Humoral Manifestations of Common Diseases

The following list indicates the typical Humoral manifestations of certain diseases. In this case we have focused on Bile, Phlegm and Wind, as only certain diseases are due to Blood. Melancholy diseases tend to be of their own type (Cancer, Leprosy) but have a similar manifestation to Wind, both being Cold and Dry.

This is not intended for diagnose, but rather to demonstrate a type Humoral differential diagnosis.

Note the following typical manifestations of the Humors:
  • Bile: Red, Hot, Inflamed, Allergic, Irritability, Short-tempered
  • Phlegm: Pale, Cool, Puffy, Phlegmatic, Fluid accumulation, Congested, Dull
  • Wind: Dark, Dull, Changeable, Erratic, Movable, Hard, Dry, Itchy, Spasmodic, Nervous
