Human Urine

Tong Bian (Boy’s Urine, TCM)

Zoological name:
Homo sapiens

Parts used:

1. Adult Urine
2. Boy’s Urine (best, used in East and West)

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, moist. Salty


dissolving, cleansing, discussing, resists Putrefaction


1. Moves the Blood (TCM, West)
-pain from blood stagnation; internal or external trauma
-‘The common people do advise, that in this disease one is to drink his own urine, whereby the clotted Blood should be expelled’ (Wirtzung)
-cleanses the Uterus; Postpartum Blood Stagnation
-various obstructions
-chronic Headaches.
-’And if a Women drinks her Husbands Urine, she has easy Travel [Labor]’ (Schroder)

2. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Edema; given in Enemas for Edema
-Jaundice, Diarrhea
-Two or 3 glasses taking in the morning were taken for Arthritis

3. Externally:
-Itching, Eczema, Prurigo
human urine is useful in Ulcerative Itches and Prurigo”. (Avicenna)
-abates Tumors, Scrofula, cleanses Wounds (even if toxic or gangrenous).
-“stops Malignant Ulcers”. (Avicenna)
-applied to Dandruff
-as an external wash for trembling of the body.
-as a gargle, it is used for swelling of the Uvula and Tonsils.
-applied to Arthritis (Spirit of Urine is especially effective)
-dropped in for eye diseases
-‘Human urine boiled with honey in copper vessel acts as a detergent in cases of corneal opacity and blood spots in the eye’. (Avicenna)

From a healthy boy under 12 years of age.
1. Nourishes the Yin, Clears Deficient Heat
-fever and debility due to Yin deficiency, with symptoms of Thirst, Night Sweats (Hectic Fever)
-debility from chronic diseases
-also for Hard Masses

2. Nourishes Yin, Benefits Lungs: (TCM)
-Chronic Lung diseases, Consumption
-‘It is said that the urine of a child, when taken orally, alleviates Dyspnoea and Orthopnoea but this is a bad treatment’. (Avicenna)

3. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-Wounds with pus, drink Boy’s urine. (TCM)
-poisoning by mushrooms or spoiled vegetables
-Tetanus from incised Wound, wash with urine
-Bites by Snakes, Scorpions, Spider, Bee, Wasp or Dogs, wash with Urine (TCM)

4. Used in Pharmacy:
-used in the preparation of Minerals (ie. Tutty (Zinc oxide) and Hematite were quenched in Boy’s Urine, Wirtzung)
-TCM has prepared medicines such as Pumice in Child’s Urine

5. Externally:
-‘the salt extracted from the urine of a child collected in a copper (vessel) clears freckles’. (Avicenna)
-the Urine of a boy is dropped in for Earache
-dropped in for poor eyesight, or Sore, Red eyes. (TCM)
-acute Sore Throat, it is gargled (TCM); or mixed with Hog Fat and applied externally. (West)
-bleeding gums, hold Boy’s urine in the mouth (TCM)
-Bites by Snakes, Scorpions, Spider, Bee, Wasp or Dogs, wash with Urine (TCM)
-Deafness from debility, drop warm urtine in the ear. (TCM)

1. Clears Heat: (TCM)
-fever from overwork
-pharyngitis, gingivitis, mouth ulcers from heat.
-Hemoptysis and Epistaxis from Heat.

2. Benefits the Lungs:
-Cough and Wheezing from Lung weakness

3. Promotes Urine, Clears Stones:
-Edema, Stones

4. Externally:
-‘sediments of human urine are useful for Erysipelas’. (Avicenna)


Urine: 100–300mls, usually added to a decoction in TCM
Urine Sediment: 2–6 grams
Urine therapy involves the drinking of one’s own midstream morning urine.


1. Urine therapy, the act of drinking ones midstream morning urine has been widely used, particularly in Ayurveda. It has been advocated in the treatment and cure of numerous diseases.
2. ‘I once saw an old woman who appeared to be in her ‘s. But actually she was 80 years old. I asked how she could maintain such a youthful appearance. She replied that when she was suffering from a malignant disease long ago, someone told her to drink human urine frequently, and she had done so for the last 40 years’. (Zhu Zhen Heng, TCM)

Main Combinations:

1. Jaundice: ‘human urine especially when mixed with hydromel and gram-water, is useful for Jaundice’. (Avicenna)
2. Diarrhea, boil Leek in Urine (300mls) and drink. (Avicenna)
3. Edema:
i. ‘Clysters [Enemas] of the decoction of Carduus Benedictus in urine, given often, cure all dropsies’. (Wirtzung)
ii. Cow dung mixed with Boys Urine as a plaster topically. (Wirtzung)
4. Chronic Cough, soak Licorice in Boy’s Urine overnight and drink in the morning. (Tao Seng Tan Ji Yan, TCM)
5. Consumptive disease, drink warm urine every day. (Ji Yan Fang, TCM)
6. Hectic Fever (Fever from Yin Deficiency), Boil Boy’s urine from 5 parts to 3 parts, mix in some Honey. Take 2 cupfuls, twice daily. (Meng Xian Bi Xiao Fang, TCM)
7. For poisoning, drink child’s urine mixed with wine. (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913)
8. Hard Masses, drink human urine each day. After 20 days, it will be dispersed. (Su Gong Ben Cao, TCM)
9. Epilepsy, Weasel blood mixed with Boys Urine.

10. Dandruff, Urine with Saltpeter topically (West)
11. Eye diseases, Poor eyesight:
i. ask the patient to wash their eyes with their own urine, or else with Boyrs Urine. (Wirtzung)
ii. Fennel, Wormwood, Rue, Eyebright, Sage, Betony, Honey, Camphor, steeped in Boy’s urine in a glass vessel and set in the sun for 9 days, then distilled. One drop in the eye morning and night.
iii. Eyebright, Rue, Betony, Celandine, Rosemary, Larkspur (1 handful each), Frankincense, Myrh, Aloes (2 drams each), Calamus, Mace, Clove (1 dram each), bruise and add to Rosewater (2 pounds), Rue water, Malmsey wine (1 pound each), Boys Urine (half pound). Macerate 8 days, then distil. Drop into the eyes (Sennertus). A very similar formula was credited with restoring sight in some who had been blind for 7 years.
12. Deafness and Tinnitus, Put the patients urine into a pewter dish and cover it with another of the same; hot coals are put under it, and the clear water which rises and sits on the top vessel is gathered with a feather and dropped into the ear.
‘This hath done great cures’.
13. Swelling of the Throat that prevents speaking, stale Urine, Hogs Lard, boil together, soak a flannel cloth and wrap around the Throat for 3 days. (The Physicians of Myddvai, translated by John Pughe esq., 1861)
14. Scrofula, Barley meal, Goose fat, Boys Urine as a plaster topically.
15. Plaster for Toxic Wounds, Barley meal, Bean meal (10 drams each), Licorice, Marshmallow root (both powdered, 5 drams each), Wax, Goose fat (10 drams each), form a plaster with Oil and Childs Urine. (Hali Abbas)
16. Plaster for Putrid, Stinking Ulcers, Litharge (1 part), Oil of Roses (2 parts), White Wine (1 part), Vinegar, Childs Urine (half part), boil together, adding the urine last, until the liquid has wasted, then with Wax, Myrrh, Frankincense (1 oz. each), form a plaster. (Works of that Famous Surgeon John Banester, 1633)
17. Fistula:
i. ‘Take the urine of a man child, and rub it a long time in a leaden mortar until it be thick, afterwards let it dry unto a powder, and then strow this powder on the Fistula’. (Wirtzung)
ii. Fistula in the corner of the Eye, Orpiment, Vitriol, Cantharides, Quick Lime, Sal Ammoniac, Alum (1 scruple each), powder and make a dough with Boys Urine, dry and powder, Put a little into the Fistula. (Wirtzung)
iii. Fistula (of the ear), mix Bull Bile and Boys Urine (equal parts) and apply. (Wirtzung)
18. Chilblains and Kibes:
‘Sir K. Digby relates, That a certain Lady had a Humor broke out at her Heel, which neither Physitians with Purgings and Diet-Drinks, nor Chirurgeons with Ointments could heal and dry up; it was healed in three or four Fomentations with her own Urine newly made, and some white Salt dissolved in it, all warmed, and then with Linnens doubled foment the place by the Fire-side for a quarter of an hour; then bind on a clean dry Linnen, and compress to it; do thus Morning and at Night. It cures all Kibes and Chilblains, even after they are broken; and if used before they are broken, it will prevent them.’ (Hartman, 1682)

Major Formulas:


None noted

Main Preparations used:

Spirit, Volatile Salt

1. Spirit of Urine
  ‘Let the Urine stand 8 or 10 days, in which time it will putrify and ferment; then distill very gently, and that will cometh first is the Spirit. When it beginneth to come weak and insipid (which you will know by tasting a drop) then cease, for all that is good is come over. Thus you shall have near half your quantity of Urine in good Spirit’. (George Hartman, 1682)

2. Volatile Salt of Urine:
Made as for other Volatile Salts.
  ‘Very much esteemed against all obstructions of the Liver, Spleen and Mesentery, to purify the Mass of the Blood, cure the Scurvy, Cachexy, Jaundice, and Hypochondriac diseases. It is prescribed with good success in Lethargy, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, and Convulsions, as also in suffocations of the Matrix. It is highly commended against difficulty of making water, to dissolve the Stone in the Reins and Bladder’.
  Also used in plasters against Gout and Rheumatism.
Dose: 10–12, to 20 or 30 grains. (French Pharmacopeia, Charras, 1678)

1. Diuretic.
2. Migraine: Urea has been used, in doses of 20 grains, 3 times daily for a week, then twice daily for 2 weeks, followed by a 20 grain dose daily for an indefinite period.
3. Wounds and Ulcers have successfully been treated with external applications of Urea.
4. Anti-tumor and Anti-cancer: Urea is said to destabilise the fibrin of solid tumors, making them more vulnerable to chemotherapy and natural immune responses. It also inhibits angiogenesis. When used in 28 patients with advanced Lip cancers (along with curette), response rate was 100%. Of these, 4 patients had recurrences, 3 of which again responded to treatment (Danopoulos et al. 1982). Other researchers have not been able to replicate these findings, although their studies were used with 4 doses per day instead of the 6 used in the original studies.