Humoral Medicine

Before you go further, read our:
Introduction to Humoral Medicine

Humoral Medicine is a Traditional Medical Philosophy based on the concept of Humors (or Bodily Fluids) that determine both individual physical and psychological characteristics as well as being responsible for disease. They are Physiological, but can be Pathological.

It is the Medical Philosophy used in the West and is typically referred to as Galenic Medicine, but as noted elsewhere on this website, it was in existence before Galen, and was further developed by later writers
including Avicenna. Humoral Medicine also forms the basis of Unani Medicine, whose philosophical background is based on the writings of the Ancient Greeks.

The 4 Humors are Bile, Phlegm, Blood and Melancholy. Each is associated with both an Element, and Organ, and a Temperament or Constitution.

It must be pointed out that Ayurveda and Tibetan Medicine are effectively Humoral Medicine systems, whereas TCM is more of an Organ-based system. However, as each Humor is associated with an Organ, there are still strong similarities and common grounds between the Humoral systems and TCM. For example, Liver Heat of TCM is very close to a Bile disorder in Humoral Medicine, and Phlegm and Damp of TCM is synonymous with Phlegm Humor of the Humoral systems.

One of the important concepts of the Humoral system of the West is that excess Humors must be purged, and to effectively achieve this, the Humors must be prepared before being purged. Medicines that are associated with a Humor are often preparers whereas purging medicines that are associated with a particular will purge that Humor.

Preparers and Purgers of the Humors

Central to Humoral Philosophy is the concept that excess Humors must be purged from the Body. However, before Purging, preparatives are required to separate and prepare the Humor for expulsion. Likewise, following expulsion, Strengthening medicines are used to prevent recurrence.

Purging the Humours
Preparers and Purgers of Bile
Preparers and Purgers of Phlegm
Preparers and Purges of Melancholy
Purging Mixed Humors

See also:

Introduction to Humoral Medicine
Diet Guidelines for Humoral Treatment