The Art of Physick
Section B. Of the 6 Non-Naturals
Doctor: Having made an Explanation of Natural Things, we are now to proceed to things Not Natural. What are Things Not Natural?Candidate: Such as preserve the Natural Constitution of Man.
D. Why are they so called?
C. Because they are not of the Nature of Man, nor against his Nature.
D. How many things Not Natural are there?
C. Six in Number: The ambient Air, Meat and Drink, Sleep and Walking, Motion and Rest, Expulsion and Retention, and the Passions o the Mind; in the true Use of which consists the Method of Preserving Health.
D. Are they all necessary to the Preservation of Man’s Body?
C. So necessary, that without the use of every one, Human Life cannot subsist. For in regard there is a continual wast of our threefold substance by the Innate Heat, there is a necessity of restoring the Spirituous Air, of the solid by Meat, and of the humid by Drink. Sleep is also necessary for the Concoction of Nutriment, and to reinforce the wasted Spirits. It is necessary we should wake, that the functions of the Soul may have liberty to Act. Exercise is necessary to excite the Natural Heat. Alternate Rest is requisite to relieve the Members wearied by Labor: And in regard that Nature is not able to convert all the Nourishment we receive into the substance of the Body, it is but necessary that the Excrements should be expelled. And the Passions of the Mind cannot be avoided in regard of the Objects, Good and Evil.
D. Wherein consists the Method of preserving Health?
C. In the convenient Quality, Quantity, Manner and Time of using the several things Not Natural.
1. Introduction (here)
2. Ambient Air
3. Food and Drink
4. Sleep and Waking
5. Exercise
6. Rest
7. Excrements
8. Emotions (Passions of the Mind)
Next: Of Air
The Art Of Physick
Section A.
Introduction to the 7 Naturals
1. Elements
2. Temperaments
3. Parts
4. Humors
5. Spirits
6. Faculties
7. Actions
Section B.
(Preservation of Health)
Introduction to the 6 Not-Naturals
1. Ambient Air
2. Food and Drink
3. Sleep and Waking
4a. Exercise &
4b. Rest
5. Excrements
6. Emotions (Passions of the Mind)
Section C.
1. Diseases
2. Causes
3a. Symptoms &
3b. Signs