Hydnocarpus, Chaulmoogra, Da Feng Zi 大风子

Tuvaraka, Katu-kapittha, Chaulmoogra (Ayurveda)
Maravattai (Siddha)
Da Feng Zi (TCM)
Picture Picture
Picture Hydnocarpus heterophylla
Blume, Rumphia, 1848

Picture Chaulmoogra Seed (Adam, 2017)
Picture Chaulmoogra Oil as traditionally available in India
(Adam, 2019)

Botanical name:

Hydnocarpus spp:
  1. H. laurifolia (syn. H. wightiana) (Primary source)
  2. H. anthelmintica
  3. H. kurzii (syn. H. heterophylla)
  4. H. hainanensis

Parts used:

Seeds; Oil

Temperature & Taste:

Hot, dry. Pungent. Very Toxic


T. External Medicines


1. Clears Heat and Poison:
-Leprosy; Syphilis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Malignant skin diseases
-used as an injection for Leprosy

2. Externally:
-primarily used topically for Leprosy; Syphilis, Scabies and severe Itching
-as a wash for Leukorrhea and foul vaginal smell (Charaka)


Primarily used topically, rarely used internally.
Prepared Seed Powder: 300mg–1 gram
Oil: 5–10 drops


Milk, Butter


The seed can be dry-fried until scorched or calcined for internal use.

Main Combinations:

1. Leprosy:
i. Chaulmoogra with Neem oil topically.
ii. Chaulmoogra with oil of Psoralea topically
iii. Chaulmoogra with China root (Tu Fu Ling)
iv. Chaulmoogra with Semecarpus, Psoralea, Plumbago and Shilajit (Ayurveda, Ashtanga Hridaya)
v. Chaulmoogra with Sophora Ku Shen, Saposhnikovia Fang Feng, Scorpion (Quan Xie)
v. Ulcers from Leprosy, Chaulmoogra with Calomel (Qing Fen)
2. Scabies: Chaulmoogra with Sulphur (Liu Huang), Camphor (Zhang Nao), Kochia Di Fu Zi topically
3. Severe Itching, Chaulmoogra with Sulphur (Liu Huang), Alum (Bai Fan), Realgar Xiong Huang, topically as a powder.
4. Oozing Ulcers and Syphilitic Sores, Chaulmoogra with Calomel (Qing Fen)


1. Only used externally. The only reason for internal use is Leprosy.
2. Seed oil is extremely irritating. Poisoning may cause Coughing, dyspnoea, kidney damage and paralysis.
3. Avoid in Pregnancy, the very young and old.
4. If taken internally it is used for no more than 2 weeks without a break, and dosage must be carefully monitored.


Extremely toxic. Toxic doses can cause hemolytic anemia, nephritis, and liver damage.

The following has been given for overdose (Chen & Chen):
  Mung Bean (Lu Dou)              60 grams
  Adzuki bean (Chi Xiao Dou)
  Black Soy (Hei Dou)
  Imperata Bai Mao Gen
  Plantain seed (Che Qian Zi)  30 grams ea.
  Licorice                                      9 grams

Main Preparations used:

Chaulmoogra Oil

Further Reading:
The chaulmoogra tree and some related species, Rock, Fairchild, and Powder, 1922