Hygrophila, Kokilaksha

Long-leaved Barberia
Kokliaksha (Ayurveda)
Neermulli (Siddha)
Talamakhana (Unani)
Afqeet (Arabic)
Picture Hygrophila schulli
H.A. van Rheede tot Drakestein, Hortus Indicus Malabaricus, vol. 2 (1679)

Picture Hygrophila auriculata
(Photo by
Rison Thumboor) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Hygrophila auriculata (syn. H. schulli, H. spinosa, Asteracantha longifolia, Barleria longifolia)
Blue and White-flowered varieties were traditionally known. Only the blue-flowered variety is used.

Parts used:

Seed, ash, Root

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, moist


1. Nourishes Yin, Astringes Essence, Strengthens the Kidneys:
-Increases Semen viscosity: Premature Ejaculation
-Aphrodisiac; Impotence (Seed, leaf, root: Charaka)
-Edema, Urinary retention (Root; ash)
-beneficial in Diabetes
-Threatened Miscarriage

2. Clears Wind-Damp:
-Urinary Stones (leaf and root decoction; can be used as a solo herb)
-Gout, Arthritis; Rheumatism (root)

3. Settles Wind, Calms the Mind:
-promotes sleep (seed decoction)
-stops spasms

4. Clears Damp-Heat, Opens Obstructions:
-Urinary Tract infections, Retention of Urine, Dysuria, Burning Urine
-bilious diarrhea
-Jaundice, hepatitis, Liver obstruction
-anti-hepatotoxic, hepatoprotective


1. Taken with Milk as a tonic, to promote semen, and as an aphrodisiac.
Powder of the Seed: 5–15 grams
Powder of the Whole Plant: 3–6 grams
Root in Decoction: 3–6 grams
Seed Ash: 1–3 grams


1. Orchis (Salep)
2. Asparagus root
3. Cheiranthus


1. Milk
2. Sugar; Honey

Main Combinations:

1. Edema and Kidney weakness, Hygrophila with Tribulus
2. Dysuria with Burning Urine, Hygrophila with Tribulus, Emblic Myrobalan, Black Nightshade leaf, Cucumber seed, Fennel seed (Siddha)
3. Debility, Impotence, Aphrodisiac:
i. Hygrophila with Mucuna, with sugar and milk (Sushruta)
ii. Hygrophila, Tribulus, Asparagus root
iii. Hygrophila, Withania, Argyreia
iii. Hygrophila, Tribulus, Mucuna, Chlorophytum, Curculigo
iv. Hygrophila, Salmalia root, Emblic Myrobalan, Chlorophytum, Tinospora, Mucuna
v. Hygrophila, Asparagus, Mucuna, Withania, Sida, Abutilon, Almonds, Pistachios, Pine nuts, Raisins
vi. Hygrophila, Withania, Blepharis edulis, Mucuna, Argyreia, Tribulus, Sida, Abutilon
vii. Hygrophila, Orchis, Pistachio, Almond, Walnut, Chlorophytum, Tribulus, Withania, Asparagus, Mastic, Saffron, Nutmeg (as in Salam Pak)
4. Spermatorrhea, Hygrophila seed with Celosia seed (equal parts, dose 10 grams)
5. Premature Ejaculation, Hygrophila, Withania, Argyreia, Licorice (equal parts), taken with Honey and Milk.

Major Formulas:

Shatavari Churna
Majun-e-Bandkushad (Unani)


Generally safe. It has low toxicity.
Heavy and cloying in nature. It causes colic and flatulence in some people.

Main Preparations used: