Iron oxide, Ferrum oxidum
Crocus, Crocus Martis, Crocus Martis adstringens, Rubigo, Ferrugo, Venetian Red, Red VitriolHortus sanitatis, 1491
Iron oxide
Photo by Benjah-bmm27 (Wikimedia)
Minerological name:
The primary Ores of Iron, with percentage of Iron are:
Native Iron (100%) Magnetite (72%)
Hematite (70%) Goethite (63%)
Pyrrhotite (60%) Siderite (48%)
Pyrite (46%) Marcasite (46%)
Ilmenite (36%)
Parts used:
Metallic Iron is not used without preparation.
The most common preparation is Iron Oxide, the rust of Iron which is dealt with here.
Iron oxide can be recognised in 3 main forms:
1. Crocus Marts: Rubigo, Ferrugo, Venetian Red, Red Vitriol; Red Ferric Oxide
2. Ethiops Martial: black oxide of Iron; mixture of protoxide and sesquioxide of Iron
3. Iron Bhasma: reduced iron as used in Ayurveda, Tibetan and Unani medicine.
See also the prepared Iron of Tibetan Medicine.
Temperature & Taste:
Iron: Cold, dry. Sour, Bitter, astringent
Iron Oxide: Warm, dry
1. Tonifies Liver and Blood
-Blood deficiency with pale face, faintness, headache and dizziness, weak pulse
-Spitting Blood
2. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-Amenorrhea, Chlorosis
3. Settles Wind:
-Dizziness, Vertigo, Tinnitus
-Anger, Mania, Fright, Epilepsy (Iron Rinse Water)
*related Iron minerals including Hematite and Magnetite are used for Internal Wind, Dizziness, Vertigo, Tinnitus
4. Opens Obstructions:
-Obstruction or Hardness of the Spleen; Melancholy
Prepared Powder: 125–250mg, best taken with Triphala
Iron Rinse Water: 10–30 grams added to decoction
1. Honey, Oil, Milk (Unani)
2. Triphala corrects the constipating effect of Iron rust and Iron salts. (Ayurveda)
(Ayurveda)Iron rust is made red hot over a flame and immersed in Cow’s Urine 7 times. Then it is beaten to pieces, and powdered in a mortar.
Main Combinations:
1. Atonic Hemorrhage:
i. Iron oxide with Yarrow
ii. Iron oxide with Red Earth, Red Coral
2. To open obstructions:
i. Iron oxide with Myrrh, Aloes
ii. Iron oxide with Wormwood and Rhubarb
3. To promote Menstruation:
i. Iron oxide with Saffron and Myrrh
ii. Iron oxide with Myrrh and Aloe
iii. Iron oxide with Cinnamon, Pennyroyal
iv. Iron oxide with Amber, Rhubarb, Juniper, Rosehip, Elecampane, Wormwood
4. As a Blood tonic:
i. Iron oxide with Triphala and Long Pepper (Ayurveda)
ii. Iron oxide with Cinchona
iii. Iron Bhasma with Trikatu (Three Pungents) (Tibetan Medicine, via Ayurveda)
iv. Iron oxide with Tragacanth, Potassium carbonate
v. Iron oxide with Dang Gui and Peony root
vi. Iron Bhasma with Triphala, Long Pepper, Ginger, Cyperus rotundus, mixed with Honey and Ghee (Ayurveda)
vii. Iron Bhasma with Triphala, Long Pepper, Ginger, Withania, Mica Bhasma (Abhrak), mixed with Honey and Ghee (Ayurveda)
5. Consumption, Wasting, Iron Bhasma with Triphala, Trikatu (Three Pungents), Asparagus root, Adhatoda vasica (Ayurveda)
6. Chronic Eye disorders:
i. including progressive Myopia, Iron Bhasma with Triphala, Licorice (equal parts) (Ayurveda)
ii. Iron oxide with Barberry, Chebula
7. Edema, Urinary diseases, Iron Bhasma with Triphala, Ginger, Pomegranate fruit, Cardamon, Cinnamon (Tibetan Medicine)
8. Pain and Hardness of the Spleen, Iron (prepared with vinegar), Indian Spikenard, Ginger, Frankincense, Myrobalans (Indian, Belleric, Emblic) (as in Electuarium Scorria Ferri of Rhasis)
Major Formulas
Electuary of Five Drugs (Majun Fanjnosh) (Unani)
Caraway 8 (Go snyod brgyad pa)
1. Iron is heavy and hard to digest. Use cautiously in those with a cold and weak stomach.
Main Preparations used:
Iron Rinse Water, Iron Rust, Rust of Steel, Tincture of Iron, Crocus Martis
1. Iron Rinse Water:
i. traditionally water collected from a black smith, used for quenching hot iron
ii. rusty nails, rusty wire or other well-rusted Iron (1 handful), Boiling Water (1 pound). Steep 12 hours, then pour off the water. (Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1824)
2. Iron Rust:
i. Purified Iron filings; moisten with water regularly until it falls to rust. Powder.
ii. some used May Dew (dew collected in May) to perform the operation.
iii. some sprinkled Iron with vinegar to facilitate rust formation
3. Rust of Steel:
‘Expose filings of Steel to the air, and moisten them sometimes with water or Vinegar, till they are turned into Rust; then rub them in a mortar, and by pouring on water wash off the finest powder; the residue, which by moderate rubbing, was not brought to a powder fine enough to be washed off, is again to be exposed moist to the air, and when farther rusted, is to be treated as before’.
4. Tincture of Iron:
i. ‘Take filed Iron 0.5 lb. heat it red hot, and quench it often in 4 lbs. of Sack (Wine), so the Vitriolated Essence of Steel is communicated to the Sack’. Dose: 0.5-2 oz in broth or other suitable vehicle. (Hartman)
ii. Iron Filings 2 oz.
Cream of Tartar 6 oz.
Boil them in an iron pot with enough water to cover them. Boil for 4 days. After, add sugar to keep it from turning too sour, or when most of the Water has boiled away, add a little Brandy. This will keep. ‘A better Balsam than can be made of herbs’. It cures old sores (ie. those without pus or suppuration), and it may be used both internally and externally. (A Tincture of Copper is made the same way, and is used for the same purposes, but is not used internally).
iii. ‘Take filings of Steel, sprinkle it with Spirit of Vinegar often and dry it, then extract it with Spirit of Wine Tartarised’. (Schroder)
Salmon said ‘It is only a Tincture drawn from filings of Iron, or powder of its Ore with the alcalised Spirit of Iron: then filter and abstract’. Used as ‘A great deobstructive and opener’; it Opens the Liver and Spleen, promotes Urine and the menses, is good for Dropsy, Yellow Jaundice, Green Sickness, and the Rickets in children. Dose: 4-8 grains.
5. Crocus Martis:
i. ‘Put filings of Iron into strong Vinegar, let it be clear red Vinegar, set it in the Sun 2 or 3 days, then pour off the Vinegar gently, and keep it, and pour on more Vinegar on the filings in the Sun, and do so until all the filings be dissolved, or is brought into very fine powder, and again dry all the Vinegar up in the Sun’. (The Secrets of Art and Nature)
ii. ‘Form very thin plates of Steel, beat them red hot, and then extinguish them in Vinegar made from wine. Keep on doing this until you see the Vinegar has become very red. When you have enough of this Red Vinegar, pour it all out, and distill therefrom the moisture of the Vinegar. Coagulate the residuum into a dry powder. This is the most excellent Crocus of Mars. There is, however, another way of making the Crocus of Mars which partly surpasses the former, and is carried out with much less expense and labour thus: Stratify very thin plates of Steel with equal quantities of Sulphur and Tartar. Afterwards reverberate. This produces the most beautiful Crocus, which should be taken from the plates’. (Paracelsus)
iii. Another way from Paracelsus:
‘Take Aqua Fortis, not too strong. Place it on filings of Mars; let it stand for some days. Then heat it over a coal fire and it is made red’.
iv. ‘The finest filings of Steel are first washed in Spring water from all foulness, and then dried; afterwards they are steeped in the strongest Vinegar 3 or 4 days, then they are dried and put into Earthen dishes, and it is burnt in the furnace with most vehement flame, until it grow as fine as powder of Saffron, in the mean while you must take forth the dish, and sweep off the finest with a feather, and then set the dish into the furnace again.’ (The Secrets of Art and Nature)
6. Magistery of Mars. (Salmon)
‘Dissolve filings of Steel in purified juice of Lemons, digest for a month, then filter into a glass Vessel, and in a sand heat inspissate to the consistence of a Liquid Extract. The remainder of the Chalybs which will not go through the paper, dry, and reduce into a subtle powder for the same use, or for Steeled Wine’.
Both the Liquid Extract, and the powder have a wonderful force in opening all obstructions, and dissolving all Tartarous and coagulated matter, and strengthening all the internal Viscera: They are an excellent cure for Melancholy, the Black Jaundice, Green Sickness, Quartan, Cachexia, Dropsy, and all diseases of the Womb occasioned through obstruction’.
Dose: 0.5–1 dram of the Extract; 1-2 scruples of the Powder.