to remove scum and to separate from the feces (sediment). In some cases, they were recommended to sit in the sun until they had ‘clarified’ (that is, the froth and sediment separating, allowing the clear liquid to be collected and kept).
A Quiddonie is a preparation of the clarified juice prepared with Sugar into a kind of Syrup, this primarily being a being way of keeping a juice.
Prepared Dandelion Juice
(Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea, Thomas Fuller, London, 1710)
‘Take Dandelion, as much as you think fit, pound it to a Mash, put it into a glazed Pipkin with a Cover, stop it up with Paste, set it in an Oven after the Bread is drawn; let it stand in six hours, then putting it into an Hair Sieve, let the clear Liquor drain out. Thus may Juices be extracted from any other juicy Herbs.’
‘Those who have a cold, weak Stomach, apt to Crudities and Belchings, had need abstain from all manner of raw Juices; and therefore the most convenient way of preparing them for such Persons, is thus to bake them in an Oven’.
Dose: 3–6 oz.
After the same manner may be prepared juices of similar herbs like Chicory, Endive, Lettuce, Purslane, Plantain, Borage, etc.
Juices are often used in Traditional Medicine, especially the Western Tradition.
In some cases, juices were kept to be used as needed, but usually juices were used in certain preparations, especially Syrups, Electuaries, and in the formation of Pills.
Juices require clarification or purification (‘depuration’) as fresh juices will go off quickly. They are generally boiled or heated to remove scum and to separate from the feces (sediment). In some cases, they were recommended to sit in the sun until they had ‘clarified’ (that is, the froth and sediment separating, allowing the clear liquid to be collected and kept).
A Quiddonie is a preparation of the clarified juice prepared with Sugar into a kind of Syrup, this primarily being a being way of keeping a juice.
Prepared Dandelion Juice
(Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea, Thomas Fuller, London, 1710)
‘Take Dandelion, as much as you think fit, pound it to a Mash, put it into a glazed Pipkin with a Cover, stop it up with Paste, set it in an Oven after the Bread is drawn; let it stand in six hours, then putting it into an Hair Sieve, let the clear Liquor drain out. Thus may Juices be extracted from any other juicy Herbs.’
‘Those who have a cold, weak Stomach, apt to Crudities and Belchings, had need abstain from all manner of raw Juices; and therefore the most convenient way of preparing them for such Persons, is thus to bake them in an Oven’.
Dose: 3–6 oz.
After the same manner may be prepared juices of similar herbs like Chicory, Endive, Lettuce, Purslane, Plantain, Borage, etc.
Quiddonie of Agrimony (Pharmacopoeia Bateana, 1694) Juice of Agrimony, depurated 8 lbs. White Sugar 1 lb. Mix them to dissolve the Sugar. Very good for the Liver; it opens obstructions of that Organ, as well as the Spleen. It strengthens these organs, and is therefore good for all sorts of Fluxes of the Bowels. It is good for those with Consumption, and those who spit blood, or have Blood in the Urine. It is also used for Urinary disorders, as well as internal bruising. It is also good for Rickets in children ‘causing them to out-grow their weak habit of body’. Dose: 1–3 oz., taken 3 times daily for weeks for Rickets or Consumption. After the same manner may be made Quidonnies of various other Herbs. Quidonnie of Betony A good Cephalic and Neurotic; very good for Headaches, Migraine, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Palsy, Lethargy, Convulsions and other like diseases coming from Coldness and moisture. It is also good for Gout and Dropsy. Taken 3 times a day for Coughs, Colds and Catarrhs, as well as Asthma, Hoarseness, Wheezing, Phthisis and similar Lung and Breast diseases. It dries up excess moisture falling into the Eyes, and is used to open obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, and is also good for Stitches, griping of the Bowels. It promotes Menstruation and causes a speedy and easy Delivery. Admirable against Spitting of Blood, and blood in the Urine. Dose: 6 drams–1 ½ oz. Quidonnie of Coltsfoot Salmon said this is cool and dry; very good for ‘fluxes of Rheum to any part, and is one of the most admirable pectorals known, prevailing against Coughs, Colds, Wheezing, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, and heals a Phthisis or Ulcers in the Lungs’. It is taken to quench thirst, and stops fluxes; a cloth dipped in and applied to piles is said to ease and cure them. Dose: 1–2 oz. |
Quidonnie of Ground Ivy Good for Coughs, as well as other diseases of the Breast and Lungs, including Lung Ulcers. It opens obstructions of the Liver, Spleen, and Gall, and is good for Jaundice; also promotes Urine. It is dropped into the eyes for Pin and Web, Films, watering and redness of the eyes, as well as dimness of Sight. Mixed with Honey and Vinegar, it is good for Mouth and Throat Ulcers as well as Ulcers of the genitals. It is also a good Vulnerary and Traumatic. Dose: 3 oz. Quiddonie of Purslane It is cooling and moistening, and very good to cool hot Stomachs; also to cool the heat of Agues. It cools and cleanses the Liver, Spleen, Reines, Womb and Blood. It stops heat type fluxes, as well as excessive menstrual or irregular Uterine bleeding coming from heat. It is good to cool the heat of the Urine. Also eases pain coming from Heat, induces Rest and Sleep, and calms the mind in Frenzy. It cools the Heat of Lust; ‘the too great use thereof is said to extinguish the Natural Seed’. Dose: 1–2 oz. Quidonnie of Self Heal An excellent Vulnerary; good for all wounds whether internal or external. Given for internal bruising, and ‘vessels broken within’. It was also used to help with Ulcers and Fistulas. Applied, it is good to heal the sore or chapped Nipples of nurses. Dose: 1–3 oz., or applied externally. |